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Subject: [Oversea] 南非克魯格國家公園 Kruger NP, South Africa [Print This Page]

Author: wcaptain    Time: 17/02/2014 12:33     Subject: 南非克魯格國家公園 Kruger NP, South Africa

加相 (Bird photos - added)


不知為何,一般香港人去非洲的首選是肯亞。自己在2013年初開始考慮去非洲之可行性時,當時也以肯亞為首選。不過,做了一些功課後發現看草原動物的熱點Masa Mara 國家公園住宿非常昂貴,最平為每人千幾二千多港元一晚,又真係貴咗啲。去非洲之熱情也冷卻下來。

其實若大的非洲豈只肯亞可看草原生態。近年受自助遊人士熱愛的「芬飛牙」機票網站,久不久便有往南非約翰尼斯堡的平價機票,在2013年中,我便好奇地想想是否有機會坐平價機票到約翰尼斯堡,之後去看看草原巨獸。做了一輪功課後發現克魯格國家公園(Kruger National Park) 距離約翰尼斯堡只四小時車程(三百多公里) ,有高速公路直達,國家公園內可自駕遊,而且住宿有平貴: 普通冷氣房每人每晚約港幣三百元,非常適合我等窮鬼自助遊。於是便選定南非約翰尼斯堡為落腳點。


南非治安麻麻人盡皆知。旅遊書及網上意見認為約翰尼斯堡治安是一大問題。於是計劃行程時只往國家公園及小鎮 (即不去約翰尼斯堡)。事後看來,這決定非常正確。事實上,當地治安氣氛頗輕鬆,我們遇上的當地人也非常友善。另外,不知是否當地亞裔人士不多,我們的出現總會引來不少好奇目光 (例如站在超市門口),但只僅此而已。

南非蘭特兌港元網上匯率為1:0.75 (即1蘭特 = 港元七角五毫)。但香港找換店只能做到1:0.8。由於南非自動提款機時有騙案發生,所以我們先在港對換貨幣。

                                                       南非蘭特        港元
汔油每升                                                       13.5左右        10.8
機場咖啡每杯                                                 19        15.2
高速公路旁休息區快餐價錢                                  30-40                24-32
餐廳晚餐                                                      40-60               32-48
國家公園內餐廳最貴的主菜 (牛排)                                100         80
長頸鹿木雕(40cm高)                                        60        48
細支當地啤酒 (Castle)                               15-20        12-16
國家公園二人冷氣房連獨立洗手間每房每晚                        600左右        480



國家公園內有多個出入閘口,及有二三十個住宿地方 (本文稱營區)。有些住宿地方是非洲式私人帝王豪華級帳幕,有些則是政府管理經濟實惠的營區。每個營區內大致有住宿地方(有些包廚房),餐廳,公共廚房(沒有任何餐具),商店(似小型超市,有生肉、熟肉、菜,水,生果等食品,藥,日用品賣及參考書),紀念品店,油站(每升13.7蘭特)。園內洗手間非常整潔 (這是我印象非常深刻的)。有些營區還有泳池。另國家公園收保育費,每人每日約港元180左右。


請用google search及打入關鍵字“Kruger National Park map”

園內有兩種道路: 瀝青路(H road),及泥路 (S road)。遊人可在兩種路自駕遊,看草原巨獸。瀝青路的最高時速為50km/h,而泥路則是40km/h。瀝青路跟本港一般公路無異,普通私家車行駛絕無問題 (事實上我們見到很多公公婆婆自駕遊)。泥路在天清氣爽時也可考慮使用,但若下雨後路面變得濕滑時,就不建議普通私家車行駛。另外,除營區及一些指定地點外,遊人是不可下車。


自己選用 Birds of Southern Africa (第四版)。這書在大部份克魯格國家公園內的商店有售。另旅行書是Lonely Planet South Africa 2012版。


早上七時到達南非約翰尼斯堡國際機場,小休後在機場取車自駕往小鎮Lydenburg (連中途休息時間共四小時左右)。從中途點Belfast到目的地之旅程風光優美。住宿為Laske Nakke Lodge (四人房-950蘭特左右)。

我的非洲第一鳥是一種香港雀鳥:在機場大樓繁殖的小白腰雨燕。第一天的觀鳥地方主要是在黃昏時看看Laske Nakke Lodge內的小樹林及附近的草地。首先看到的是一羣Helmeted Guineafowl (這鳥黑身上有很多白小點,旅程中戲稱為「珍珠雞」) ,之後看到一種行為頗似棕背伯勞的Common Fiscal,還有屋脊上的 Cape Wagtail及常見鳥種Dark-capped Bulbul,Red-eyed Dove及Laughing Dove。另外在草地及矮樹林間,看到有點似卡通主角的Speckled Mousebird。

