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Subject: [Oversea] Trip to Iran [Print This Page]

Author: inca    Time: 18/05/2014 16:58     Subject: Trip to Iran

I had a trip to Iran between April and May 2014,on the way ,I got some bird photos for sharing^^
House sparrow

Clamorous reed warbler

Red-billed chough

Common chaffinch

Eurasian goldfinch

Great tit

European bee-eater

Rosy starling

European roller

Rock sparrow

Rock nuthatch

Common myna

Common starling

Alexandrine parakeet

White-eared bulbul

Crested lark

Laughing dove

Lesser kestrel


Hooded crow

[ Last edited by inca at 19/05/2014 19:31 ]
Author: kmike    Time: 18/05/2014 21:57

Some great birds - I'm really curious to visit Iran
Some comments



[ Last edited by kmike at 18/05/2014 21:58 ]
Author: inca    Time: 19/05/2014 19:33

Thanks,name corrected.
Author: tmichael    Time: 19/05/2014 21:16

Hooded Crow is not just a colour phase - according to the IOC list(which HKBWS committee use as the basis for the HK list) it's a separate species Corvus cornix, and birds in Iran would be of the sspp sharpii or capellanus.

Interestingly they also indicate our orientalis Carrion Crow of East Asia as a potential split, so another armchair tick could be in the offing.

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