查看完整版本: 新保育政策框架 New Conservation Policy Framework

HKBWS Chuan 25/01/2011 19:00

新保育政策框架 New Conservation Policy Framework

The Government has announced last year that Hong Kong will join the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Civic Exchange has launched a programme to promote nature conservation, which includes a report [i][b]Nature Conservation: a new policy framework for Hong Kong [/b][/i] and suggested an annual monitoring report according to the requirements of the CBD. A summit of Environmental NGOs will be held on 21 March 2011 to raise comments to the government.

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society would collect information on conservation and publish annual reports, and the public can easily know the process of conservation work done in Hong Kong.

Please kindly raise any opinions or questions you have on the study report, the annual monitoring or the summit. Your comments would be valuable to us when attending the summit and other discussion sessions with environmental organizations. Please send your comments to
HKBWS Conservation Officer, Mr. Cheng Nok Ming (cnok ming@ hkbws.org.hk).

特區政府去年表示本港將於2011年落實參與《生物多樣性公約》,思匯政策研究所藉此機會發起一項計劃,特別是以《生物多樣性公約》為基礎,撰寫一份研究報告,名為《自然保育: 香港的新政策框架》,計劃亦同時提出每年進行保育監察,及於本年3月21日舉行高峰會,聚集香港各環保團體向特區政府表達意見。



To download the report and read related news, please visit:
English: [url]http://www.civic-exchange.org/wp/natureconservation/[/url]
中文: [url]http://cht.civic-exchange.org/wp/110121natureconservation/[/url]

Cheng Nok Ming
Conservation Officer, HKBWS

anncheung0831 2/02/2011 17:04

Thanks much!

[[i] Last edited by anncheung0831 at 2/02/2011 23:17 [/i]]

HKBWS Chuan 12/03/2011 12:02

Workshops with EnvNGOs were successfully held in the past weeks. A summit of EnvNGOs would be held on 21 March 2011 to work on a joint statement to Government calling for a brand new conservation policy that is of international standard.

早前多個環保團體已出席了一系列的研討會, 而於2011年3月21日高峰會各團體將會擬訂一個聯合聲明, 要求政府盡快制訂一個合乎國際標準的保育政策。

Sze 27/05/2011 17:24

24 個香港環保團體聯署聲明促政府達自然保育國際標準



對香港政府承諾參與《生物多樣性公約》 (《公約》)及《卡塔赫納生物安全議定書》,我們強烈支持及贊同,並相信有關程序可於2011年內完成。






全文: [url]http://www.wwf.org.hk/news/?4500/24-Hong-Kong-Environmental-NGOs-Joint-Statement-Urging-Government-to-Reach-Nature-Conservation-Global-Standards[/url]

Sze 27/05/2011 17:25


HKBWS Chuan 8/06/2011 17:57

漁農自然護理署發言人表示, 中華人民共和國已宣佈《生物多樣性公約》由於2011年5月9日起正式延伸至香港特別行政區。
A Spokesman from AFCD saids the PRC Government has declared that the Convention on Biological Diversity has been extended to HKSAR with effect from 9 May 2011.

聯合國條約網頁(有關聲明在網頁底部) United Nations Webpage (The declaration is near the bottom)
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