大清早還未吃早餐時循例去睇睇雀。在Laske Nakke Lodge內看到很多公園雀:公園草地常見的Kurrichane Thrush及Groundscraper Thrush。泳池小樹旁的Cape Robin-chat,Cape White-eye,在房舍間左穿右插的African Paradise Flycatcher。另外在水池旁叫得像烏鴉的Hadeda Ibis及在馬路旁草地的一衆非洲常見的草地雀: Southern Red Bishop,Pin-tailed Whydah,Yellow-fronted Canary,Southern Masked-Weaver,White-browed Sparrow-Weaver及Cape Sparrow。就這樣在Laske Nakke Lodge看到約二三十種雀鳥。

早上稍後時間開車往克魯格國家公園,由於今天各人已克服時差及時間較多,所以選擇一條比較迂迴道路往國家公園中部閘口orpen gate,叫做遊下車河。途中見到一些雀鳥,但辨認非洲雀能力有限,當欣賞就算。

中午一時半左右到達orpen gate,簡單辦理入園手續後便真正開始草原探索。在orpen gate附近已看到很多斑馬、黑斑羚、角馬,還有一隻比想像中高大的鴕鳥。之後誤打誤撞地行了一條住目的地Olifants camp的泥路,結果是在行行停停的狀况下,用了差不多四小時才走60多公里的路。不過,途中看到了很多東西,前菜是數量頗多的European Roller、顏色艷麗的Southern Carmine Bee-eater、尾很長的Magpie Shrike,之後有無血腥味靚靚仔仔的White-backed Vulture及Tawny Eagle。壓陣的是一隻從路旁驚飛、體形碩大的Kori Bustard。坦白講,由於牠體形真大(約120cm高) ,牠起飛時我和駕車中的弟弟也嚇了一跳。行完泥路接入近Olifants camp瀝青路不久就看到正在路旁樹蔭下乘涼中的Red-crested Korhaan。其怪在大雨後,此鳥就不曾再被看見。

我們在五時半到達Olifants營區,住的是三人房,空間略小,但叫做整潔。安頓後到營區逛逛,從餐廳可欣賞非常優美的olifants river河谷,黃昏前也看到河馬在河內嬉水。

順帶一提,到達olifants營區後,車一泊好,旁若無人的Cape Glossy Starling會前來清理黏於車頭前的死昆蟲,懶理我們搬行李及行出行入。

大清早循例係營區睇睇雀,沒什麼驚喜,看到一些常見雀鳥: 狂食白蟻的Red-billed Hornbill,Natal Francolin,藍得有點紙紮feel的Blue Waxbill,Jameson’s Firefinch,Namaqua Dove,Long-billed Crombec 及在油站築巢的Red-headed Weaver。還有一羣正橫過Olifants river的大象。

今天北上50km取泥路S93及S94去另一營區(Letaba)。沿途沒看見太多猛獸 (有點失望,當時仍未見任何貓科動物),在小溪邊看到African Pied Wagtail,在矮樹叢上暴曬中的Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill。 就到Letaba營區看到Red-billed Quelea及Crested Barbet。這時氣溫頗高,營區外圍鳥况一般。

到達Letaba營區已是十時左右,在河景餐廳內小休。此時河邊有不少覓食中的Yellow-billed Stork及Marabou Stork。而遠處則有Blacksmith Lapwing,及一種plover (太遠不能辨認)。在餐廳矮樹叢看到White-bellied Sunbird,想拍照時已被途人趕走。另外,餐廳常有賣唱揾食的Red-winged Starling,雄性會飛到食客前,近距離賣弄歌喉,希望能有食物賞賜。

在餐廳內小休後,便回到停車場取車,發現停車場的大樹有些雀鳥活動: Violet-backed Starling,southern black flycatcher,Woodland Kingfisher及Chinspot Batis。回程住olifants營區行瀝青路H1-5,除了初段重遇了Kori Bustard外,沒看到太多雀鳥。

中午在olifants餐廳用餐,等待午餐時才發現Crested Barbet在一棵死樹內的洞內繁殖。另外也在遠處看見飛翔的Bateleur。


今天離開中部的olifants營區南下一百多公里往Lower Sabie營區。


早上八時許開車去Lower Sabie營區 (公路H1-4)。沿路因大雨沒看見太多雀鳥,倒在一處河邊見到Goliath Heron及Hamerkop。另外也在大雨時看到一羣避雨中的Wattled Starling及一隻Purple Roller。獸類方面也只是重複看到大象,斑馬,長頸鹿,水牛及角馬等的吃草動物。

到近中途站 Satara營區時,草原環境開始改變,由矮樹叢/草原生境漸變成草原地帶,視野也變得開闊,鳥況漸好,有從歐洲來過冬的白鸛及一羣飛翔中的African Grey Hornbill。在Satara營區內小休時見到築巢中的Red-billed Buffalo-Weaver,聯羣結黨的Arrow-marked Babbler及獨行俠Black-headed Oriole。

從Satara營區到另一中途站Tshokwane (沿公路H1-3),途中見到很多大雀;White-backed Vulture,Black Stork,African Openbill,Saddle-billed Stork,Water Thick-knee,African Fish Eagle,Black-headed Heron及Brown Snake Eagle。牠們雖然大小不一,型態各異,但卻有著同一外表同神態:隻隻都係濕毛雞,沒精打彩等雨停。

