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Subject: [Hong Kong] 生物多樣性指標報告 2013 & 2014 Biodiversity Indicators Report [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 30/03/2016 10:28     Subject: 生物多樣性指標報告 2013 & 2014 Biodiversity Indicators Report

《香港生物多樣性及保育 重點指標報告2013&2014》
“Hong Kong Headline Indicators for Biodiversity and Conservation 2013-2014”

(2016年3月29日)香港觀鳥會今天發表最新一份《香港生物多樣性及保育 重點指標報告》。這份報告是本港唯一有系統地監察生物多樣性的保育及進展的報告,也是同一系列中的第三份,並收集及分析過去至少5年的數據。





1)        成立一個高層跨部門委員會,負責指導和統籌各部門的生物多樣性保育行動,以有效執行《行動計劃》。

2)        通過以下措施加強對具有高生態價值地點的保護及管理:
a.        納入郊野公園
b.        實施「管理協議」
c.        成立自然保育基金
d.        非原址換地;及
e.        組織跨部門保育及執法專責小組

3)        修改現時阻礙有效執法的法例漏洞,如城市規劃條例、環境影響評估條例,以及廢物處置條例等。另外加強進口禽鳥牌照的監管,減少鳥類貿易對本地鳥類種群及公共衛生所帶來的不良影響。


本報告的重點指標是以思匯政策研究所發表的《自然保護 - 香港的新政策框架》為基礎,並根據多個環保組織、學者、環境顧問、政府官員及其他持份者的廣泛討論後篩選出來。報告中使用的數據是來自各政府部門、環保團體及學者。



(29 March 2016) The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS) today released the latest report of “Hong Kong Headline Indicators for Biodiversity and Conservation 2013-2014”, the only systematic monitoring of the state and progress of biodiversity conservation in Hong Kong. This is the third report of the same series, which reports on data collected over the past 5 years.  

Mr. Apache Lau, the chairman of HKBWS said, “The Government initiated the work on formulating a Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP) for Hong Kong in 2013 and now it has come to the public consultation period. This report is particularly important as it provides key baseline information about the key threats and challenges to biodiversity that the BSAP is intended to address but or not included in the consultation document”.

The report shows how ecological vandalism continues to threaten Hong Kong’s biodiversity. There are on average over 100 confirmed cases of unauthorized development per year and over 30 cases which enforcement not possible due to known loopholes in current legislation. None of the damaged sites reported by environmental NGOs were restored back to their original ecological function.

Developments are encroaching our conservation zonings. 1% of Green Belts in Hong Kong was proposed to rezone for housing development, in which some are well-vegetated and with recognized ecological value. Small houses applications account for more than 90% and 65% of the approved applications in Agriculture and Green Belt zonings respectively in the past decade.

Populations of key species are declining. The peak count of waterbirds in Deep Bay area has halved in the past eight years with an average annual decrease rate of about 7%. The abundance of Chinese White Dolphin in Lantau follows a similar trend.  

Mr. Lau added, “The HKBWS welcomes the formulation of BSAP for Hong Kong and that the Government has allocated funding to facilitate its implementation in 2016 budget. HKBWS also supports the existing conservation and education efforts of the Government as outlined in the consultation document. However, these measures do not adequately address the imminent threats to our biodiversity and natural environment”.

The HKBWS urges the Government to adopt the following actions to strengthen the BSAP in order to meet the challenges outline about.

1)        Establish a high level inter-departmental committee to steer and co-ordinate the biodiversity conservation actions of different departments for an effective implementation of the BSAP.

2)        Strengthen the protection and management of sites and habitats with high ecological value, which can be achieved through:
a.        designation of Country Parks,
b.        implementation of Management Agreements,
c.        establishment of a Nature Conservation Trust,
d.        non-in-situ land exchange, and
e.        a cross-departmental conservation enforcement task force

3)        Revise loopholes in existing regulatory framework (e.g. Town Planning Ordinance, Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance, and Waste Disposal Ordinance) that hinder effective enforcement. Licensing of imported birds should also be strengthened to minimise the adverse impacts on bird populations and public health caused by this trade.

The HKBWS encourages members of the public who values Hong Kong’s natural heritage and are concerned about the ongoing trashing incidents to make written submissions to the Government (deadline: 7 April 2016), to support the implementation of the BSAP and to request more solid measures be include in the BSAP to ensure effective protection and conservation of Hong Kong’s biodiversity.

The headline indicators in this report were developed based on the report “Nature Conservation: A new policy framework for Hong Kong” published by Civic Exchange, and were selected through discussions with environmental NGOs, academics, consultants, government officials and other stakeholders. The data used in the report was collected from Government departments, environmental NGOs and academics.

*** 延伸閱讀 Further readings: 本會對《行動計劃》的重點建議 HKBWS’s key comments on BSAP

下載報告Download report:

2013 & 2014 報告 Report ... _Report_chi_web.pdf (中文Chinese, 3.70MB) ... _Report_eng_web.pdf (英文English, 3.21MB)


2012報告 Report ... dicators_Report.pdf (只提供英文English version only, 382KB)
*相關連結Related Link:


2011報告 Report ... tors_Report_CHI.pdf (中文Chinese, 6.57MB) ... ators_Report_EN.pdf (英文English, 5.77MB)
*相關連結Related Link:


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