查看完整版本: 塱原管理協議計劃進展 Progress of Management Agreement Project in LV

HKBWS Vicky 29/04/2008 17:35

塱原管理協議計劃進展 Progress of Management Agreement Project in LV

[align=center][img]http://www.hkbws.org.hk/fileServer/Projectofficer/LV/HKBWS_LOGO.JPG[/img] [size=5][b]塱原自然保育管理計劃[/b][/size][img]http://www.hkbws.org.hk/fileServer/Projectofficer/LV/The%20Conservancy%20Association.jpg[/img][/align]

[size=4]由環境及自然保育基金贊助的「人鳥和諧自然共存 – 塱原可持續生態管理計劃」經歷了兩年濕地管理工作之後,已於2008年1月結束。在鳥類保育方面,第二年度錄得的雀鳥總數較第一年度上升近20%,種類方面,連同會員提交的紀錄,我們共錄得1個香港新紀錄和12個塱原新紀錄;過去兩年亦舉辦了不少公眾教育活動和義工活動。總括來說是項試驗計劃尚算成功,我們印製了一份單張,簡單地介紹塱原和這個計劃,歡迎會員取閱。

After the two-year wetland management, Birds and Humans in Harmony – A Sustainable Management Scheme in Long Valley which is funded by the Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF) was completed in Jan 2008. For bird conservation, the number of birds recorded in the 2nd project year is about 20% higher than that recorded in the 1st year. A Hong Kong first and 12 Long Valley first are also recorded throughout the two years including those records submitted by members. In the past two years, we have organized public education activities as well as volunteer activities. To sum up, this management agreement pilot scheme is a success. We have published a leaflet introducing Long Valley as well as the project for members’ collection.
At the end of 2007, HKBWS and The Conservancy Association (CA) cooperated and applied for funding from ECF again in order to extend the habitat management practices. The new 2-year project namely “Nature Conservation Management for Long Valley” started in March 2008. Besides those managed fields, we planned to extend the managed area of shallow water habitat and wet agricultural land. Moreover, fish ponds and Fung Shui Wood in Ho Sheung Heung are the newly added habitat type of the project. The new project needs your support! If you are interested in conservation of Long Valley or knowing more about the new project, please feel free to contact Miss Yeung (email: [email]yvicky@hkbws.org.hk[/email]).[/size]
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