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Subject: 16/4 蒲台及南面水域觀鳥PoToi&HKSouthWater [Print This Page]

Author: rosefinch    Time: 23/04/2016 20:22     Subject: 16/4 蒲台及南面水域觀鳥PoToi&HKSouthWater

當日共47名參加者, 謝謝Richard帶領活動。歡迎上載當日雀鳥相片。
根據主領隊 Richard及綜合各觀鳥者報告, 全日共錄得42款鳥種。

Totally 42 species were recorded, including on boat and on Po Toi.

可到此瀏覽黃腹花蜜鳥相片: (links for photos of the Olive-backed Sunbird) ... o=lastpost#lastpost

(Summary from Richard's report) The highlights were a Fairy Pitta(note: first seen 14/4) seen by one or two lucky people in the area where one was found two days earlier and a male Olive-backed Sunbird (note: possibly first seen earliest as 12/4) just below the Sisters Café. Rather few birds seen at sea during the outing, including White-throated Needletails and Greater Crested Terns
Richard's report in the thread for Po Toi April; ... o=lastpost#lastpost

香港仔 - 東博寮海峽 - 蒲台外圍 - 橫欄島外 - 蒲台登島 - 回程

東南面水域見到的海/水鳥不多, 下面盡量以出現的次序排先後:
Rather few birds seen at sea during the outing:
1.        褐翅燕鷗x2                Bridled Tern probably 2
2.        鬚浮鷗(繁殖羽)        Whiskered Tern 1 in breeding plumage
3.        白喉針尾燕x3        White-throated Needletail 3 zoomed past the boat very close
4.        家燕                                Barn Swallow
5.        大鳳頭燕鷗 1+                Greater Crested Tern at least 1
6.        紅頸反蹼鷸x71        Red-necked Phalarope 71
7.        普通燕鷗 Common Tern 1
8.        牛背鷺(繁殖羽)         Cattle Egret 6
9.        白腹海鵰x3                 White-bellied Sea Eagle 3   
蒲台島上觀鳥鳥種: (Birds seen on Po Toi Island)
10.        灰臉鵟鷹                        Grey-faced Buzzard
11.        赤腹鷹x8+                Chinese Goshawk at least 8
12.        小杜鵑                        Lesser Cuckoo
13.        中杜鵑                        Oriental Cuckoo
14.        四聲杜鵑                        Indian Cuckoo
15.        三寶鳥                        Dollarbird
16.        栗喉蜂虎x12上空飛過 Blue-tailed Bee-eater 12(flew over)
17.        仙八色鶇                        Fairy Pitta
18.        灰山椒鳥                        Ashy Minivet
19.        小灰山椒鳥                Swinhoe's Minivet
20.        黃眉柳鶯x2                Yellow-browed Warblers
21.        雙斑柳鶯                        Two-barred Warbler
22.        極北柳鶯                        Arctic Warbler
23.        淡腳柳鶯                        Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
24.        白眉鶇                        Eyebrowed Thrush
25.        藍歌鴝/雌鳥                Siberian Blue Robin female
26.        北灰鶲x4                        Asian Brown Flycatcher at least 4
27.        灰紋鶲x2                 Grey-streaked Flycatcher at least 2
28.        黃眉姬鶲x2                Narcissus Flycatcher 2
29.        鴝姖鶲x3                        Mugimaki Flycatcher 3
30.        海南藍仙鶲                Hainan Blue Flycatcher
31.        白腹藍仙鶲                Blue-and-white Flycatcher 1
32.        紫壽帶                        Japanese Paradise Flycatcher
33.        壽帶                        Aian Paradise Flycatcher
34.        黃腹花蜜鳥(雄性)               Olive-backed Sunbird
35.        燕鴴                                Oriental Pratincole
36.        八哥                                Crested Myna
37.        絲光椋鳥                        Red-billed Starling
38.        黑鳶                                Black-eared Kite
39.        普通翡翠                        Common Kingfisher
40.        小白鷺                        Little Egret
41.        岩鷺                                Pacific Reef Egret
42.        大嘴烏鴉                        Large-billed Crow

[ Last edited by rosefinch at 23/04/2016 23:33 ]

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