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Subject: Po Toi Ferry Easter/Tin Hau Festival [Print This Page]

Author: wgeoff    Time: 8/04/2011 08:16     Subject: Po Toi Ferry Easter/Tin Hau Festival

As I mentioned before, the Tin Hau Festival coincides with Easter this year, with one extra day. It lasts from Friday 22nd April to Tuesday 26th April but I'm not sure which day is the day they do the dragon boat racing (usually it's the last day).

The Ferry Timetable for this period is as follows

All boats are from Aberdeen to Po Toi and back, there are no stops at Stanley.

There will be many people on the island over this period but mostly they keep to the harbour area.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 8/04/2011 15:34 ]
Author: wgeoff    Time: 21/04/2011 16:05

A reminder for anyone planning to visit Po Toi over the Easter that this is also Festival Week on Po Toi with a better ferry service (as the previous posting) and lots of people around the harbour.

There were very few birds on Po Toi today, just a few Chinese Goshawks and a Red-breasted Flycatcher behind the toilet block. But this may improve after the rain on Friday/Saturday so Sunday and Monday should be better (no guarantees).

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