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Subject: [Oversea] 有關 「韓國H5N8高致病性禽流感」 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 4/02/2014 12:15     Subject: 有關 「韓國H5N8高致病性禽流感」

The Republic of Korea has reported a number of outbreaks of H5N8 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) since 16 January. The virus has also killed a number of wild birds including Baikal teal (Anas formosa) and bean geese (Anser fabilis). Over 640,000 poultry have already been slaughtered, with many hundreds of thousands more set to be destroyed.
The Scientific Task Force on Avian Influenza and Wild Birds, co-convened by the United Nations Environment Programme/ Convention on Migratory Species (UNEP/CMS) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), has produced an update in English, summarizing the current situation and guiding the response of agencies.
The Task Force warns that there is currently no evidence that wild birds are the source of this virus. It urges agencies to:
a. conduct thorough epidemiological evaluation to determine the true source of the virus and mechanisms of transmission among domestic and wild birds;
b. focus disease control actions on the affected farms with the aim of minimising risk of disease spread to other poultry farms and/or wildlife;
c. ensure that affected and nearby farms are biosecure to prevent wildlife-poultry contact; and
d. recognise that focusing attention on wild birds can misdirect critical resources away from effective disease control and result in negative conservation outcomes and loss of biodiversity.
The update lists further guidance, including the Ramsar Handbook on avian influenza and wetlands and the Ramsar Wetland Disease Manual, which the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) produced for the Ramsar Convention in 2012.

自1月16日以來,韓國已有數宗H5N8 高致病性禽流感(HPAI)在家禽養殖場暴發的報告。此外,病毒亦同時導致一些野鳥死亡,當中包括花臉鴨(學名:Anas formosa) 和豆雁(學名:Anser fabilis)。超過 640,000隻養殖禽鳥已被宰殺,之後將會有更多家禽會被銷毀,數目估計超過數十,甚至數百萬。


a.          進行全面的流行病學評估以確定病毒的真正源頭,與及養殖禽鳥跟野鳥之間的病毒傳播機制;
b.          集中力量處理受影響的養殖場的疾病防控制工作,以儘量減低疾病蔓延到其他家禽養殖場及/或野生動物的風險;
c.           確保受影響的養殖場與鄰近地方實行「生物防護」,以防止野生動物與家禽接觸;和
d.          需留意若公眾注意力集中在野鳥身上,會令原本應集中用來處理疾病防控工作的力量錯誤地被分散,並將會對野鳥保育工作產生負面影響,及導致生物多樣性的受損。


Full statement in English: Scientific Task Force on Avian Influenza and Wild Birds H5N8 HPAI 28 Jan... (1).pdf (564.15 KB)
聲明中文翻譯: statement of H5N8_trad Chi.pdf (578.18 KB)

Attachment: Scientific Task Force on Avian Influenza and Wild Birds H5N8 HPAI 28 Jan... (1).pdf (4/02/2014 12:15, 564.15 KB) / Download count 1126

Attachment: statement of H5N8_trad Chi.pdf (4/02/2014 15:02, 578.18 KB) / Download count 809

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