查看完整版本: 鹿兒島 -- 出水市

wcaptain 24/11/2016 13:44

鹿兒島 -- 出水市

出水市 Izumi, Kagoshima, Kyushu

2 hr drive from Kagoshima to Izumi. No highway, just by ordinary road.

出水有火車往鹿兒島,JR網站顯示班次為每小時一班車。出水火車站距鶴類觀察中心(observatory centre) 約10公里車程,好像沒有公共交通往來出水火車站及該觀察中心 (但12月-至翌年2月有觀光巴士)。
JR train services - once an hour. The crane observatory centre is about 10 km away from the train station. It appears no public transport between the station and crane site. But google says there should be some tourist shuttle bus during peak season (Dec - Feb)

主要為鶴類觀察中心附近兩三公里地方。但其實Hooded Crane 周街係,而Sandhill 及 White-naped cranes 則在東面新墾地
Where to watch cranes? Hooded cranes are everywhere. Pls check the birding map below for other two cranes.

最主要係 Hooded crane (十一月季初已有一二千隻) 。另有數量數少的White-naped cranes,及來自美洲的sandhill crane
What to see? Hooded cranes are abundant even in late Oct/early Nov (about 2000 nos). 3 White-naped cranes were just arrived (in early Nov), and 1 sandhill was seen.  

12月至翌年二三月,除了數量最多外,還有機會看到一些稀有鶴 (Common灰鶴, Siberian白鶴 及 Demoiselle crane蓑羽鶴)
Best time to go (Dec - Feb/Mar). Rare cranes like Common, Siberian and Demoiselle, may sometimes occur in Jan/Feb.

鶴類觀察中心泊車位附近有兩三間日式大牌檔,其中有一間專買蠔,午餐 (1500 yen) 有六隻自助燒蠔及白飯再加配菜。
Lunch: some eateries can be found near the carpark of the crane centre. One of them is an oyster specialist. A lunch set of 6 BBQ (self services) oysters, plus rice and jap salad is 1500 yen

Sleeping: two hotels can be found near the station. There is one Jap B&B near the crane centre.

若自駕,可考慮這間日式獨立屋 (淨住一間屋13000 yen 一晚; 距鶴類觀察中心10分鐘車程) 。屋主只懂少許英文,但會用手機軟件翻譯,所以基本溝通ok。

If u have your wheels, try this jap house (13000 yen for one night)

Pls note you have to input the full address if using the GPS in the car. Just inputting the telephone no does not work

Have fun

[[i] Last edited by wcaptain at 24/11/2016 14:31 [/i]]

wcaptain 24/11/2016 13:49

Hooded crane 白頭鶴




Sandhill crane 沙丘鶴

White-naped crane 白枕鶴


wcaptain 24/11/2016 14:18


SamYui 25/11/2016 12:05

Thx for your information!
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查看完整版本: 鹿兒島 -- 出水市