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Subject: Hong Kong engraved leg flags 香港號碼足旗 [Print This Page]

Author: ajohn    Time: 27/08/2010 14:13     Subject: Hong Kong engraved leg flags 香港號碼足旗

Hong Kong leg flags (using the colour combination White over Yellow) have been used for about 10 years. In this time, we have received some useful information about the movement of waders from Hong Kong due to resightings of birds here and overseas.

Because all waders from Hong Kong use the same flag combination, however, it has not previously been possible to recognise individual birds in the field. This limits the potential information which can be gained about the movements of individual birds and the duration for which an individual remains in Hong Kong. For example, we still do not know whether Marsh Sandpiper individuals remain in Hong Kong all winter or whether there is passage through Hong Kong, despite the fact that good numbers of this species have been flagged.

During this summer, the Hong Kong Ringing Group (HKRG) has obtained some engraved leg flags. These will allow individual birds to be recognised, so that we can gain this additional information. Engraved leg flags like these have been used successfully elsewhere for several years, and some Australian birds with engraved flags have been resighted in Hong Kong.

Last night, the HKRG was able to trap waders at Mai Po and we have fitted the first of the Hong Kong engraved leg flags. So far, 39 birds have been ringed: 22 Common Redshank, 9 Marsh Sandpiper, 5 Common Greenshank, 2 Greater Sand Plover and 1 Common Sandpiper. As usual,all have been fitted with the Hong Kong combination of White over Yellow. Both flags are engraved with a single letter followed by a single number (e.g. A1, B2, etc.) - the combination is the same on both flags. Photos are attached for Common Redshank, Common Greenshank and Marsh Sandpiper.

If anyone is at Mai Po over the coming weeks and months, I would like you to look out for these waders (and for any waders with leg flags). You can report them on the website, or by contacting me directly (jallcock @asiaecol. All reports will be useful to gain a pattern of the birds behaviour in Hong Kong, and to see how long birds stay in this area. We hope that there will also be sightings from overseas. We plan to continue trapping over the course of the autumn and winter, so expect to see more of these birds (hopefully including more species) turning up in coming months.

As always, thank you to WWF-HK and Mai Po staff for their help with managing the reserve and giving permission for us to visit the site to conduct this research.

Image Attachment: CRedshank.jpg (27/08/2010 14:13, 20.46 KB) / Download count 1682

Image Attachment: CGreenshank.jpg (27/08/2010 14:13, 17.07 KB) / Download count 1613

Image Attachment: MSandpiper.jpg (27/08/2010 14:13, 17.42 KB) / Download count 1675

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 6/09/2010 10:45

A New Chapter Opens on Wader Migration Research in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Bird Ringing Group (HKBRG) in collaboration with WWF-Hong Kong kicked off the bird ringing season at Mai Po Nature Reserve this month by employing a bird marking technique new to Hong Kong.... Read more


世界自然基金會與香港鳥類環誌協會組成的研究小組,在米埔自然保護區剛展開今季的鳥類環誌工作,當中用上「新型足旗」,在香港是一項新嘗試。... 更多
Author: msamuel    Time: 26/09/2010 20:00     Subject: A2

Is it common redshank?  Its legs are orangey red but the bill is yellowish green not red at the base that I know
Thanks.  Samuel

Author: ajohn    Time: 4/10/2010 09:31

As you guessed, your bird is a Common Redshank. It is a young bird (hatched this year), which often are not particularly red on the bill. Can you please let me know when and where you photographed the bird, so that I can add it to the list of resightings.
Thanks, John
Author: msamuel    Time: 4/10/2010 09:41

Sorry, forgot it.  The bird was resighted on 26Sep2010 outside Mai Po HKBWS bird hide.
Author: ckuifai    Time: 7/10/2010 22:03

B5 & C4 at Mai Po Boardwalk 米埔浮橋 07-Oct-2010 .

