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Subject: [Hong Kong] 自拍打卡保衛郊野公園!Show you care about Country Parks! [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 7/12/2015 18:02     Subject: 自拍打卡保衛郊野公園!Show you care about Country Parks!

Go hiking and take selfie on 13 December to show you care about Country Parks and oppose to developing Country Parks!

最近社會上有不少關於發展郊野公園的討論。但若果你想支持保護郊野公園,請你用行動支持!大家可以於 12 月13日(星期日)去郊野公園行山,自拍打卡,標籤 [‪#‎saveourcountryparks‬] 或 [‪#‎保衛郊野公園‬],之後放上保衛郊野公園Facebook page及你自己的Facebook, Instagram, twitter 或其他社交媒體。
Recently, there are some hot discussion about developing Country Parks. If you want to protect the Country Parks, please take action! Visit a Country Park on 13 December and post a selfie on Save Our Country Parks Facebook page or your own social media (Fb, Instagram, Twitter, WeChat, ...) with hash tag [#saveourcountryparks].

Country parks with counting stations on 13 December (updated by "Save Our Country Parks" as on 7 December)

Ark Eden、香港地貌岩石保育協會、爭氣行動、創建香港、Eco-Sys Action、香港大學學生會理學會環境生命科學學會、海下之友、西貢之友、大浪灣之友、香港地球之友、綠色社區、綠色大嶼山協會、綠色力量、環保觸覺、綠領行動、綠色和平、香港自然生態論壇、香港單車同盟、香港海豚保育學會、Hong Kong Outdoors、大嶼山愛護水牛協會、島嶼活動行動、活在南丫、勃勃海洋、西貢大浪灣關注組、香港自然探索學會、長春社、香港觀鳥會、世界自然基金會香港分會


Save Our Country Park members:
Ark Eden, Association for Geoconservation, Hong Kong, Clear the Air, Designing Hong Kong, Eco-Sys Action, Environmental Life Science Society, SS, HKUSU, Friends of Hoi Ha, Friends of Sai Kung, Friends of Tai Long Wan, Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong), Green Community, Green Lantau Association, Green Power, Green Sense, Greeners Action, Greenpeace,HKWildlife .net, Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, Hong Kong Cycling Alliance, Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society, Hong Kong Outdoors, Lantau Buffalo Association, Living Islands Movement, Living Lamma, Living Seas Hong Kong, Sai Kung Tai Long Wan Concern Group, Society of Hong Kong Nature Explorers, The Conservancy Association, WWF-Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Hiking Meet Up, Save Lantau Alliance, Trail Watch.

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Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 8/12/2015 11:14

1. 城門- 待定
2. 金山-沿大埔道設四個義工站(待定)
3. 獅子山-(1)紅梅谷入口;(2)沙田坳
4. 香港仔- 中峽道入口
5. 大潭- 陽明山莊入口
6. 西貢西-北潭涌禁區閘口
7. 船灣-大尾篤入口
8. 大嶼南-(1)石門甲路口 (2)南山 (3)伯公坳 (4)梅窩銀礦洞
9. 大嶼北(擴建部份)-(1)東涌戶外康樂營; (2)大蠔(白芒)
10. 大帽山-待定
11. 林村-蝴蝶山入口(近粉嶺港鐵站)
12. 馬鞍山-(1)梅子林路花園;(2)菠蘿輋路及躉場路交界
13. 橋咀 - 橋咀碼頭
14. 石澳-龍脊入口
15. 薄扶林- (1)山頂盧吉道入口(港島徑); (2)山頂廣場側入口, (3)薄扶林水塘(近大學堂方向); (4)盧吉道及夏力道/克頓道交界 ; 山頂夏力道入口
(1)山頂 ; (2) 薄扶林水塘 ;(3)夏力道與盧吉道交界
16. 大潭(鰂魚涌擴建部分)-柏架山道入口
17. 清水灣-大坳門
18. 八仙嶺-鶴藪燒烤場
19. 龍虎山-(1)夏力道山頂 ;(2)夏力道與盧吉道交界
[Shared message] Save Our Country Alliance and partners organizations will set over 30 volunteers stations at 19 Country Parks on December 13. Volunteers at country park entrances will remind/help visitors take and post selfies from 8am to noon on that day. It's time to plan on your Sunday hiking.
1. Shing Mun-tbc
2. Kam Shan- 4 stations along Tai Po Road
3. Lion Rock- Hung Mui Kuk entrance (2)Shatin Pass
4. Lam Tsuen-Wu Tip Shan entrance near Fanling MTR
5. Tai Tam-Parkview Entrance
6. Sai Kung West-Pak Tam Chung barrier
7. Plover Cove-Tai Mei Tuk entrance
8. Lantau South- (1)Tung Chung overpass; (2)Nam Shan; (3) Pak Kung Au; (4) Mui Wo silver mine cave
9. Lantau North (Ext.) (1)Tung O Ancient Trail; (2)Tai Ho Olympics Trail
10. Tai Mo Shan-tbc
11. Lam Tsuen- Wu Tip Shan entrance near Fanling MTR
12. Ma On Shan- (1)Mui Tsz Lam Road Garden;(2)Po Lo Che Road/Tan Cheung Road
13. Kiu Tsui- Kiu Tsui pier
14. Shek O- Dragon's Back entrance
15. Pok Fu Lam -(1)The Peak - Lugard Road; (2)The Peak - Beside The Peak Galleria; (3) Pok Fu Lam Reservoir (Near University Hall); (4) Harlech Road and Lugard Road junction; (5)The Peak - Harlech Road
16. Tai Tam (Quarry Bay Ext.)-Mt Parker Road entrance
17. Clear Water Bay-Tai Au Mun (Kite spot)
18. Pat Sin Leng- Hok Tau barbecue site
19. Lung Fu Shan (1)Peak of Hatton Road; (2)Junction of Lugard Road and Harlech

