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Subject: Is this a Dunlin? [Print This Page]

Author: Jeffreycfy    Time: 1/04/2017 12:51     Subject: Is this a Dunlin?

Is this a Dunlin? It seems that this bird is developing its bleeding plumage.
Photo taken on 17/3/2017 at MP.Thanks for your kind advice in advance.

Image Attachment: Dunlin? 20170317 MP DSC_1287 Share.jpg (1/04/2017 12:51, 431.08 KB) / Download count 403

Author: ajohn    Time: 2/04/2017 07:27

It's a Curlew Sandpiper. As you say, it is moulting into breeding plumage, which is red in this species. There are a lot of Curlew Sandpipers passing through Hong Kong at the moment, and while most of the Dunlin have already moved further north.
Author: Jeffreycfy    Time: 4/04/2017 11:08

Thank you, John.

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