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tbob 19/10/2006 09:15

How do people change their User name

I am wondering how people change their user "log in" name, as there are several log in names that are obviously not their surname-christian name eg bad_egg1



深藍-Owen 19/10/2006 09:39


my understand is you may register any name as you like, but doesn't mean that login name will validate by administrator.  :wink:

tbob 19/10/2006 10:29

Thanks Owen, keep up the good work on the new BBS


fforrest 19/10/2006 10:33

username/login name & name to be displayed in the portal

Hi Bob,

Due to security reason and so as to factilitate our future website maintenance, we will not accept any username/logname which is not complied with our requirements, i.e. username should be formed by the 1st letter of the Lastname(surname/family name) plus the whole firstname (given name).

The registration with "badegg01" is unacceptable and has been deleted.
Although we will handle the registration from time to time, we may need one to two days or even longer time to handle all the registration. Maybe you can see some invalid username in the members list but I can tell you that they are not activated yet.

In fact, we have just added a "Name" field in the "Profile" section which you can input your name in it and then your name will be displayed/showed in the profile information, messages & etc.


Forrest FONG

hkwongkit 19/10/2006 16:00

Re: username/login name & name to be displayed in the portal

[quote:646731ecb5="fforrest"]... In fact, we have just added a "Name" field in the "Profile" section which you can input your name in it and then your name will be displayed/showed in the profile information, messages & etc. ... [/quote]

Hi Forrest,

Now that you've provided a 'Name' field why not make this a mandatory entry and forget about dispaying the 'user name' which is confusing for most if not all readers. Also the 'user name' is only used by the user himself/herself when log-in and administration/software for verification purpose.


Hendrix 19/10/2006 23:50

Re: username/login name & name to be displayed in the portal

[quote:46bbdf3db6="hkwongkit"][quote:46bbdf3db6="fforrest"]... In fact, we have just added a "Name" field in the "Profile" section which you can input your name in it and then your name will be displayed/showed in the profile information, messages & etc. ... [/quote]

Hi Forrest,

Now that you've provided a 'Name' field why not make this a mandatory entry and forget about dispaying the 'user name' which is confusing for most if not all readers. Also the 'user name' is only used by the user himself/herself when log-in and administration/software for verification purpose.


right  :!:

[color=red] [size=24]根本就是個沒必要,惹 user 反感,令 viwer 誤會的措施 [/size][/color]  :shock:  :x  :x  :x

tmichael 19/10/2006 23:52

I'd like to support KK's suggestion, but only if people are going to use their real names.

I'd like to think we are mature enough to do that, and not to have nicknames all over the place, which to me at least sound rather childish.

Also it's fairly clear that the system for filing photos under family groups is running into a few problems.

I'd be happy to help sort it out, but clearly people also need to check in a reference book which group photos should be filed under. Overall I think the new portal represents progress, and support Geoff Carey's suggestion that the full reasons for switching to it should be made public so that any initial detractors have the full picture - the point about the inappropriate picture posts which needed to be removed from the old BBS, was news to me, for example.

Mike Turnbull.

深藍-Owen 20/10/2006 16:35

Re: username/login name & name to be displayed in the portal

[quote:42f87ffb20="thendrix"][quote:42f87ffb20="hkwongkit"][quote:42f87ffb20="fforrest"]... In fact, we have just added a "Name" field in the "Profile" section which you can input your name in it and then your name will be displayed/showed in the profile information, messages & etc. ... [/quote]

Hi Forrest,

Now that you've provided a 'Name' field why not make this a mandatory entry and forget about dispaying the 'user name' which is confusing for most if not all readers. Also the 'user name' is only used by the user himself/herself when log-in and administration/software for verification purpose.


right  :!:

[color=red] [size=24]根本就是個沒必要,惹 user 反感,令 viwer 誤會的措施 [/size][/color]  :shock:  :x  :x  :x[/quote]

Hendrix, 我唔明你點解反應咁大.  新 system launch. 大家有意見係正常. 但你可唔可以平心靜氣 d 呀? 你個名你可以諗到係 The Ndrix. 咁 Hendrix 都可以當係 He Ndrix 架o者?

