查看完整版本: Mai Po Outing米埔觀鳥活動

HKBWS Surveyor 28/07/2008 11:39

Mai Po Outing米埔觀鳥活動

Mai Po Nature Reserve Outing

Date: 17/8/2008 Sunday
Time: 08:00 - 16:00
Gathering Time: 08:00
Gathering place: 08:00 Kowloon Tong MTR Station (Kent Road exit) or 09:00 Mai Po AFCD warden post
Departure time: coach leaves at 15:00 and back to Kowloon Tong at 16:00
[b]Coach Fare: HK$40/Member; HK$60/Non-member; HK$20/Student Member (Non-members joining Mai Po Outing will have to pay the coach fare irrespective of whether they make use of the coach. Members not using the coach do not need to pay coach fare.) [/b]
[color=Red]Target Species: Early migrants[/color]

Limited to 50 participants only - please return the registration form* together with the coach fare to HKBWS Office for registration. (Priority is given to HKBWS members and those participants who also use the above Registration Function above to record their registration.)

* According to the requirement of the Hong Kong Police and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, participants for the Mai Po activities should provide their full name and Hong Kong ID No. to register for the access to the Frontier Close Area and Mai Po Marshes

We will confirm the participants about 2 weeks before the outing whether their reservation application is accepted or not. Once the reservation is confirmed, we will not accept any withdrawal. All the registered participants are required to pay the prescribed fare, no matter they can attend the outing or not. If we cancel the outing due to inclement weather or special reason, the paid fare will be refunded to the participants.

The Activiites Enquiry Hotline / for contacting outing leaders at the event date only: 9457 3196.

Click below link to download application form

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society shall have no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for expenditure or other liabilities arising from the activities.


集合地點:08:00 九龍塘地鐵站(根德道出口)或09:00 米埔的漁農自然護理署管理站
回程時間:15:00 乘巴士回程 16:00 回到九龍塘

名額只限50位,請把報名表格*連同船費寄交香港觀鳥會辦公室報名參加 (如果同時利用以上報名功能記錄報名,可獲優先參與權利;本會會員有優先參與權利)



活動查詢熱線/當天與領隊聯絡電話:9457 3196



[[i] Last edited by HKBWS Surveyor at 16/08/2008 10:10 [/i]]

HKBWS Surveyor 28/07/2008 12:02

[size=4]Gathering point at Kent Road, Kowloon Tong 根德道集合地點[/size]

[size=4]Gathering point at Mai Po car park 米埔停車場集合地點[/size]

lchunfai 31/07/2008 10:15

請問Remarks 填甚麼?

HKBWS Vicky 31/07/2008 11:22

remarks 請填上你的會員號碼(如適用),你會在哪裏集合和會否乘搭旅遊巴.
Please write down your membership id no.(if any), where you're going to gather and whether you'll take the coach.

lchunfai 31/07/2008 13:00

You application have been sent, please wait for approve.

報了名了keke ~

HKBWS Surveyor 5/08/2008 16:50

Some early waders are come back. If members/non-members want to see early waders, please fill the form to join our coming Mai Po outing.

Reference for some bird news in Mai Po

mclisa 13/08/2008 09:17

我是觀鳥初哥黎呀, 亦只是剛加入鳥會, 從未參加過鳥會既活動, 所以, 我想問活動中有無人教參加者辨識及講解鳥種的資料? 出席既會否多數都是資深觀鳥者? 我怕到時會"呆車車"呀...

lchunfai 13/08/2008 10:35

[quote]Original posted by [i]mclisa[/i] at 13/08/2008 09:17 [url=http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=13029&ptid=5541][img]http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
我是觀鳥初哥黎呀, 亦只是剛加入鳥會, 從未參加過鳥會既活動, 所以, 我想問活動中有無人教參加者辨識及講解鳥種的資料? 出席既會否多數都是資深觀鳥者? 我怕到時會"呆車車"呀... ... [/quote]
我都算係初哥, 大家到時應會交流下,練下"鳥功"XD