Tshokwane其實是一個休息區,設施有小賣店 (三文治加漢堡飽之類),戶外有蓋餐桌再加洗手間。在等待午餐時雨勢仍大,不過仍在河邊看到African Jacana
及Southern Red Bishop。用餐後取公路H10往Lower Sabie營區,在上山前的路段上看到四至五隻少見的紅臉地犀鳥(Southern Ground-Hornbill)。 牠的眼睛很有當年史泰龍feel: 憂鬱得嚟有點憤世。上山路段後有一兩個觀景台,可一睹草原風光,我們也在這兒草原看到兩羣共12隻的駝鳥。H10公路中段為高原地帶 (不是真的高原) ,看到不少Amur Falcon。之後突見到一隻羽毛盡濕的Secretarybird,這鳥我小時曾在紀錄片看到,如今有幸親眼目睹,感覺興奮。Secretarybird之後,興奮之事續來,因為之後在路旁清楚看到兩隻獵豹 (cheetah),雖無見到奔跑雄姿,但見到牠們瞭望-嬉戲-瞭望-走人,全車人興奮莫名,鬼揸咁嘈。興奮之後當然歸於平淡,之後的10km路就真係冇乜嘢睇。

到達Lower Sabie營區後真係有點倦,所以沒有認真看雀。房間是有小型廚房的河景三人房,晚上下廚可聽到大象及河馬的叫聲。

大清早又出動在營區觀鳥,這是雨還未停。河邊草地有White-winged Widowbird、Green-backed Heron。露營區看到Common Scimitarbill,Village Weaver,White-browed Robin-Chat,Black-backed Puffback及Southern Boubou。營區外圍見到全程唯一的啄木鳥Cardinal Woodpecker。

今天主要旅程是沿H4-2往Crocodile Bridge,大清早的大雨已停,但天色仍暗。可能由於雨勢及沒運氣,過去數天仍沒有獅子的蹤影,很擔心獅子會成為Dip of the trip。可幸在半路中途比三數隻獅子在路中心攔截去路,有點像警察路障。雖然獅子加馬路的構圖有點怪怪,但仍影過不停,不竟是人生第一次見獅子。除了獅子外,在近Crocodile Bridge營區附近看到兩隻黑犀牛,正在開心之際,發現這區域外圍有電網及欄柵,相信是為了反盜獵而圈養起來的個體。知道是這情况後有點失望。

可能由於早上的大雨關係,我們在沿途見到很多企在樹頂、” 衣衫盡濕” 的大型猛禽。除了疑似的Tawny Eagle 及 Bateleur外,還看到Martial Eagle,White-headed Vulture,Lappet-faced Vulture及疑似Wahlberg’s Eagle。坦白講,自己第一次到非洲,對當地的猛禽辨認真係半桶水,所以有很多疑似個案。見諒

Crocodile Bridge營區非常細小,鄰近有一進出國家公園閘口,比較適合遲來到的遊人。到達後以為Crocodile Bridge = Crocodile Bridge營區,回到香港後才知是兩碼子事,可能漏看了指示。之後在google map 尋找也沒蹤影。不過「留得青山在,那怕無柴燒」,下次去一定會找到。由於只掛住shopping, 在Crocodile Bridge營區的收獲就只有一對Cut-throat Finch。

回程取S28回Lower Sabie,這時天氣時睛時雨。這兒的草食性獸類很多,也可近距離拍攝,而我也在這兒看到Red-billed Oxpecker的成鳥及幼鳥。另外,中途有一觀景亭(Nthahdanyathi hide),可在比較近距離看到河馬。
中午大休後,循例出外碰運氣,今次取道s130。雀鳥方面沒有太多收獲,但老父在路邊近距離發現數隻獅子 (相信是早上的那一羣) ,可幸今次拍攝的背景是青草,並非早上的瀝青路。

晚上參加國家公園辦事處組織的night safari (兩小時,每人港元約150)。在獸類方面加添了African porcupine (全團只有我一人看到),genet, steenbok, 鬣狗 (成年),African wild cat 及快速步行中的河馬。

早上又下毛毛雨,Lower Sabie營區鳥況和昨天差不多。新加雀鳥是Diderick Cuckoo及White-browed Scrub-Robin。

今天的旅程是早上離開國家公園,下午往Blyde Canyon National Park (距克魯格國家公園約100km)。這天天色不錯,陽光普照的時間多。上午離開Lower Sabie營區後我們取道S21及S112往國家公園的西南部離開,但這兩條泥路卻清清靜靜,沒有太多雀及獸類看。在接入H1-1路中段左右在遠處看到一隻黑犀牛,看清楚周邊沒有鐵絲網後,可以放心剔這隻獸類。

中午前已到了Pretoriuskop營區 (非常近 Numbi 閘口) 。用餐後認為可多走一段路才離開國家公園,由於報告板上有人在S3及S7路看到豹,所以便決定走這兩路往Phabeni閘口。可惜在這大半小時旅程,沒看到想看到的豹。

