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Subject: A new Bunting for me. Please ID [Print This Page]

Author: passerby-b    Time: 23/12/2010 14:25     Subject: A new Bunting for me. Please ID

My best guess is a Common Reed Bunting but I think it is probably wrong

Author: brendank    Time: 23/12/2010 14:51

I would think Red-headed Bunting! Where was it and when was it taken?
Author: HFCheung    Time: 23/12/2010 15:06

Support Red-headed Bunting.  If this is in HK, could be a new addition to category I-II.  Would the observer help to give us more information?  Please help if you can.

HF Cheung
Author: hooooon    Time: 23/12/2010 16:47

Original posted by HFCheung at 23/12/2010 15:06
Support Red-headed Bunting.  If this is in HK, could be a new addition to category I-II.  Would the observer help to give us more information?  Please help if you can.

HF Cheung
I just called passerby-b.  This Red-headed Bunting was taken at Long Valley in this morning (23/12) at about 9AM.
The location was at field where Crested Bunting was found last month.
Author: brendank    Time: 23/12/2010 16:58

Thanks for the update.

I know this bird is kept in cages sometimes but I don't see any cage damage. Photos are excellent. It looks good for a wild bird.
Author: kmike    Time: 23/12/2010 17:09

Many thanks Hoooon and passerby-b for sharing this information.
I agree it looks like a Red-headed Bunting.

Mike K
Author: passerby-b    Time: 23/12/2010 21:30

Thank you for identifying the bird.

A bird watcher asked me my observation today and I thought this might be useful for other bird watchers. Here is my observation:-

At about 0900 hours after my arrival of LV and took the first bird's photo (a warbler), I saw this bird perched on a tree branch besides the rice grain field where many buntings had stayed in the past one or two months. It was distinctive. I know it was not an ordinary bird over 50 meters away. Its abdomen was distinctively pale with larger size than the Munia and Sparrows. I walked near it and within the shooting range of my lens, I took the first photo. It was about 15 to 20 meters away.

The second photo shown in this web was the first batch of photos I shot when it was staying on the tree branch (sorry that when I posted the two photos here, I put the one taken later above the one taken earlier).

I approached it with a few steps each time and until it was about 10 meters or closer, I stopped. The bird perched there still. I did not notice any action that it indicated it was uneasy. It stayed there for a few minutes in total. Until two guys came behind me and wanted to took its photos, it moved. I had not observed what had happened as at the time I was looking into the camera view finder. After a while, I saw it perched again in a branch of the same tree but this time, it was behind some leaves and branches. It stayed there for a while and flew away.

I was going into the rice grain field of LV from the direction of Ying Kong, the bird flew away from this direction. It then perched on a wire near the other grain field further down the path. I followed it. It stayed there briefly and flew further away. There appeared nothing to distrub it this time as I was still far far away and there was no human near it. I could not trace the where about of it this time.

I walked down to the direction of its freight path. When I was near to the wire it had perched, I found it again in the short shrubs in the reed field where sometime ago someone had recorded six White-head Munia. I took another batch of photos here. The first one shown here was the bird in the branches of the shrubs. Again, it was distinctive and easy to be seem.

It stayed just a while and flew away. This time, I really lost its contact.

About half past ten, I returned to the first rice grain field where I met the bird. But I never saw it again until I leave LV at 1200 hours.

That ends my observation.

It seems the bird flew away because of me

[ Last edited by passerby-b at 23/12/2010 21:48 ]
Author: lmike    Time: 24/12/2010 10:10

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 24/12/2010 10:14

A new bunting species for Long Valley too~ Congratulations!!!
Author: Andiona    Time: 24/12/2010 13:35

Congratulation passerby-b

Great Find & Shots.
Author: TommyL    Time: 24/12/2010 17:30

Congratulations! A great find; a great christmas gift to you.

Author: passerby-b    Time: 24/12/2010 17:40

Thank you for your congratulations
Wish all you have a Marry Christmas

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