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bond 9/11/2009 17:20

Fishing a White-bellied Sea Eagle

Just watched it from another forum, shall we take any action?


kmatthew 9/11/2009 17:24

This is outrageous and unacceptable behaviour. Was this taken in HK?? If not there is very little we can do...3551y30445

深藍-Owen 9/11/2009 17:37

my understand is in Saikung, still trying to get more information..

handrew 9/11/2009 18:54

This is dreadful but it should be possible to ID both the boat and the fisherboys. Hopefully there are sanctions that can be brought against them and maybe the boat impounded.


hkwongkit 9/11/2009 18:56

A sad day indeed ...:'(

gary 9/11/2009 19:50

Thanks for posting it.

I think it was not taken in HK. The local fishermen was speaking Thai or somethings. And the marine traffic is so quiet that unlike the Sai Kung in HK.


深藍-Owen 9/11/2009 20:40

Thanks Gary for clarify this, I’m not sure should we happy that this is not happen in Hong Kong but I can tell you the story why we find this video. it’s not coincident as my friend go Sai Kung and learn from a fisherman saying that someone catch a eagle/kite with a fish rod with video, and he try to find it from YouTube and finally get this and show me. my be just another rumors and we all hope it's not really happen.   But its really sad to see those people speaking the same language as me in this video, doing such a horrible thing but a very enjoyable look on their face..

wcaptain 10/11/2009 12:48

由於白腹海雕是受保護動物 (香港及國內都是),提議報警,由警方調查事發地點事否在本港及白腹海雕的下場。

As WBSE is a protected spp in HK and China, it is suggested that we report it to the Police and let them investigate the fate of the bird and whether it happens in HK.

lmike 10/11/2009 15:16

already get the reply from the fisher (I think):

"其實當時是用真魚餌釣的...當收魚絲的時候,隻鷹在天空見到我 魚絲上的魚快速遊動,衝下海想用爪爪魚餌...所以我們只是釣到 它的爪...它爪的皮膚好厚, 所以冇受到太大傷害"

"當然係放生左佢啦....要隻鷹做乜鬼..都話去釣魚囉 "



Sze 11/11/2009 01:23

[size=3]衷心希望佢地真係放生隻白腹海鵰, 而唔會有人羅左去做野味!

而且當佢地釣到隻鵰時, 我覺得佢地其實應該慢慢收魚線的同時,要叫船家將船慢慢駛過去, 起碼可以縮短隻鵰既痛苦時間, 而唔係依家咁將隻鵰拖埋船度, 因為咁做真係好要機會傷害左隻鵰, 最起碼可能令佢飲左幾啖海水, 或被魚線割傷, 最驚就是浸親佢添啦! 到時最後就算放生也無補於事!  


今日同朋友傾開呢單野, 朋友說對於一些沒有這方面知識既普羅大眾來說, 個幾個人既做法其實都好大路!  好多人都會咁做!

我理解對普羅大眾諗住釣魚, 但係居然釣到隻大鵰, 個種感覺真的是很神奇及興奮的! 但我覺得雖然知道很多普羅大眾都會覺得咁做法係好正常, 但咁樣唔代表就要應同佢地既做法。我覺得有些觀念不可能純粹以少數服從多數的去處理的。我覺得反而要借這次機會去話俾大家知咁做其實係好殘忍, 係會傷害左隻動物的, 如果大家下次有機會遇到類似的情況應該要點做才是較妥善的辦法!因為只有多些人知道及了解後,才有更大機會救到多些野生動物!如果單純是責罵而沒有任何正面的教育訊息帶出的話,對事情的將來是沒有任何益處的![/size] 

sdavid 11/11/2009 11:20

Sorry I can't follow the text here, but I was curious as to whether the Sea Eagle was caught  accidently as the anglers were retrieving a caught fish, or whether they purposely set out to catch the bird?

And did they let it go afterwards?  I'm assuming this happened in HK waters?

Sze 14/11/2009 02:13

請問大家還會否覺得興奮的反應是應該的嗎?[/size][/b][/color][size=3] [/size]

Sze 14/11/2009 02:17

[quote]Original posted by [i]sdavid[/i] at 11/11/2009 11:20 [url=http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=24185&ptid=9434][img]http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Sorry I can't follow the text here, but I was curious as to whether the Sea Eagle was caught  accidently as the anglers were retrieving a caught fish, or whether they purposely set out to catch the bi ... [/quote]

The Sea Eagle was caught accidently when the man was fishing on a boat!
And someone replied that the Sea Eagle was released finally.
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