查看完整版本: 香港鳥類名錄 List of Hong Kong Birds (2018-04-25)

Record Com 5/06/2018 23:58

香港鳥類名錄 List of Hong Kong Birds (2018-04-25)

[align=left]記錄委員會於4月25日的會議,決定新增以下鳥種至 “香港鳥類名錄”:[/align]
[b][align=left][b][u]第 I 類[/u][/b][/align][/b][align=left][b]鐵爪鵐 (Lapland Longspur [/b][i]Calcarius lapponicus[/i][b])[/b] -- 於2018年3月13日在南生圍拍攝。[/align]
[b][align=left][b][u]第 III 類[/u][/b][/align][/b][align=left][b]笑翠鳥 (Laughing Kookaburra[/b] [i]Dacelo novaeguineae[/i][b])[/b] -- 2016年6月24日在蛤塘村的聲音記錄。[/align][align=left][b]灰胸鸚哥(Monk Parakeet[/b][i] Myiopstitta monachus[/i][b])[/b] -- 2016年10月12日在塱原的照片記錄。[/align][align=left][b]朱鸝 (Maroon Oriole[/b][i]Oriolus traillii[/i][b]) [/b]-- 2017年3月30日在蒲台島的照片記錄。[/align][align=left][b]漠䳭 (Desert Wheatear[/b] [i]Oenanthe deserti[/i][b])[/b]  --  2013年2月19日在香港國際機場的照片記錄。[/align]
[align=left]"香港鳥類名錄" 第 I 及第 II 類共有553種。[/align]
[align=left]At the meeting of the Records Committee on 25 April 2018, the following additions to the HK List were agreed.[/align]
[b][align=left][b][u]Category I[/u][/b][/align][/b][align=left][b]Lapland Longspur[/b] [i]Calcarius lapponicus[/i]. -- One filmed at Nam Sang Wai on 13 March 2018. [/align]
[u][align=left][u][b]Category III[/b][/u][/align]
[/u][align=left][b]Laughing Kookaburra[/b] [i]Dacelo novaeguineae[/i]  -- on 24 June 2016 sound recorded at Kop Tong Village.[/align][align=left][b]Monk Parakeet [/b][i]Myiopstitta monachus[/i] -- photographed on 12 October 2016 at Long Valley.[/align][align=left][b]Maroon Oriole [/b][i]Oriolus traillii [/i]-- photographed on 30 March 2017 on Po Toi.[/align][align=left][b]Desert Wheatear [/b][i]Oenanthe deserti[/i] --photographed at HK International Airport on 19 February 2013.[/align]
[align=left]The HK List now stands at 553 species in Categories I and II. [/align]
[align=left]最新的"香港鳥類名錄"可於以下連結下載  [/align][align=left]The latest "List of Hong Kong Birds" can be download at the following links:[/align]
[attach]35367[/attach](MS Excel file)(Category I to III)
[attach]35368[/attach](PDF file)(Category I and II only)

[color=#000000][url=http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/attachment.php?aid=34657][b]罕見鳥類記錄表格 Unusual Record Form (URF).doc[/b][/url]
[/color][/align][align=left][b][url=http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/attachment.php?aid=34658]2018 鳥類記錄表格 2018 Record Form.xlsx[/url] [/b]
[u][align=left][u][b]鳥種類別的定義如下[/b][/u]﹕[/align][/u][align=left]第  I  類﹕ 在香港有明確野生紀錄。[/align][align=left]第 IIA 類﹕ 中國東南部地區繁殖的鳥種,現時在香港的繁殖群落被認為是由逃逸的籠鳥所繁衍的,但亦可能在棲息地出現變化前已在香港出沒。[/align][align=left]第 IIB 類﹕ 非原居鳥種;經人為引入香港,現無需靠額外幫助已能繼續繁衍。[/align][align=left]第 IIC 類﹕ 曾經在香港有野生群落的鳥種。[/align][align=left]第 III 類﹕ 根據已發表所有香港紀錄顯示,此鳥種可能在飼養時逃逸或人為放生。[/align]
[align=left]*第 III 類鳥種並非香港鳥類名錄正式確認的鳥種, 香港鳥類名錄只包括第 I 類及第 II 類。[/align]
[b][align=left][b][u]The species category definition is as follows[/u][/b]:[/align][/b][align=left]Category I: species that have been recorded in an apparently wild state in HK.[/align][align=left]Category IIA: southeast China breeding species, the currently established HK breeding population of which is considered to derive from captive stock, but which probably occurred in HK prior to habitat changes.[/align][align=left]Category IIB: extralimital species that, although originally introduced to HK by man, maintain a regular feral breeding stock without necessary recourse to further introduction.[/align][align=left]Category IIC: previously established feral species.[/align][align=left]Category III: species for which all published HK records are considered likely to relate to birds that have escaped or have been released from captivity.[/align]
[align=left]*Category III species do not form part of the official HK List which is only Category I and II species.[/align]
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查看完整版本: 香港鳥類名錄 List of Hong Kong Birds (2018-04-25)