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Subject: News on Spoon-billed Sandpiper [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Tung    Time: 27/02/2013 14:52     Subject: News on Spoon-billed Sandpiper

News from The Partnership for the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Newsletter

Spoon-billed Sandpiper

In 2004 several partners active in the conservation of the globally threatened Spoon-billed sandpiper joined the Recovery Team chaired by Evgeny Syroechkovskiy and later by Christoph Zöckler. With the growing demand of work, the finalization of the action plan in 2008 and the continuing support from BirdLife and many other organizations, it became necessary to formalize the active team to better coordinate the conservation activities along the entire flyway. In February 2010 the Spoon-billed Sandpiper Recovery Team (SBS RT) joined with the EAAFP and in December 2010 was officially endorsed by the partnership as a species Task Force (SBS TF) under the Shorebird working group. The Lead Organisation for the EAAFP Spoon-billed Sandpiper Task will be BirdLife International through its partner Birds Russia. It is chaired by the Governmental Partner from Russia and coordinated by Christoph Zöckler from ArcCona Consulting on behalf of Birds Russia, supported by BirdLife International. Task Force members will consist of EAAFP Governmental Partners of key range states (Russian Federation, Japan, People’s Republic of China, People’s Democratic Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Union of Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Bangladesh and India), the Wildfowl and Wetland Trust (WWT), Wetlands International, a representative of the EAAFP Shorebird Working Group and experts and conservation organisations from principal range states and other partners. The main aim is to coordinate the conservation activities that have been identified in the CMS Single Species Action Plan for the species commissioned by BirdLife International and regularly updated.

Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 27/03/2013 14:54

News about Spoon-billed Sandpiper survey in Guangxi


謝謝阿思把報導翻譯成中文 : 

今年1月初香港觀鳥會(Hong Kong Bird Watching Society)研究經理余日東、中國項目主任傅詠芹與另一名同事(方海寧)前往廣西壯族自治區(Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region)省會南寧市(Nanning),再租車轉往位於廣西南部,鄰近欽州市(Qinzhou city)的合浦縣(Hepu)。他們在5日內走訪了欽州市、北海市(Beihai)及防城港市(Fangcheng cities)等廣西南部沿海12個不同地點,當中生境包括:潮間帶泥灘(intertidalmudflats)、潮汐塘(tidal ponds)、河口沙洲(sandbars)、鹽田(saltpans)及漁塘(fishponds)。最後在一個乾了的漁塘內,在眾多度冬的涉禽中發現他們這次調查工作的目標雀鳥-勺嘴鷸(spoon-billed sandpiper)。

勺嘴鷸是一隻體型較麻雀稍大,但嘴及腳均較長,現在被國際自然保護聯盟(IUCN,International Union for Conservation of Nature)評級為極度瀕危(critically endangered)的雀鳥。


根據國際鳥盟(Birdlife International)的數據顯示勺嘴鷸近年的數目持續減少。根據繁殖地的研究顯示,勺嘴鷸的繁殖鳥數目已由七十年代的2000至2800對,減少至2000年時不足1000對。



福建及廣西這次的同步調查是屬於一個由香港海洋公園保育基金(Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong)贊助及香港觀鳥會統籌的「冬季勺嘴鷸華南地區分佈調查」研究項目。除了福建及廣西外,廣東及海南亦是這次同步調查的調查範圍。


去年12月,香港觀鳥會的Richard Lewthwaite及Jonathan Martinez曾在鄰近廣東雷州市(Leizhou)的附城鎮(Fucheng),一個乾了的漁塘內發現4隻勺嘴鷸。附城鎮附近的湛江市(Zhanjiang)正是當年法國鳥類學家Pierre Jabouille曾經描述在上世紀30年代冬季期間,記錄到相當多勺嘴鷸的地方。

余日東說:「廣東及廣西的發現顯示了冬季期間勺嘴鷸在華南沿岸的分佈比已知的更廣闊。但由於牠們偏好的潮汐泥灘(tidal-flat areas)在華東地區不斷萎縮,所以未來勺嘴鷸的存活情況仍不樂觀。我們必須盡快了解牠們在中國度冬的情況及找出牠們面對的威脅。」



為了興建欽州港(Qinzhou Harbor),欽州灣(Qinzhou Bay)正進行大規模的填海工程。當工程完成後,一大段海岸將會變成陸地。





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