Author: John Holmes    Time: 8/10/2010 18:26     Subject: A 1 sighting

From the boardwalk, MPNR 2010-Oct-07

I had imagined that Whimbrel "A1"  would have been the first bird flagged here....
but perhaps the first flags out of the box were "A0" ?

Image Attachment: Whimbrel_A1.jpg (8/10/2010 18:26, 85.23 KB) / Download count 1618

Image Attachment: Redshank_D0.jpg (8/10/2010 18:26, 78.41 KB) / Download count 1526

Author: ajohn    Time: 11/10/2010 10:42

Thanks John. In fact, A0 was the first Whimbrel combination - about 30 minutes before A1 was used (on 14th September)
Author: madcat    Time: 21/10/2010 00:14

D0 Greater sand plover @ Mai Po Boardwalk 2010-10-20

[ 本帖最後由 madcat 於 22/10/2010 09:58 編輯 ]
Author: madcat    Time: 22/10/2010 10:02

A1 Common Greenshank @ Mai Po boardwalk - 2010-10-21

Author: ajohn    Time: 22/10/2010 12:53

Thank you for continuing to update the records. Please continue to post sightings of these leg-flagged birds. The Common Greenshank has been in Hong Kong now for about 2 months (flagged on 26 August) and the Greater Sandplover for over 1 month.
Author: Sze    Time: 22/10/2010 15:46

FYI! someone took a photo of a flagged bird at NSW! ... mp;page=1#pid288103
Author: ajohn    Time: 22/10/2010 16:02

Sze, thank you for drawing this to my attention. I have looked at the photos on HKWildlife. The flag number is very difficult to read, but appears to be A2 - this is another Greenshank ringed in late August.
Author: madcat    Time: 22/10/2010 19:36

The following photos were taken by Philip Tang, a HKBWS member, and were posted here with his permission.

E3 Common redshank @ Mai Po Boardwalk 2010-10-20

A9 Common Greenshank (???) @ Mai Po boardwalk - 2010-10-21

Author: lchunfai    Time: 24/10/2010 22:35

24.10.10  Mai Po (B/W)

Greater Sand Plover  [D0]

Author: ckuifai    Time: 25/10/2010 23:52

Common Redshank 紅腳鷸 A6, B0, B7, D0, D3 & E0 at Mai Po Boardwalk 米埔浮橋 25-Oct-2010

Author: John Holmes    Time: 3/11/2010 16:27

Redshank "D8" was at the boardwalk this morning, 3rd Nov. 2010
Author: lkatherine    Time: 5/11/2010 10:56

Common Redshank D0 at the boardwalk this morning (5-Nov, 10:00).

Author: ypakwai    Time: 7/11/2010 00:45

Common Redshank 紅腳鷸 B6, B7,at Mai Po Boardwalk 米埔浮橋 11/4/2010

Author: Stonechat    Time: 13/11/2010 22:14

A 2 resighting
From  Kam Tin Nov 13 2010. It is doing well and very active.

[ Last edited by Stonechat at 19/11/2010 08:03 ]

Image Attachment: DSC_6650B.jpg (13/11/2010 22:14, 176.88 KB) / Download count 1623

Author: Sze    Time: 6/12/2010 00:10

Marsh Sandpiper B6 was seen at Nam Sang Wai on 05Dec2010 around 08:30-09:45

Image Attachment: EUR3228s.jpg (6/12/2010 00:10, 138.82 KB) / Download count 1660

Author: sdavid    Time: 9/03/2011 12:51

Greenshank (A0)

Grey Plover (B2)

Also 16 HK leg-flagged (not engraved) Grey Plover outside the Boardwalk Hides yesterday.  

