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Subject: 塱原狗隻問題 Dog problem in Long Valley [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 7/04/2011 11:51     Subject: 塱原狗隻問題 Dog problem in Long Valley


Recently a birder was bitten by a dog in Long Valley. Luckily, the wound is not deep. And the birder has followed the procedure that to have a check up in the hospital and inoculated. We will contact that farmer and hope the dog will be tied safely.
We would like to remind bird watchers and photographers that most farmers in Long Valley keep dog(s) and most of the dogs are tied or caged. To avoid accident, please try to avoid passing through paths with dog. If you walk pass a dog (especially those are not caged), please be alert. If a dog is following you, please keep an eye on it and beware of any abnormal behaviour. But please do not do any posture or action to attack or try to scare the dog, this would mislead the dog and it may fight back.
If, unfortunately, bitten by dog, please go to the hospital at once and get inoculated.

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