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Subject: [Eagles] Imperial Eagles feeding on Spoonbill Carcass [Print This Page]

Author: fneil    Time: 1/12/2012 18:35     Subject: Imperial Eagles feeding on Spoonbill Carcass

When I arrived at the Tower Hide late on Friday morning I found a juvenile and adult Imperial Eagle feeding of what I thought at first was an egret carcass.  When I got the scope on it I could see the spoon bill and was sad to realize it was a Black-faced Spoonbill.  There was no one else in the hide to tell me what had happened.
I have put up a short video here for those interested.
Nikon V1 and Swarovski STX 95 scope with TLS APO adapter
Tower Hide
Mai Po Nature Reserve,
Hong Kong,China

Imperial Eagles feeding on Spoonbill by neilfif11
Author: kmike    Time: 1/12/2012 18:53

Magnificent Neil!

Slightly mixed feeling about seeing one globally threatened species feeding on another, but magnificent nonetheless!

Author: HKBWS Tung    Time: 1/12/2012 22:32



What time did you see this?

Did anyone else see what happened of it? Was the spoonbill hunted by the eagle(s), or was the spoonbill already dead before the eagles fed on it?

Any information is welcome!!

Thank you very much.

Yu Yat Tung
Author: fneil    Time: 3/12/2012 20:46

I arrived at the hide about 9.30 am and there was a couple leaving the hide but they didn't say anything about eagles.  By the time I set down my equipment and opened the window a few minutes later and scanned with my bins I saw the eagles.  The couple came back because they had seen the eagles from the path. Nobody had seen any action.

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