我地唔係唔接受意見. 但你比意見時. 有冇諗過背後做野班人呀? Forrest 叫左兩年找人幫手. 來來去去都係果幾個. 個 phpBB 佢獨力攪左半年. 唔係淨係一個 forum 比你地吹水咁簡單架. 後面仲 connect 左幾個 application . 大家用同一個 user database 架.

要你參與時你就走埋一邊. 到 launch 左有問題. 你就淨係曉鬧. 大佬. 比意見還比意見呀, 你咁 negative, 我地好 hardfeeling 架!! 做咁多野出黎. 比人鬧? 貪得意?  你要明白, 個新 system 好同唔好. 作為觀鳥會會員既你, 都有責任架~!

Hendrix 20/10/2006 18:05

sorry for your hardfeeling .

"要你參與時你就走埋一邊 "  :roll:  :roll:  我都唔知幾時/邊班人做緊哩單野,點樣 要你參與時你就走埋一邊 ?

又有冇想過 user 的 hardfeeling  :?:  我都不是 reg 這樣的名,到我 log in 唔到先知我個名被[color=blue]我未同意下 [/color]改成了另一名,點解變成了由個 adim 來指定你用咩名   :roll:  還有 祖葉 講的私隱問題  :!:  [color=blue]未經 user 同意下 [/color] 公開個姓又冇想過 user 的 hardfeeling  :?:

administrator 成了 user 的再生父母咩,可以幫人改名?

本來大家相熟熱鬧的一個網,突然變成互相唔知邊個打邊個的莫(??陌)生人世界 又冇想過 user 的 hardfeeling  :?:

大把網可以是 log in 用指定, 但網名可自定啦,有咩問題    :?:

深藍-Owen 20/10/2006 18:21

[quote:7d1ba5d910="thendrix"]sorry for your hardfeeling .

"要你參與時你就走埋一邊 "  :roll:  :roll:  我都唔知幾時/邊班人做緊哩單野,點樣 要你參與時你就走埋一邊 ?

又有冇想過 user 的 hardfeeling  :?:  我都不是 reg 這樣的名,到我 log in 唔到先知我個名被[color=blue]我未同意下 [/color]改成了另一名,點解變成了由個 adim 來指定你用咩名   :roll:  還有 祖葉 講的私隱問題  :!:  [color=blue]未經 user 同意下 [/color] 公開個姓又冇想過 user 的 hardfeeling  :?:

administrator 成了 user 的再生父母咩,可以幫人改名?

本來大家相熟熱鬧的一個網,突然變成互相唔知邊個打邊個的莫生人世界 又冇想過 user 的 hardfeeling  :?:

大把網可以是 log in 用指定, 但網名可自定啦,有咩問題    :?:[/quote]

麻煩你以後睇 Gallery 同時. 得閒睇下其他 forum. 出過既 announcement 找義工. 出了好耐亦多次了. 我亦係睇到之後加入既.

係. 我地可能冇諗到. 大家會有咁大反應. 由其係你. 但冇一個 system 係完美既, 收集左意見,  咪嘗試睇下有冇可能改到囉. 但唔等於一定改到. 因為正如之前講. 個 system 唔係獨立既. 唔係普通一個吹水 post 相 forum. 背後係 connect 左鳥會會員 database. 有其他 system 包括以後報名參加活動. 同埋觀鳥報告提交等.

但正如我之前所講. 你比意見既方法. 可唔可以正面D. 就好似其他人咁. 而唔係一黎就鬧. 好似你死我亡. 夾硬要將做呢個 system 既人同其他會員分化為兩個階層. 就好似一個階層壓迫緊另一個階層咁? 咁為乜呢?? 陽光與海灘. 你我都有份. 呢個 forum 都一樣架~!

