查看完整版本: Q5 Do you think the practices in Q1 to Q4 could be relaxed for common birds? 

BWA 29/01/2007 23:01

Q5 Do you think the practices in Q1 to Q4 could be relaxed for common birds? 

[color=blue]Q1 About the use of flash
Q2 Should bait be used to lure birds?
Q3 Should tape recordings be used to lure birds?
Q4 On taking photos of active nest sites[/color]

1. Yes (you may like to provide more details by replying to this post)
2. No

[color=blue]Q1 你認為應如何使用閃光燈拍攝雀鳥?
Q2 應否用誘餌招引雀鳥?
Q3 應否用錄音帶招引雀鳥?
Q4 我們應如何拍攝有雀鳥繁殖的鳥巢/地點?[/color]

1. 是(你可以回覆此帖詳述之)
2. 否
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: Q5 Do you think the practices in Q1 to Q4 could be relaxed for common birds?