從Phabeni閘口離開國家公園後,我們經大鎮Hazyview上山前去風景區小鎮Graskop。發覺這鎮比較“城市”,不太適合我等城市人居留,於是便繼續行程,先遊覽一些景點,再尋找旅遊書介紹的山邊住宿 (Thaba Tsweni Lodge)。這住宿地方環境非常優美,附近有很多野花,價錢算是便宜 (千幾呎有兩房約港元700)。晚上在住宿對面的一間私房菜(住宿的老闆娘細佬開),四度菜的西餐每人港元120,這”餐廳” 有很多維多利亞時代的擺設及傢俬。當時燈光幽暗,再配上老闆娘細佬喜愛的古典歌劇音樂,事後看來有點像電影沉默的羔羊續集開頭醫生宴請賓客一幕。不過,現實是老闆娘細佬非常健談,大家講講香港及南非現況,輕輕鬆鬆又過一晚。

大清早又出擊,不過此時又下著毛毛細雨。在路邊草地看到African Stonechat,Red-collared Widowbird,Cape Grassbird,African Olive Pigeon。另在昨晚吃私房菜的花園見到Amethyst Sunbird,Greater Double-collared Sunbird。因為毛毛細雨,大部份雀鳥都是見到拍不到,可惜。

早上用過早餐後就經Blyde Canyon National Park內的公路返回約翰尼斯堡國際機場附近的旅館。除了在一處景點見到Cinnamon-breasted Rock Bunting及在高速公路旁的休息地方見到Grey-headed Gull外,就沒有太多驚喜。


總計下來,全程使費不計機票就約每人港元七千多,比較經濟實惠。在南非七天看到約140種雀。算是一般,相信若有較住天氣及遊歷多一兩個觀鳥熱點,雀種數量應可有較好的收獲。但看到獅子、獵豹,長頸鹿,犀牛(係遠咗D) 及大量草原吃草動物,算是非洲第一擊的美好開始。

[ Last edited by wcaptain at 18/02/2014 18:08 ]
Author: 星魚    Time: 18/02/2014 11:03

Author: wcaptain    Time: 18/02/2014 12:42


今日 (18 Feb) fanfare 做一日 promo , 五月去$3000 不計稅及fuel surcharge
Author: wcaptain    Time: 18/02/2014 18:04

Speckled Mousebird

Kurrichane Thrush

Dark-capped Bulbul

Southern Masked Weaver (male)

Pin-tailed Whydah

marico flycatcher

Southern Carmine Bee-eater

Magpie Shrike

White-backed Vulture

Raptor A - Tawny Eagle (?)

Red-crested Korhaan

Grey Go-away Bird

? Flycatcher (Sp A)

Natal Francolin

Jamesons Fire Finch

Red-billed Hornbill

Cape Glossy Starling

Yellow billed Kite

African Pied Wagtail

European Roller

Egyptian Goose

Southern Yellow billed Hornbill

Crested Barbet

Marabou Stork / Yellow billed Stork

Kori Bustard

barn Swallow (?)

Wattled Starling

White Stork

Purple Roller

Burchell’s Starling

Arrow-marked Babbler

Africa Mourning Dove (?)

African Grey Hornbill

Red-billed Buffalo-Weaver

Wire-tailed Swallow

Raptor B: Wahlberg’s Eagle ?

Brown Snake Eagle

Southern Ground Hornbill

Amur Falcon


Raptor C: ?? Black-Kite

? Flycatcher Sp B ?

Raptor D Tawny/Steppe Eagle ?

Red-billed Oxpecker


Raptor E: Tawny Eagle?

White-headed Vulture

Cut throat Finch - male


Hadeda Ibis

Swainson’s Spurfowl

martial Eagle

Lappet faced Vulture and Bateleur

Burchell’s Coucal

Raptor F: Tawny Eagle?

Greater Blue-eared Starling ?

White-browed Scrub-Robin

Chinspot Batis

Lilac-breasted Roller

Cape Rock Thrush

Helmeted Guineafowl

Cape Grassbird ?

Author: mchristine    Time: 19/02/2014 00:09

Thank you for the very informative sharing.  Keep up with the good practices of sharing any budget bird tour with all of us.  We much appreciate it.
Author: wcaptain    Time: 20/02/2014 21:05



Road blocks

Road crossing


Mother and son

Dwarf Mongoose




Author: wcaptain    Time: 20/02/2014 21:13

on the road

Thaba Tsweni Lodge, Graskop, Blyde River canyon

Kruger NP
Public toilet,

Swimming pool



Olifants River

2-bed hut

Typical lunch - too big and too heavy to me

Author: atbohemia    Time: 25/02/2014 14:36

不錯的收獲啊~~ 就是雨下得太多一點...
請問哪個月份是最推介FOR 觀鳥的呢?
Author: lexusjohn    Time: 25/02/2014 15:02

Millions thanks to detail birding info and photos !