Hendrix 20/10/2006 20:32

要改就趁現在未多人 reg 時改,好過越來越多人 reg 時難改。

最根本的問題是,同 admin 熟就可以用比較自選的名,不熟的就被公開私隱接近真名, admin 抓了這權上身點會冇人不服氣? 越來越多人 reg 時 admin 就會面對更多的質疑和挑剔,admin 有排煩,個網又冇人氣 ,你明唔明呀?

對外 display 網名 代號一個,點解不能 自定  :roll:

yjoe 21/10/2006 01:00

噢! 那麼火藥味重!?

其實都是好事丫, 證明好多人都好緊張這個網站丫嘛.

我都係鳥會member, 但係...都係唔好意思, 都無留意義工一欄.
我估, 我只可以偶然影幾張相, 趁無人貼相時, 堆砌一下o個種人.

要maintain 一個system, 真係唔全職都要半職工作.

各朋友為鳥會貢獻的鳥照, 也都要至敬呀!

其實 Hendrix 好威架喇, 有專人幫你加番個username. 我要自己reg. o架. :(
即是話, 鳥會都好睇重你lor :)

另外,就是因為我真實名字不好聽, 所以就浪費了會員可以貼相在鳥會的功能.

其實.我真係有問題, 可唔可以答下我?
1. 加個姓的第一個英文字母, 有甚麼作為呢?
   用來做grouping ? filtering ?
   排活動時的 號碼仔?

2. 加姓為何又不加 underline or stroke 作間格呢?
   eg. y_joe  or y-joe or  y;joe.
   從human-interfacing 的角度來看, 把 joe yip 改成 yjoe, 好像怪怪咁.
   慘! y字背, 排number 又要排到尾 !

3. 真係唔講唔知, 如來
   "背後係 connect 左鳥會會員 database. "

   極之關心私隱安全   和  極之不信任firewall 的我, 就萬二份之擔心,


   忽然想問, 如果取消會籍, 或明年不交會費, 我的個人資料會否即時完全刪除?

   在缺乏資源之下, 我極力主張把鳥會 database 和 internet 分開.
   記得舊網曾經數次被 attack 過.

   其實會員數目不是太多的話, 用 Access 的 mdb file 便可.
  未必要 sql xxxx , mmsql.

4. 硬要會員以登記時的名字作 username, 公佈天下,
   是天下, 不是會內兄弟,

   註: 天下,包括好心人, 和別有用心的人 喎.
  我總是覺得 網上 和 網下是兩個不一樣的世界,
  不要把 兩者 硬拉在一起.
  除非 internet 整個架構改變, 要用 id number or passport no.
  才可以 上網,
  否則, 在internet 用真實姓名,是自找麻煩.

ckn 21/10/2006 23:07

While I appreciate the efforts by the administration, but I fully agree to the views of "thendrix" and "yjoe".

I just wonder why can't "CHAN Tai Man David" use the following log-in names:-
(i) "tm_chan"
(ii) "tm-chan",
(iii) "david_chan",
(iv) "david-chan",
(v) "chan_tm",
(vi) "chan-tm",
(vii) "chan_david", or
(viii) "chan-david"

I don't mind using my surname but not my other name.  [b]I think this is a privacy issue, not just a technical issue.[/b]

Hope the administration will consider my views.  Thanks.

fforrest 21/10/2006 23:26

Just a quick response to ckenn's query.

If members are allowed to use the username as mentioned by ckenn, the admin group needs to check 8 possible options for finding out a member named as CHAN Tai Man David.
I also don't think this would sovle the so-called privacy problem mentioned by yjoe.

I really don't understand why some members keep refusing to make use of the "name" field provided in the profile section to display their name in the portal & posts but just rely on the username/login name for id their existence. I don't think our members are mean to privide their signature at the end of their posts.


ckacheung 22/10/2006 00:00

第一, 我地要欣賞forrest的努力, 起一個bbs...唔易..仲要係鳥會的
第二, 我地個名.......有無得商量呀??? 老實講, 大家叫開個名.....好似突然間陌生晒...有無d可以show返我地舊時個名的過度措施。
第三, 這個forum應處於收集意見的階段, hendrix的意見也是一種意見, owen的回應也是一種意見, 我地可以等鳥會有關義工商討後, 由他們決定吧!  現時有心人有心又有力都算係咁啦....
大家和和氣氣, 第時睇雀都會碰到面, 何必咁勞氣

fforrest 22/10/2006 00:27

Please stop doing it!

