查看完整版本: 反對發展綠化地帶 Reject development in Green Belt

HKBWS Chuan 27/06/2016 10:52

反對發展綠化地帶 Reject development in Green Belt

The HKBWS understands that the rezoning is for the conservation of the grade one historic building Carrick at 23 Coombe Road.  However, we consider that nature conservation should not be sacrificed for heritage conservation, particularly when the Government has not fully explored other alternative options.  The “like-for-like” land exchange for the in-situ heritage preservation at 23 Coombe Road should be kept within residential zonings of low ecological value, while the Green Belt (GB) area of moderate ecological value should be retained as a buffer between the residential area and the Aberdeen Country Park.  The public consultation deadline is Wednesday (29 June), please submit your objection letter to TPB to protect the GB areas and to avoid potential cumulative impacts on the Black Kite roost at Magazine Gap!

城規會電郵 TPB email:[email=tpbpd@pland.gov.hk]tpbpd@pland.gov.hk[/email]

You can also use the online petition created by The Aberdeen Country Park Concern Group to send your views to the TPB: [url=https://goo.gl/7t6OeG]https://goo.gl/7t6OeG[/url]

Video of some background information of the rezoning produced by the Aberdeen Country Park Concern Group:

Below are major concerns of HKBWS regarding the amendment of the OZP:

[b]The rezoning site is of moderate ecological value: [/b]According to a previous plant survey report, the rezoning site has a mature woodland with moderate diversity of native flora.  It has good linkages to adjacent woodlands and has potential to become a more mature woodland in the absence of human disturbance.  Seedlings and tree specimens of the globally vulnerable Silver-back Artocarpus (Artocarpus hypargyreus) was found in and around the rezoning site.

[b]The rezoning site should be kept as a GB zone:[/b] The rezoning site is well-vegetated and is of moderate ecological value.  It currently acts as a buffer between the residential developments in the area and the Aberdeen Country Park and is entirely in line with the planning intention of the GB zone.

[b]Adverse ecological impacts of the rezoning:[/b] The proposed residential zoning would lead to vegetation removal for the construction of a new house, which destroys the ecological value of the rezoning site and reduces the habitat quality of the adjacent woodland.  It would also greatly reduce the width of the GB zone, hence lowering the buffering capacity of the GB zone for the adjacent Aberdeen Country Park.

[*][b]對馬己仙峽麻鷹晚棲地的關注:[/b]馬己仙峽的麻鷹(Milvus migrans)晚棲地不僅是全港最大,而且是南中國已知最大的晚棲地。我們擔憂是次改劃會為日後綠化地的發展立下不良先例,引致對具區域重要性的麻鷹晚棲地造成累積影響。
[b]Concerns regarding the Magazine Gap Black Kite roost: [/b]The Black Kite (Milvus migrans) roost at Magazine Gap is not only the largest in Hong Kong, but also the largest known roost in southern China.  We are concerned the approval of the proposed amendment of the OZP would set an undesirable precedent for future developments in the GB zones of the area, leading to cumulative impacts on the Black Kite roost of regional importance.

[b]Not in line with the GB rezoning policy: [/b]In recent years, the Policy Addresses only proposed to rezone GB areas which “are devegetated, deserted or formed” , but nothing was mentioned for the rezoning of vegetated GB areas.  We consider the current rezoning of well-vegetated GB zone is not in line with the previous policy addresses and contradictory to the “presumption against development” of GB zones.

[*][b]為決定負上責任:[/b]倘若此改劃通過,改劃申請人及支持通過改劃的城規會委員以及有關政府部門須為此決定 - 犧牲生態、地貌及靜態康樂價值等公共資產以成全私人奢華發展及成為香港非可持續發展的標誌性例子 - 負上責任。
[b]Full responsibility for the decision made: [/b]Should this amendment be approved, both the proponent and those willing to approve the proposed amendment in the TPB and relevant Government departments and bodies must expect to be held accountable for sacrificing the public assets of ecological, landscape and passive recreational value of the site in order to facilitate a private luxury development in what will become a landmark example of unsustainable development for Hong Kong.[/list]
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查看完整版本: 反對發展綠化地帶 Reject development in Green Belt