查看完整版本: EAAF Partnership - Photo request

sbena 3/08/2012 10:28

EAAF Partnership - Photo request

Dear All,

The East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (of which the HKBWS is a member) is looking to raise awareness of key waterbird species in this flyway by producing bird stickers to disseminate to visitors at the upcoming IUCN World Congress in South Korea.

The Partnership is asking for photos of the following species: Great Knot, Baikal Teal, Chinese Crested Tern, Nordmann’s Greenshank, Chinese Egret, Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Scaly-sided Merganser, Black-faced Spoonbill and Red-crowned Crane/White-naped Crane/Hooded Crane.

If you can help, then please send your photos to the Public Information Officer, Minseom Kim < [u][color=Blue][email]min-seon.kim@eaaflyway.net[/email][/color][/u] >, by Tuesday 07 August together with photo credit information.


HKBWS Vivian 3/08/2012 11:25

主要物種包括大濱鷸, 花臉鴨, 中華鳳頭燕鷗, 小青腳鷸, 黃嘴白鷺, 勺嘴鷸, 中華秋沙鴨, 黑臉琵鷺, 以及丹頂鶴/白枕鶴/白頭鶴, 或其他在東亞-澳大利西亞遷飛航道中出現的鳥種。
請在8月7日前把照片連同攝影者資料發給秘書處的Minseom Kim ([email]min-seon.kim@eaaflyway.net[/email])

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