查看完整版本: Honorary Member - Dr Michael Leven

HKBWS WY 18/12/2015 17:27

Honorary Member - Dr Michael Leven

[color=DarkGreen][size=3]On behalf of the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the contribution of Dr Michael Leven towards the birds of Hong Kong and the Society in the past few decades. Therefore, the members of the Executive Committee are unanimously supported the nomination of Mike as our “Honorary Member” to acknowledge his enormous contribution to the Records Committee for the past 23 years and the development of the Society.

Usually, we call for the nomination of Honorary Members during our AGM, however, we agreed not to delay it until the next AGM.

Please accept our wholehearted thanks and congratulations.

Best regards
Apache Lau and all Members of the Executive Committee
18 Dec 2015


本人謹代表香港觀鳥會,感謝利偉文博士(Dr. Michael Leven)在過去幾十年對本港鳥類研究及鳥會的貢獻,為此,本會執行委員會一致通過提名利偉文博士成為本會的「榮譽會員」,特此鳴謝他在「紀錄委員會」廿三年的服務,也對本會的發展裨益甚深。




tsheunglai 18/12/2015 19:39

Dear All

It's all worth of have Mike elected honorary member of the society.

Congratulations, Mike.

S L Tai
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