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Subject: 方尾鶲 Grey-headed Flycatcher [Print This Page]

Author: bigfaihk    Time: 26/04/2011 15:27     Subject: 方尾鶲 Grey-headed Flycatcher

25-April-2011 Po-Toi

[ Last edited by bigfaihk at 26/04/2011 15:28 ]
Author: lrichard    Time: 26/04/2011 15:46

Dear bigfalhk, Is the date correct? This is a winter visitor to HK, with rather few records in April, including one on 13th, the latest accepted record. Richard
Author: bigfaihk    Time: 26/04/2011 16:46

Original posted by lrichard at 26/04/2011 15:46
Dear bigfalhk, Is the date correct? This is a winter visitor to HK, with rather few records in April, including one on 13th, the latest accepted record. Richard
Correct, yesterday 25-April-2011 Po Toi
Author: ddavid    Time: 26/04/2011 17:53

An interesting record. According to the latest Hong Kong Bird Report, there was one on Po Toi on April 20, 2006 (GW). This was (until now) the latest spring record in HK  - and I believe it was the only previous spring record for the island!


[ Last edited by ddavid at 26/04/2011 17:56 ]

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