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Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 14/12/2015 10:12


香港巿民透過史無前例的網上動員行動   對抗郊野公園發展威脅

保衛郊野公園聯盟在今日舉行一個史無前例、覆蓋全港的網上動員行動,以保護香港的郊野公園。首屆的欣賞郊野公園日,主題為 ‪#‎保衛郊野公園‬,已於12月第二個星期日舉行。第一股的行山打卡熱潮已經席捲Facebook,行山人士在全港多個郊野公園分享了過千張標籤了#保衛郊野公園的相片。

近200名來自16個聯盟成員和關注團體的義工在全港設置超過30個義工站,覆蓋全港共24個郊野公園當中的20個。義工將會統計行山人數,並鼓勵行山人士自拍打卡以支持保衛郊野公園。這個網上動員行動為香港巿民提供機會,站出來反對發展郊野公園。由早上8時至中午12時,總共超過34,106訪客曾進入郊野公園,並透過義工獲得保衛郊野公園的資訊。社交媒體(包括Facebook 活動專頁和Instagram)有著過千相片或影片標籤了 #保衛郊野公園。







【Press Release】(Shared from Save Our Country Parks)

Green Groups Create Selfies Fire Storm ‪#‎SaveOurCountryParks‬
Hongkongers express support for country parks during unprecedented event in response to development threats

Today, the Save Our Country Parks alliance held an unprecedented, territory-wide event leading to a "Facebook Fire Storm" in support of Hong Kong country parks. With the theme #SaveOurCountryParks, this was the first Country Parks Appreciation Day to be held annually on the 2nd Sunday in December. The firestorm of selfies #SaveOurCountryParks is happening on Facebook with thousands of images and messages uploaded by hikers today throughout Hong kong's country parks.

Over 200 volunteers from 16 organisations and individuals set up more than 30 stations at key entrances to 20 of Hong Kong's 24 country parks. The volunteers counted visitors and asked them to take selfies in support of safeguarding country parks. The mega event gave Hong Kong people an opportunity to stand up and oppose those wanting to use country parks for development. From 8am to 12noon, 34,106 visitors were counted entering the country parks and get the message of Save Our Country Parks from our volunteers. Over thousands of messages were tagged with #SaveOurCountryParks across social media, including Instagram and Facebook event page.

“This event is truly amazing," said Prof. Lam Chiu-ying, former director of the Hong Kong Observatory and currently adjunct professor of the Geography and Resource Management Department of CUHK. "It's great that so many groups have rallied in support of our country parks, giving Hong Kong people a chance to air their views."

Prof. Lam added: "The national government has decided to incorporate special ecological areas within its urban planning strategy. We should do likewise, yet there are increasing threats from developments. Hong Kong has a unique treasure with our extensive country parks system - which no other World City can rival. Developers and government should not encroach on this unique asset. Today's event shows that people care and are willing to stand up to protect the country parks for our next generations.”

According to the Country and Marine Parks Authority’s Progress Report, the number of visitors has increased 24.8% compared with last summer - clearly showing that country parks are ever more important for leisure and relaxation for Hong Kong residents and visitors.

Prof. Wong Fook-yee, adjunct professor of the Geography and Resource Management Department of CUHK, related the history and objectives of establishing Hong Kong country parks, and said they should be conserved and protected.

“We have more than ten thousands members - all of whom love the country parks –and this continues to grow," said SK Shum, organiser of Hong Kong Hiking Meetup. "The country parks are for gathering and meeting new people, for sports and recreation, for our health.”

Suzanne Cheung, CEO of Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong), said, "I love country parks, and am keenly aware of the environmental benefits - such as providing habitats for wildlife to enhance biodiversity, trees absorb carbon dioxide (GHG) to mitigate climate change, greenery that benefits our mental and physical health, and as a source of clean drinking water."

The groups also called on the Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying to stay true to his Election Manifesto, in which he promised that “We will protect our country parks and bodies of land and water with ecological value, and formulate long-term plans for other areas of land available for development.”


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