[size=16]Hi Waterblowing,

Could you please stop using the username Waterblowing or BWater and providing Bird and Water & etc as your firstname and lastname (email:  waterblowing2003@yahoo.com.hk) for registering in the portal.
I really don't know why you still using these name to register in the forum after posting your above message.

The registeration requirement is alreadly clearly mentioned in my pervious emails sent to you.

Please understand that not only your registration will be rejected, unnecessary workload to the admin group has been created by your non-compliance registration.


Forrest FONG
HKBWS IT Group[/size]

ckacheung 22/10/2006 00:57

forrest, I find the way to show my name la..
thanks for your advice...:)

Hendrix 22/10/2006 21:19

forrest , the point is admin group don't have to do that [color=darkred]unnecessary workload [/color] , if the admin group not going to [color=red]assign [/color] the name for user .

admin group wil have endless headache to keep doing so .

the point is also not about use the "name" field or not . the point is user don't want to show real name .

fforrest 22/10/2006 23:00

[quote:6be1c11dd7="thendrix"]the point is also not about use the "name" field or not . the point is user don't want to show real name .[/quote]
I really really don't understand why user likes to show their full real name in their photos posted onto the forums but don't want to show 1st letter of their lastname in the loginID. :?:


Hendrix 22/10/2006 23:21

the point is ”to show or not to show " real name  is decide by user , should [color=red] never [/color] be decide by admin . same for the net name .

no metter admin understand or not , it is ture and it should be , each  user have their own temperament & position on web & real world .  and I did feel very offence to be force to change my name .

and it is a open forum , not a priv one . user do [color=blue] realy care [/color] what their ID look & sound like  :!:

tbob 23/10/2006 08:25

I think we should all remember that this is the voice of the HKBWS and as such if any liableous or defamatory article is posted on this site, we as members are responsible. Therefore it is only fair that the administrators have some control or knowledge as to whom posts on the site.

We dont want a closed BBS and what we now have is a public BBS but with some security built in.

Bob Thompson

mkoren 23/10/2006 09:26

[quote:bb21cc926b="tbob"]I think we should all remember that this is the voice of the HKBWS and as such if any liableous or defamatory article is posted on this site, we as members are responsible. Therefore it is only fair that the administrators have some control or knowledge as to whom posts on the site.

The issue isn't whether the administrators can see the real name of posters - of course they should be able to. The issue is what name is [b]displayed[/b] to the rest of the world next to people's posts. Some people, for various legitimate reasons, don't want their full names shown, or want to show a particular version of their name. I can also quite understand that some people don't like their login ID and don't want it displayed. I think mine is quite ugly, and it doesn't bear any relationship to any form of my name that I use. Apart from this, for security reasons there are good arguments for keeping login IDs private.

The argument that it will make things harder for the administrators if people can choose any login ID sounds spurious to me. In a database you can search by login ID, real name, user name or any other piece of information. So if I had chosen a login ID of korenm (or jsmith, or abcde) instead of mkoren, the administrators should just be able to search using this information and find out my real name and other information. Similarly, if I choose that the only information about me that is displayed is my name, which I enter as "Batman", the administrators should be able to search for this name and find my real name very simply. Why do the admins have to "check 8 possible options" as Forrest said in one of his earlier posts - doesn't this software have a proper search option in its administrative functions?

Personally, I would prefer to just display my name (in whatever form I care to enter it) and have my username and real name kept for access by admins only.

Cheers, Koren

yjoe 23/10/2006 11:17

Personally, I would prefer to just display my name (in whatever form I care to enter it) and have my username and real name kept for access by admins only.

Acceptable suggestion.

Indeed, how many actived user use their real name as the login name (including admin ) ?

And thanks for the soon and kindly clarification from Admin. :)
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