Author: 星魚    Time: 26/02/2014 10:37

Original posted by wcaptain at 18/02/2014 12:42

今日 (18 Feb) fanfare 做一日 promo , 五月去$3000 不計稅及fuel surcharge
Author: wcaptain    Time: 27/02/2014 10:13

I think the best time to go is around our summer (i.e. their dry winter season, fr June to Sept). But better to check with their weather pattern first.

I went there in wet season is because of the very very very cheap ticket promotion. So, why don't go.
Author: wcaptain    Time: 27/02/2014 17:39

Common Ostrich        Struthio camelus        駝鳥        One close individual near the orpen gate. Two "flocks" of total 12 birds on a plain were seen from a hillside lookout on H10
Little Grebe        Tachybaptus ruficollis        小鸊鷉        At the Lower Sabie Area
Reed Cormorant        Phalacrocorax africanus        長尾鸕鶿        A flock of about 5 birds was seen flying along a river without using binocular. As birds were all dark, so they should be reed cormorants
Grey Heron        Ardea cinerea        蒼鷺        Not very common, but not hard to find them, esp at the Olifants campsite
Black-headed Heron        Ardea melanocephala        黑頭鷺        at a big pond near Tshokwane
Goliath Heron        Ardea goliath        巨鷺        One individual was seen on a big river not too far away from the Olifants campsite
Little Egret        Egretta garzetta        小白鷺        Sabie River of the Lower Sabie campsite
Cattle Egret        Bubulcus ibis        牛背鷺        Common on roadside farmlands
Squacco Heron        Ardeola ralloides        黃池鷺        Wet areas in farmlands
Green-backed Heron        Butorides striatus        綠鷺        Quote common at Sabie River of the Lower Sabie Campsite
Hamerkop        Scopus umbretta        垂頭鸛        was first seen around Olifants River, apparently not common at the Lower Sabie Area
White Stork        Ciconia ciconia        白鸛        This bird appeared to be common around Satara. But difficult to be seen at the Olifants campsite area
Black Stork        Ciconia nigra        黑鸛        At the Lower Sabie Area
Woolly-necked Stork        Ciconia episcopus        白頸鸛        At the Lower Sabie Area
African Openbill        Anastomus lamelligerus        非洲鉗嘴鸛        At the Lower Sabie Area
Saddle-billed Stork        Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis        凹嘴鸛        Very large. Two sightings. Two at a pond near Tshokwane. Another one was seen s130 (the Lower Sabie area)
Marabou Stork        Leptoptilos crumeniferus        非洲禿鸛        First saw at Olifant river at the Olifant campsite, and then Lebeta campsite as well
Yellow-billed Stork        Mycteria ibis        黃嘴鹮鸛        Quite common at Olifants river of the Olifants campsite
Hadeda Ibis        Bostrychia hagedash        噪鹮        First recorded in Lydenburg. They seem to be seen easier in small towns than protected areas
African Spoonbill        Platalea alba        琵鷺        Common around ponds at the Lower Sabie Area
White-faced Duck        Dendrocygna viduata        白臉樹鴨        at a big pond near Tshokwane
Spur-winged Goose        Plectropterus gambensis        距翅雁        Two to four were seen at Alzu Petroport (a resting area of highway) on the way back to Johannesburg. Actually they were seen in an enclosure for rhino and ostrich. I guess they are wildbirds as some wild birds were seen
Egyptian Goose        Alopochen aegyptiacus        埃及雁        Easy to be seen at major rivers
Secretarybird        Sagittarius serpentarius        蛇鷲        Only sighting (one bird). The bird was in wet condition and it was seen walking and feeding (accompanlied by some bee-eaters). Long awaited as I was seen this bird on a nature documentary when I was a school kid. A very lovely bird
(African) White-backed Vulture        Gyps africanus        非洲白背兀鷲        The most common vulture in the region
White-headed Vulture        Trigonoceps occipitalis        白頭鷲        One record. One individual was seen drying itself together with a Bateleur on a dead tree top
Lappet-faced Vulture        Torgos tracheliotos        肉垂禿鷹        Two to three birds were seen around the Lower Sabie area
Black Kite        Milvus migrans        黑翅鳶        Common around the Olifants campsite
Yellow-billed Kite        Milvus aegyptius        黃嘴鳶        No confirmed sighting during the trip. After checking photos, one individual appears to be this species
Tawny Eagle        Aquila rapax        草原雕        I have little experience in identifying large eagles in this region. According to the field guide, I guess most eagles I saw should be this species.
Wahlberg’s Eagle        Aquila wahlbergi        細嘴雕        Some photos of dry and wet birds were taken
Martial Eagle        Polemaetus bellicosus        猛雕        At least one or two birds in very wet conditions (heavy rain) were seen