HKBWS Bonnie 13/08/2008 10:36

唔駛驚喎, o個日領隊會特別照顧d岩岩學觀鳥既人架~ 不過你都要唔好怕醜, 主動問領隊嘢喎, 因為佢唔會知道邊個係資深觀鳥者架~

星期日好熱架, 真係要帶帽同帶多d 水~

岩岩睇雀, 唔駛俾自己咁大壓力既~ 水鳥都幾難認架, 慢慢來啦~

lchunfai 13/08/2008 10:54

[quote]Original posted by [i]Membership[/i] at 13/08/2008 10:36 [url=http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=13035&ptid=5541][img]http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
唔駛驚喎, o個日領隊會特別照顧d岩岩學觀鳥既人架~ 不過你都要唔好怕醜, 主動問領隊嘢喎, 因為佢唔會知道邊個係資深觀鳥者架~

星期日好熱架, 真係要帶帽同帶多d 水~

岩岩睇雀, 唔駛俾自己咁大壓力既~ 水鳥都幾難認 ... [/quote]
membership 姐姐去5去le ? 最近看完飛羽神思,林榮譽會長都說自己以前5識分就要有勇氣問問, 5 好怕尷尬.....我以前係南生圍活動,我5識分朱屎渣同喜鵲,都請教張主席XD


HKBWS Surveyor 15/08/2008 12:26

[size=5][color=Blue]The Mai Po outing on this coming Sunday is still available for some seats. We can accept on-site payment. Please inform our outing leader for the arrangement. Please call 9457 3196.
本星期日的米埔觀鳥活動還有少量名額。本會接受在集合地點繳交活動費用,如有興趣,請聯絡活動領導,電話9457 3196。

We also welcome member who have Mai Po permit to join the outing.

[[i] Last edited by HKBWS Surveyor at 16/08/2008 10:19 [/i]]

HKBWS Bonnie 15/08/2008 14:31

參加左呢個活動的朋友, 可以參考一下HF Cheung 的呢個帖: [url]http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/redirect.php?tid=5295&goto=lastpost#lastpost[/url] 留意一下近來有d乜嘢鳥種, 睇定書, 咁去到米埔就可以容易d認d 雀仔囉~~

For participants of this activity, you may have a look at this message: [url]http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/redirect.php?tid=5295&goto=lastpost#lastpost[/url] so that you can look up the book in advance. These are some possible bird species that you may come across on Sunday!

lchunfai 15/08/2008 18:32

[quote]Original posted by [i]Membership[/i] at 15/08/2008 14:31 [url=http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=13164&ptid=5541][img]http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
參加左呢個活動的朋友, 可以參考一下HF Cheung 的呢個帖: [url]http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/redirect.php?tid=5295&goto=lastpost#lastpost[/url] 留意一下近來有d乜嘢鳥種, 睇定書, 咁去到米埔就可以容易d認d 雀仔囉~~

For  ... [/quote]
仲可以先看看鳥會出版,文緝明先生創作的百鳥集, 更易得心應手~ 無的話快d去買la~~~~好正架~~~

You can also watch the DVD ----- A Century of Birds which published by The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society and created by Mr. Man Chup Ming.
Aftering watching it, you can find and identify the birds easier on the coming Sunday. If you do not have one, please buy one as quickly as possible !! This is the most excellent video I have ever watched !!!

[[i] Last edited by lchunfai at 15/08/2008 18:41 [/i]]

HKBWS Surveyor 16/08/2008 10:20

[size=5][color=Blue]The Mai Po outing on this coming Sunday is still available for some seats. We can accept on-site payment. Please inform our outing leader for the arrangement. Please call 9457 3196.
本星期日的米埔觀鳥活動還有少量名額。本會接受在集合地點繳交活動費用,如有興趣,請聯絡活動領導,電話9457 3196。

We also welcome member who have Mai Po permit to join the outing.
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