One of the godwits also looked like it was carrying flags, but was too distant to confirm.
Author: sdavid    Time: 11/03/2011 15:05

Mai Po Boardwalk

Common Greenshank A0

Common Greenshank A8 and A9
Common Redshank (HK Flags unmarked)
Author: lkatherine    Time: 18/03/2011 16:50

Pied Avocet A5 photographed by cosmos on 11-Mar-2011:
Author: John Holmes    Time: 19/03/2011 15:20     Subject: Flagging Interest

At the Mai Po boardwalk, Saturday 19th March 2011

These photographs attached plus a Redshank with plain HK leg flags, a Broadbilled Sandpiper with plain HK leg flags and a Common Greenshank "A9"

The photos are Black-tailed Godwits "B1" and "B4" and Redshank "D7"

[ Last edited by John Holmes at 19/03/2011 15:22 ]

Image Attachment: B1_JH_6131.jpg (19/03/2011 15:20, 65.33 KB) / Download count 1553

Image Attachment: B4_JH_6133.jpg (19/03/2011 15:20, 64.6 KB) / Download count 1526

Image Attachment: D7_JH_6199.jpg (19/03/2011 15:20, 70.49 KB) / Download count 1498

Author: ajohn    Time: 21/03/2011 09:10

Thank you for the resightings John. The Redshank and Greenshank were flagged in September and the Godwits were flagged in January.  The Broad-billed Sandpiper resighting is perhaps the most interesting of your observations: only 11 have ever been flagged in Hong Kong, all in April 2004. I have not heard of any previous resightings of flagged individuals of this species.

Please keep these records of engraved flags coming, as they will provide interesting information on the behaviour of waders in the Deep Bay area. We hope to put more flags on over the next few weeks as waders stop over in Hong Kong.

[ Last edited by ajohn at 21/03/2011 09:12 ]
Author: wcaptain    Time: 21/03/2011 09:46

Hi John,

Is it possible to post an excel file of the flag no and the ringing details on the forum (or the download section)? So birders (both local and int'l) can view the details about their resightings without too much disturbance to you.

This file can be regularly updated in accordance with the resightings reported here.

Just a suggestion. Pls don't mind.


Author: ajohn    Time: 21/03/2011 11:14

Thank you for the suggestion, Captain. One reason I have not been doing this is that I am concerned that by providing the information publicly, people may just look up the date on which their bird was flagged and may not report the details to me. If this happened it would be counter-productive, as we could end up receiving less details about the observations. I will reconsider this position and may post something in future.

I am also considering ways in which we can make it easier for people to report resightings and increase observer awareness of the various marking schemes taking place in Hong Kong and elsewhere along the flyway. For the moment I am happy to respond to any observations which are reported to me, and if anyone has any questions about a particular individual I can provide details directly. Either post questions here or send me a PM. I will respond to any PM (or email) and will also respond on the website for any sighting which I consider to be significant.

I intend to post an update summary on the engraved flags in the coming weeks, to let people know about the resightings received so far and what these tell us about the waders in Deep Bay.
Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 21/03/2011 13:51

Report bird No. A5
Time : 1700 hrs. on 5/3/2011
Location: No. 17 of Mai Po Marshes

Cheung Wai-leung

Image Attachment: IMG_86310.jpg (21/03/2011 13:53, 347.73 KB) / Download count 1628

Author: John Holmes    Time: 22/03/2011 06:47     Subject: Class of 2004

From Saturday 19th March, a record shot of the Broad-billed Sandpiper mentioned
- only 11 flagged in HK, reports John Allcock !

Image Attachment: zBBSand_JH_6248.jpg (22/03/2011 06:47, 59.4 KB) / Download count 1453

Author: John Holmes    Time: 22/03/2011 16:31     Subject: HK leg flags

From the boardwalk, Monday 21st March -

Black-tailed Godwit "B7"  - still in non-breeding plumage

(Not photographed by us)

J & J
Author: Tony    Time: 22/03/2011 16:35

Gei Wai #11 @ Mai Po

Pied Avocet Flag A5
Author: hkinni    Time: 22/03/2011 21:48

Mai Po boardwalk

Image Attachment: D33_7218xs.jpg (22/03/2011 21:48, 84.98 KB) / Download count 1404

Author: hkinni    Time: 22/03/2011 21:49

Mai Po boardwalk

Image Attachment: D33_7221xs.jpg (22/03/2011 21:49, 83.66 KB) / Download count 1416

