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Subject: Female Green-backed type Flycatchers on Po Toi in autumn 2015 [Print This Page]

Author: wgeoff    Time: 12/12/2015 09:50     Subject: Female Green-backed type Flycatchers on Po Toi in autumn 2015

We have now had three of these on Po Toi this autumn, each looking quite different, and I thought it would be interesting to put the photos together and make comparisons. But before I do, it is worth understanding what we are talking about.

Three distinct species/subspecies are covered by this definition – Narcissus ssp narcissina from Japan, Narcissus ssp owstoni (which will probably soon be separated as a different species) from the Ryukyu Islands and Green-backed Flycatcher from northern China.
These are all separable in adult plumage but first and second winter plumages are difficult to separate. So ‘female Green-backed type Flycatchers’ refers to first and possibly second winter male or female of these three types. Unfortunately, first winter birds are the common ones seen in HK in autumn.

The first bird was found by Eliza Hui and photographed by her and KK Chang on 10 November. Here are two photographs of this bird

and other photos appear here ... &extra=page%3D1

This bird was quite green on the back with a yellowish wash underneath, yellow throat and no obvious yellow on the rump.

The second bird was found by Leo Sit on 8 December and these are his photographs

A much greyer bird with no yellow wash underneath and apparently no yellow on the rump.

Finally, the latest bird on 10 December, photos by Ken Wong

A greenish back, whiter wing markings, yellow throat and yellowish undertail coverts, signs of yellow on the upper rump and a just visible yellowish eyebrow.
Photos of both these birds appear here ... &extra=page%3D1

What species are these? Up to the RC to decide, but for me the first is Green-backed, the second is Narcissus narcissina and the third either Green-backed or Narcissus owstoni, probably the latter.
But I guess there are other opinions.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 12/12/2015 22:27 ]
Author: jsk_ppp    Time: 12/12/2015 21:05

Thank you Geoff for putting all these together and the informative analysis.

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