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Subject: Rufous-tailed Robin - video - Lamma [Print This Page]

Author: mguy    Time: 30/03/2017 21:02     Subject: Rufous-tailed Robin - video - Lamma

Tai Shan West, Lamma Island, Hong Kong
17:29 - Thursday, 30th March 2017
D500 300 AFS 1:4D
(Video - click image to view on Flickr)
DSC_3160 by Guy R.H. Miller, on Flickr
Author: tmichael    Time: 30/03/2017 21:19

Can I just ask what the rather barbet-like repetitive call in the background might be? Maybe there's a simple explanation I'm missing, or is it a frog? I did note the Greater Coucal, a thrush-like call, and bulbul chatter.
Author: mguy    Time: 30/03/2017 22:04

HI... can't really help you with that.... except not a frog.... only frog noise I usually get I believe is that of a Romers Tree Frog... all others seem to avoid the pond area.. think is a bird call, but not something I am any good at identifying
Author: lpaul    Time: 31/03/2017 09:54

It's a White-breasted Waterhen Mike.
Author: tmichael    Time: 4/04/2017 23:34

Thanks, Paul, makes sense and I'm sure that's what it is. Comes across as a shade higher-pitched and, in that stretch at least, perhaps a bit more rapid than usual, but yeah, a Waterhen it no doubt is.

Used to be commonly heard from the swamp in front of my home, but not for a while now, sadly. They are still regularly encountered in the nearby Lions Park, however.

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