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Subject: Mai Po米埔 Autumn 2014 秋 [Print This Page]

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 12/09/2014 17:02     Subject: Mai Po米埔 Autumn 2014 秋

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 5-11 September 2014

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

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Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 19/09/2014 14:26

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 12-18 September 2014

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
Author: ivantse    Time: 21/09/2014 10:36

21-Sep-2014 morning

Grey-headed Lapwing
Spoon-billed Sandpiper
Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 25/09/2014 11:21

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 19-24 September 2014

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
Author: bkenneth    Time: 27/09/2014 19:28

26th September

Coot (#8) first of winter ?
Pheasant-tailed Jacana X 1 (#8)
Schrenk's Bittern X 1 (#13)

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 17/10/2014 16:51

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 9-16 October 2014

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 24/10/2014 12:44

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 17-23 October 2014

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 7/11/2014 10:58

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 31 October  -6 November 2014

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 28/11/2014 16:26

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 20-27 November 2014

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 28/11/2014 17:42

Interesting to see the hybrid Mallard / Eastern Spot-billed Duck, it could be a first evidence that escapee from wild duck raising farm for chinese restaurant as mentionned earlier is turning up at Mai Po....

The following species were found suring  a recent visit to a bird market (Chi Kan market) at Zhangjiang city on wich the only birds that were sold was raised Wild duck species :

- Gadwall
- Falcated Duck
- Eurasian Wigeon
- Spot-billed Duck
- hybride Pintail x Mallard
- Baikal Teal
- Red-crested Pochard
- Ferruginous Duck
- Tufted Duck
- Lesser Whistling Duck
Author: kmatthew    Time: 29/11/2014 20:59


Imperial Eagle x1
Bonelli's Eagle x2
Eurasian Spoonbill x4
Mallard x1

Eastern Marsh Harrier x2
Crested Goshawk x1
Peregrine Falcon x2
Pacific Golden Plover x2
Whimbrel x1(quite a late one)
Terek Sandpiper x1 (very late?)
Saunder's Gull
Author: ajohn    Time: 29/11/2014 21:36

Hybrid MallardxSpot-billed have been seen at Mai Po in the past. This bird has been acting as a wild bird, turned up at the same time as an increase in ducks on the reserve, is associating with Spotbills and is rather shy. I think this may be a wild bird rather than having come from the trade in ducks at Chinese bird markets.
Author: lchunfai    Time: 1/12/2014 17:52

1/12 Access rd:
Common Pochard 9
Wryneck 1
Ferruginous Duck 1

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