Brown Snake Eagle        Circaetus cinereus        灰短趾鵰        One or two birds along the main road in each day. Common
Bateleur        Terathopius ecaudatus        短尾鵰        It was first seen circulating above Olifants River at the Olifants Campsite. Quite common in the park
African Fish Eagle        Haliaeetus vocifer        吼海鵰        Should not be too difficult to find this bird in bigger ponds or large rivers
Steppe Buzzard        Buteo buteo        歐亞鵟        Common in farmlands around Lydenburg
Osprey        Pandion haliaetus        魚鷹        No confirmed sighting during the trip. After checking photos, one very wet individual appears to be this species
Amur Falcon        Falco amurensis        阿穆爾隼        Quite common locally. It appears to prefer plains without trees or tall shrubs
Crested Francolin        Francolinus sephaena        鳳頭鷓鴣        Common along roadside around most campsites
Natal Francolin        Francolinus natalensis        納塔爾鷓鴣        Common along roadside around most campsites
Swainson’s Spurfowl        Francolinus swainsonii        斯溫氏鷓鴣        Common along roadside around most campsites
Helmeted Guineafowl        Numida meleagris        普通珠雞        Common along roadside near the Lower Sabie campsite
Kori Bustard        Ardeotis kori        灰頸鷺鴇        Two sightings (one bird each). One near mid of S39 on Day 2, one H1-5 (3 to 4 km away from the Lebata campsite) on Day 3. A very huge bird
Red-crested Korhaan        Eupodotis ruficrista        紅冠鴇        Tarmac Road H1-4 not too far away from Olifants campsite at around 5 pm. About 2 to 3 birds. They all stood at the shade areas of the road. That day was hot. None was seen during and after subsequent rainy days. They appear to like dry weather. Quite tame
African Jacana        Actophilornis africanus        長腳雉鴴        The small river behind the Tshokwane stopover. No photos were taken due to the heavy rain
Blacksmith Lapwing        Vanellus armatus        黑枕麥雞        Common at big rivers and even turf around the carpark of the Lower Sabie campsite
Crowned Lapwing        Vanellus coronatus        冕麥雞        Two encounters. One at the lawn at the entrance of Gastav Klingbiel Nature Reserve
Three-banded Plover        Charadrius tricollaris        三斑鴴        One individual was seen s130 (between the Lower Sabie campsite and Crocodile Bridge) on the evening of Day 5
Common Sandpiper        Actitis hypoleucos        磯鷸        One near the Lower Sabie area
Black-winged Stilt        Himantopus himantopus        黑翅長腳鴴        One at Sabie River of the Lower Sabie campsite
Water Thick-knee        Burhinus vermiculatus        水石鴴        Quite abundant at the Lower Sabie campsite, esp the turfed area between residential areas and the riparian grassy vegetation
Grey-headed Gull        Larus cirrocephalus        灰頭鷗        One was seen at a resting area (Alzu Petroport) of the highway
African Olive Pigeon        Columba arquatrix        山青鴿        Three birds were seen at Thaba Tsweni Lodge, Graskop. The yellow beak was sharp and remarkable
African Mourning Dove        Streptopelia decipiens        哀斑鳩        Saw at Satara rest camp
Red-eyed Dove        Streptopelia semitorquata        紅眼斑鳩        Common
Cape Turtle Dove        Streptopelia capicola        環頸斑鳩        Common
Laughing Dove        Streptopelia senegalensis        棕斑鳩        Common
Namaqua Dove        Oena capensis        小長尾鳩        Seen at the Olifants campsite and Tweng thabi lodge (near
Grey Go-away Bird        Corythaixoides concolor        南非灰蕉鵑        Common
Diderick Cuckoo        Chrysococcyx caprius        白眉金鵑        One was seen and heard at the Lower Sabie campsite on Day 6. Surprisingly the only cuckoo recorded in this trip.
Burchell’s Coucal        Centropus burchellii        布氏鴉鵑        Common
Little Swift        Apus affinis        小白腰雨燕        This is the first bird seen in this africa trip, of which hundreds of them were seen at the airport building, presumably nesting.
Speckled Mousebird        Colius striatus        黑斑鼠鳥        A flock of 5 to 10 birds were seen in Laske Nakke Lodge, Lydenburg
Pied Kingfisher        Ceryle rudis        斑魚狗        Olifant River of the Olifant campsite
Woodland Kingfisher        Halcyon senegalensis        林區翡翠        Letaba and Satara campsites
European Bee-eater        Merops apiaster        黃喉蜂虎        Common
Southern Carmine Bee-eater        Merops nubicoides        胭脂蜂虎        More common around the dirt road (s40 - Day 2) near orpen gate than elsewhere in the park.
European Roller        Coracias garrulus        藍胸佛法僧        Very common
Lilac-breasted Roller        Coracias caudata        燕尼佛法僧        Found around the Lower Sabie campsite (Day 6)
