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Subject: Red-breasted Flycatcher - Lamma Island [Print This Page]

Author: mguy    Time: 3/12/2010 10:55     Subject: Red-breasted Flycatcher - Lamma Island

Excellent ID description from lPaul:
I would say this is a first-winter Red-breasted Flycatcher.  Note the combination on limited black in the upper tail coverts, tail itself apparently not fully black (but possibly due to the angle?), the brownish tones to the upperparts, buff wash to what can be seen of the underparts, buffish pale tips to the greater coverts, obvious 'rose thorn' shape to the tertial tips, and the pale base to the lower mandible.

This really has proved to have been overlooked in the past and is now clearly a regular but rare winter visitor to Hong Kong which is amazing given that the nearest breeding gounds are in northern Iran.  I have one looking set to winter near my house in Sai Kung, although that is not giving quite the views that this bird is, but is very vocal.

The first photo was taken at 11:26am, and as you are probably aware the light was much brighter today than on previous days, although all the images were taken under some shade/cover, but may still be light affected.
The subsequent photos 11:27am after the bird flew off, but returned immediately.
The final photo was taken at 11:30 after the bird had been spooked by a Bulbul, but returned from a different angle.
These are a selection from about 20 or so images which should cover most of the body areas.
The 2nd image , the tail is probably light affected as you you can see a shaft of sunlight interrupted on the branch below.
Whilst perched it flicked it's tail frequently.

I believe it is the same bird I have been seeing for about 1 week.., but it has never entered my 5' virtual box.., so no photos.
Today it did not actually make it to the water & seemed very nervous..... will resist taking photos next time & perhaps it will go to water... although with the constant mobbing by Starlings the last few days, most of the birds seem nervous.

[ Last edited by mguy at 3/12/2010 10:57 ]
Author: oLDcaR    Time: 3/12/2010 11:28

mguy ... i start to jealous you have a private corner to do birding hee hee
All are a good shots in your sharing recently.
Author: mguy    Time: 3/12/2010 11:44

Thanks oLDcaR.
You could make your own private one somewhere... I would be happy to give some of my very limited advice.
But I also worry that I am posting too many images of the same birds.... is just that I get soooo many photos each day that I fall in love with them & can't help myself... I just have to post them.

All the best, Guy
Author: Stonechat    Time: 3/12/2010 11:53

mguy, keep on posting. I love it...You keep me waiting everyday to see what's new of the day. Your generosity is very much appreciated.
Author: mguy    Time: 4/12/2010 12:17

Thanks Stonechat
Another image of the Red-breasted Flycatcher taken today in lower light..
Also a probable Chinese Flycatcher (but no photo - Blue Head & back, bright orange breast)

Today, Lamma Island, hillside, near water
D3 w/Nikkor 500mm F/4D
Author: ypakwai    Time: 4/12/2010 17:00

Original posted by mguy at 4/12/2010 12:17
Thanks Stonechat
Another image of the Red-breasted Flycatcher taken today in lower light..
Also a probable Chinese Flycatcher (but no photo - Blue Head & back, bright orange breast) ...
Good Capture
Author: mguy    Time: 7/12/2010 13:38

Set of photos of adult male Red-Breasted Flycatcher taken 06/12/2010 on Lamma Island.... full set of Photos, video & sound bytes at this link........ ... o=lastpost#lastpost

[ Last edited by mguy at 7/12/2010 13:39 ]
Author: mguy    Time: 10/12/2010 18:39

After an absence of a few days this adult male Red-breasted Flycatcher returned to bathe..... but no calls this time.

Today - Lamma Island, north facing hillside near water
D3 w/Nikkor 500mm F/4D

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