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Subject: [Others 其他] Mai Po boardwalk 12 Feb 2012 leg flags [Print This Page]

Author: HFCheung    Time: 12/02/2012 18:07     Subject: Mai Po boardwalk 12 Feb 2012 leg flags

HF Cheung

Image Attachment: A5.jpg (12/02/2012 18:07, 27.88 KB) / Download count 520

Image Attachment: B9.jpg (12/02/2012 18:07, 30.74 KB) / Download count 501

Image Attachment: C0.jpg (12/02/2012 18:07, 29.69 KB) / Download count 548

Image Attachment: D0.jpg (12/02/2012 18:07, 31.02 KB) / Download count 524

Image Attachment: D2.jpg (12/02/2012 18:07, 32.11 KB) / Download count 550

Image Attachment: N5.jpg (12/02/2012 18:07, 31.62 KB) / Download count 556

Image Attachment: N8.jpg (12/02/2012 18:07, 28.5 KB) / Download count 496

Image Attachment: P1.jpg (12/02/2012 18:07, 34.58 KB) / Download count 571

Image Attachment: P3.jpg (12/02/2012 18:07, 35.37 KB) / Download count 530

Author: fkkc    Time: 12/02/2012 22:01

2 more

Spotted redshank A9

Common Greenshank D1

Author: ajohn    Time: 13/02/2012 09:28

Thanks for these resightings. It is nice to see the Black-tailed Godwits back outside the boardwalk hides this weekend (they seem not to have been around for the last couple of months), including a few flags. The tides have been much better for seeing the flags over the last few weeks, compared to November/December.

fkkc: your first bird (A9) is a Common Redshank, and your second (D1) is a Marsh Sandpiper.
Common Redshank A9 was one of the very first birds with engraved flags in Hong Kong - trapped and flagged on 26 August 2010 and not seen since September 2010!
Common Greenshank A5 (the first of Ho fai's photos) is almost as old - flagged on 8 Septemerb 2010 - but has been seen much more regularly.

[ Last edited by ajohn at 13/02/2012 09:31 ]
Author: fkkc    Time: 13/02/2012 20:27

Thanks, John.
Author: OlangoSteveUK    Time: 3/03/2012 21:34

Had two ringed waders at Olango Bird Sanctuary in Philippines today.
1 was an adult Spring Bar Tailed Godwit. It had a large White tag on its tibia, possibly also yellow tag on tarsus. Numbers were not visible.
Could this have be rung at Mai Po?

Also had an Adult moulting Great Knot (among a flock of 600-1000 spring adults) that had a metal ring on its Left Tibia and Black over White Tags on its Right Tibia. Any ideas?
Author: ajohn    Time: 6/03/2012 17:17

A 2-flagged godwit would typically have both flags on the tibia and this is the procedure in HK. It is therefore unlikely that the bird you saw had a Hong Kong (white over yellow) combination. A single white flag should indicate that the bird is from New Zealand. You mention that numbers were not visible - does this mean that numbers were present but unreadable or that the flag was plain?

The black over white combination on the Great Knot indicates a bird flagged at Chongming Dao (near Shanghai).

Check this website ( ... ebird_flag_2011.pdf) for details of the flagging protocol along the flyway, and be sure to report your observations ( the best e-mail address to use is probably: mintons @
Author: OlangoSteveUK    Time: 10/03/2012 17:55

I believe there were no markings on the tag for the Bar Tailed Godwit. As for the Great Knot, I came to the same conclusion. I will be visiting Olango again early next week as the waders are extremely tame and approachable at the moment. I'm on the lookout for Spoon Billed Sandpiper, Little Whimbrel, Spotted Greenshank, Oriental Plover and maybe even Bristle Thighed Curlew, all of which have the potential of turning up in spring.

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