Purple Roller        Coracias naevia        棕頂佛法僧        Found that the road betweeen Olifants campsite and Satara (Day 4)
Common (Greater) Scimitarbill        Rhinopomastus cyanomelas        彎嘴戴勝        Only recorded around the Lower Sabine campsite
African Grey Hornbill        Tockus nasutus        黑嘴彎嘴犀鳥        This bird is common around Satara (Day 4). It was also seen near Letaba (Day 3)
Red-billed Hornbill        Tockus erythrorhynchus        紅嘴彎嘴犀鳥        Common in the Olifants campsite (Day 2 and 3)
Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill        Tockus leucomelas        南黃彎嘴犀鳥        Should be easy to find along H1-5 and dirt road S93 and s44
Southern Ground-Hornbill        Bucorvus leadbeateri        紅臉地犀鳥        Only one sighting of about 5 birds on a rainy day (Day 4). Just began to uphill on H10   
Crested Barbet        Trachyphonus vaillantii        南非擬啄木鳥        It apparently nested at a dead tree near the restaurant of the Olifants Campsite
Cardinal Woodpecker        Dendropicos fuscescens        深紅啄木鳥        Only one sighting of one bird at the Lower Sabie campsite on a rainy morning. No photos were taken due to the rain.
Barn (European) Swallow        Hirundo rustica        家燕        Quite common
Wire-tailed Swallow        Hirundo smithii        綫尾燕        One was photographed on a rainy day.
Fork-tailed Drongo        Dicrurus adsimilis        叉尾卷尾        Quite common at campsites
Black-headed Oriole        Oriolus larvatus        東非黑頭黃鸝        An individual was seen at Satara
Cape (Black) Crow        Corvus capensis        海角鴉        Two were seen at Thaba Tsweni Lodge, Graskop
Pied Crow        Corvus albus        非洲白頸鴉        Saw in Lydenburg several times.
Arrow-marked Babbler        Turdoides jardineii        箭紋鶫鶥        Common. Seen in most campsites (except Olifants and Letaba…maybe overlook)
Dark-capped (Black-eyed) Bulbul        Pycnonotus barbatus        羽須鵯        Common. Seen in Lydenburg and Kruger National Park. Its songs remind me Chinese Bulbul. Of course with diff tone
Kurrichane Thrush        Turdus libonyana        利拜鶫        Recorded at Laske Nakke Lodge, Lydenburg. A garden bird
Groundscraper Thrush        Turdus litsitsirupa        地刮鶫        Recorded at Laske Nakke Lodge, Lydenburg
African (Common) Stonechat        Saxicola torquata        黑喉石即        A pair was seen at Thaba Tsweni Lodge, Graskop
Cape Robin-chat        Cossypha caffra        黃喉歌(即鳥)        One was seen at Laske Nakke Lodge, Lydenburg in early morning
White-browed Robin-Chat (Heuglin’s Robin)        Cossypha heuglini        白眉歌(即鳥)        Quite easy to see at the Lower Sabie campsite. Not found at other campsites
White-browed Scrub-Robin        Erythropygia leucophrys        白眉藪鴝        Two birds were seen at the tent part of the Lower Sabine campsite.
Long-billed Crombec        Sylvietta rufescens        棕色長嘴森鶯        Only saw at the Olifants Campsite
Neddicky        Cisticola fulvicapilla        吹叫扇尾鶯        Can't confidently identify this bird at the field. After checking photos, should be this one
Tawny-flanked Prinia        Prinia subflava        褐胁鷦鶯        Quite common at the Olifants campsite
Spotted Flycatcher        Muscicapa striata        斑鶲        I encountered several small sized flycatchers with "striped head". I guess they should be this species
southern black flycatcher        Melaenornis pammelaina        黑鶲        One at the Letaba campsite. I thought it was some sort of drongo. But saw that the eyes were black. So, it should be this bird.
African Paradise Flycatcher        Terpsiphone viridis        非洲壽帶        Recorded at Laske Nakke Lodge, Lydenburg and Lower Sabie campsite
Marico Flycatcher        Melaenornis mariquensis        馬爾鶲        One individual near the orpen gate
Chinspot Batis        Batis molitor        點頦蓬背鶲        Common at the Lower Sabie campsite
Cape Wagtail        Motacilla capensis        海角鶺鴒        Recorded at Laske Nakke Lodge, Lydenburg at dusk
African Pied Wagtail        Motacilla aguimp        非洲斑鶺鴒        Along s93 from Olifants camp to Letaba
Common Fiscal (Fiscal Shrike)        Lanius collaris        南領伯勞        Recorded at Laske Nakke Lodge, Lydenburg
Red-backed Shrike        Lanius collurio        紅背伯勞        Common along main roads
Magpie (African Long-tailed) Shrike        Corvinella melanoleuca        白肩鵲鵙         Very long tail. I thought it is some sort of widowbird in the beginning. As there some white on the shoulder, so, it should be this bird. Should not be too difficult to find along roads
Southern Boubou        Laniarius ferrugineus        銹色黑鵙        Saw at the Lower Sabie campsite
Black-backed Puffback        Dryoscopus cubla        黑背蓬背鵙        A pair was recorded at the Lower Sabie campsite
