查看完整版本: Phenology Watch 鳥類觀察紀錄

HKBWS Vivian 14/03/2017 17:34

Phenology Watch 鳥類觀察紀錄

Bird Research Japan is asking for data for the following migratory landbird species:

Common cuckoo Cuculus canorus 大杜鵑
Lesser cuckoo Cuculus poliocephalus 小杜鵑
Brown hawk owl Ninox scutulata 鷹鴞
Barn swallow Hirundo rustica (arrival at nest)家燕(回巢)
Skylark Alauda arvensis (first singing flight)雲雀(第一次飛鳴唱)
Japanese bush warbler Horornis diphone (first singing)日本樹鶯(第一聲歌聲)

More information and song clips on this website (in English)鳥類鳴唱參考:

If you see the above species, please report them with information: 如果您有遇到這些鳥, 請紀錄
-species name 鳥名
-first day recorded第一次記錄日期
-location and rough geographic coordinates地點及坐標
Please send the information here然後把資料發送到: [url]http://www.bird-research.jp/1_katsudo/kisetu/phenology.html[/url]
Or或:  [email]br@bird-research.jp[/email].
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查看完整版本: Phenology Watch 鳥類觀察紀錄