查看完整版本: Help - Lost umbrella in LV 在塱原遺失雨傘一把

HKBWS Vicky 4/06/2010 23:40

Help - Lost umbrella in LV 在塱原遺失雨傘一把

I've lost my umbrella in Long Valley today. Is there anyone who are going to Long Valley these days? Would you please take note of an orange umbrella with a little big bird (a Sesame Street character) on the handle (see the following photo)? If you found the umbrella, please keep it and PM me. Thank you so much!!!

我今天在塱原遺失了一把雨傘 (縮骨遮). 如果大家這幾天會到塱原的話,麻煩幫幫忙留意有沒有一把橙色縮骨遮,遮柄有一隻小big bird (芝麻街卡通人物, 如下圖). 如有拾獲,請先代為保存並發短消息通知我. 萬分感激!!!

HKBWS Vicky 5/06/2010 21:22

The umbrella is found! Thank you very much!!

Sze 5/06/2010 23:49

[size=4][color=Blue]太好了! [/color][/size]355141fe3244445
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查看完整版本: Help - Lost umbrella in LV 在塱原遺失雨傘一把