Wattled Starling        Creatophora cinerea        肉垂椋鳥        A flock of over 10 birds were seen between Olifants and Satara during heavy rains
Violet-backed (Plum-coloured) Starling        Cinnyrinclus leucogaster        白腹紫椋鳥        Saw at two campsites (Lebata and Satara)
Burchell’s Starling        Lamprotornis mevesii        米氏麗椋鳥        Common
Cape Glossy Starling        Lamprotornis nitens        南非輝椋鳥        Common in the Olifants campsite
Greater Blue-eared Starling        Lamprotornis chalybaeus        大藍耳輝椋鳥        Common
Red-winged Starling        Onychognathus morio        紅翅椋鳥        This bird is very tame. Even singing songs in front of people at al fresco resturant (Try to steal food). Could pick up dead insects from cars in the parking area. Very common at most campsite and Thaba Tsweni Lodge, Graskop
Greater Double-collared Sunbird        Cinnyris afer        大雙領花蜜鳥        Two to three birds were seen near Thaba Tsweni Lodge, Graskop
White-bellied Sunbird        Cinnyris talatala        白腹花蜜鳥        One male was seen at the Letaba campsite
Scarlet-chest Sunbird         Chalcomitra senegalensis        赤胸花蜜鳥        One female should be seen at Laske Nakke Lodge, Lydenburg
Amethyst Sunbird        Chalcomitra amethystina        艾米花蜜鳥        Two to three birds were seen near Thaba Tsweni Lodge, Graskop
Cape White-eye        Zosterops pallidus        灰腹绣眼鳥        A flock of 10 to 15 were recorded at Laske Nakke Lodge, Lydenburg
Red-billed Oxpecker        Buphagus erythrorhynchus        紅嘴牛椋鳥        I would not say it is very common here. But should not be too hard to find them
Red-billed Buffalo-Weaver        Bubalornis niger        紅嘴牛文鳥        This bird was first seen at Satara. But because of the rain, some white spots were seen on the back. Quite strange. Their huge nests were seen as well.
Cape Sparrow        Passer melanurus         南非麻雀        One was recorded at Laske Nakke Lodge, Lydenburg. Not very common. Maybe overlook
House Sparrow        Passer domesticus        家麻雀        Common
Southern Grey-headed Sparrow        Passer diffusus        南非灰頭麻雀        Common
Thick-billed Weaver        Amblyospiza albifrons        厚嘴織布鳥        Recorded at Sabie River of the Lower Sabie Campsite, of which some individuals were building their nests. This bird is not small. Like riparian vegetation
White-browed Sparrow-Weaver        Plocepasser mahali        白眉織雀        They nested at Laske Nakke Lodge, Lydenburg.
Village (Spotted-backed) Weaver        Ploceus cucullatus        黑頭群棲織布鳥        A nesting colony was seen at the Lower Sabie Campsite
Southern Masked-Weaver        Ploceus velatus        黑額織布鳥        Recorded at Laske Nakke Lodge, Lydenburg
Lesser masked weaver        Ploceus intermedius        黑臉織布鳥        A nesting colony was seen at Thaba Tsweni Lodge, Graskop
Red-headed Weaver        Anaplectes rubriceps        紅頭織布鳥        A nesting colony was seen at the gas station of the Olifants campsite
Red-billed Quelea        Quelea quelea        紅 嘴 奎 利 亞 雀        Although the field guide said the number can reach "million", only a small flock of 10 to 20 birds were seen at near the Letaba campsite
Southern Red Bishop        Euplectes orix        紅寡婦鳥        Very beautiful and sharp even the light condition is poor. Quite common along the riverbank of the Lower Sabine campsite. But too far away to take good photos.  
White-winged Widowbird        Euplectes albonotatus        白翅寡婦鳥        Common along riparian vegetation in front of the Lower Sabie restaurant
Red-collared Widowbird        Euplectes ardens        紅領寡婦鳥        Two to three birds were seen near Thaba Tsweni Lodge, Graskop
Jameson’s Firefinch        Lagonosticta rhodopareia        紅腹火雀         Two birds were seen at the Olifants and Lower Sabie campsites. Not very common.
Blue Waxbill        Uraeginthus angolensis        安哥拉藍飾雀        Usually seen in a pair. The blue reminds me some paper "servants" burnt during funeral ceremory in HK
Cut-throat Finch        Amadina fasciata        環喉雀        A pair was seen at the Crocodile Bridge campsite.
Bronze Mannikin        Spermestes cucullatus        銅色文鳥        Recorded at Laske Nakke Lodge, Lydenburg
Pin-tailed Whydah        Vidua macroura        針尾維達鳥        Recorded at Laske Nakke Lodge, Lydenburg
Yellow-fronted (Yellow-eyed) Canary        Serinus mozambicus        黃額絲雀        Recorded at Laske Nakke Lodge, Lydenburg
Cinnamon-breasted Rock Bunting        Emberiza tahapisi        朱胸岩鵐        One male was seen at Blyde River Canyon (somewhere near Bourke's Potholes, but not 100% sure the name of the location)
Cape Grassbird        Sphenoeacus afer        草鶯        One bird was seen near Thaba Tsweni Lodge, Graskop

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