Author: lkatherine    Time: 23/03/2011 09:48

Black-tailed Godwits photographed by hkinni on 21-Mar-11:
Author: lkatherine    Time: 24/03/2011 14:27

24-Mar-11  Gei wai #11

Black-tailed Godwit B1
Author: dick    Time: 24/03/2011 22:23

MP Pond#11 2011/3/23
Black-tailed Godwit B1

Author: sbena    Time: 25/03/2011 13:29

Curlew Sandpiper D3. MPNR Gei wai #16/17, 13:15
Author: lkatherine    Time: 25/03/2011 17:17

25-Mar-11: Black-tailed Godwit B1 at Gei wai #11 again.

Interesting to see it coming back to the same area everyday, I wonder how long it will stay in Hong Kong before migration.

Author: ajohn    Time: 25/03/2011 17:27

I agree, it will be interesting to see how long some individuals stay.
For example, Black-tailed Godwit B1 was flagged in late January, so we know that this is an individual from the wintering population - does this mean it will depart earlier than the passage migrants currently arriving?
In this respect, keep a look out for Curlew Sandpipers. I am surprised that Bena's sighting is the only report so far - we flagged a large number of these earlier this week (so hopefully more sightings this weekend).  These are obviously migrants and it will be interesting to know how long they stop over in Hong Kong.
Author: ajohn    Time: 26/03/2011 23:05

I saw the following at Mai Po today:
Pond #11
Black-tailed Godwit B1
Common Greenshank A5
Also another Godwit with engraved flags (but I couldn't see the combination) and at least 2 Marsh Sandpipers with plain Hong Kong flags.

Pond #16/17
Curlew Sandpiper D3
Curlew Sandpiper E2
Common Greenshank A1
Author: lida    Time: 27/03/2011 13:52

On 26/03/2011(Sat.), a HK-flagged Black-tailed Godwit "B7" was seen on mudflat. Also seen was another HK-flagged Marsh Sandpiper, but could not see the number properly.
Author: hkinni    Time: 29/03/2011 01:40

Mai Po

[ Last edited by hkinni at 2/09/2012 00:40 ]

Image Attachment: D7K_4888xs.jpg (29/03/2011 01:40, 73.99 KB) / Download count 1444

Author: madcat    Time: 29/03/2011 20:11

2011-03-25  Mai Po Pond #11

Back-tailed godwit B4

[ 本帖最後由 madcat 於 29/03/2011 20:13 編輯 ]

Image Attachment: 20110325-P3254256.JPG (29/03/2011 20:11, 144.59 KB) / Download count 1436

Author: madcat    Time: 4/04/2011 00:16

2011-04-03 Mai Po Boardwalk
Terek sandpiper D2

[ 本帖最後由 madcat 於 4/04/2011 12:12 編輯 ]

Image Attachment: 20110403-P4034883.JPG (4/04/2011 00:16, 155.82 KB) / Download count 1560

Author: lkatherine    Time: 4/04/2011 10:01

This is D2's first resighting photo, it was flagged on 21-Mar-11.

But it is a Terek Sandpiper rather than a Curlew Sandpiper, the bill is up-turn and legs are bright orange.

Cheers, Katherine

[ Last edited by lkatherine at 4/04/2011 10:33 ]
Author: madcat    Time: 4/04/2011 12:12

Name's corrected... Thx...
Author: ajohn    Time: 6/04/2011 12:15

Thanks for the continued sightings being posted here. We have now flagged over 250 birds using the engraved flags, and there are plenty to see.
Yesterday (5th April) at Mai Po I saw:
Pacific Golden Plover J0
Greater Sand Plover E8
Marsh Sandpiper A8, B0
Common Greenshank A6
Red-necked Stint A5
Curlew Sandpiper A4, B9, D7, J1, J5, L8, M4

Pond 16/17
Curlew Sandpiper B9, C2, J7, L1, L5, L8
Author: lkatherine    Time: 6/04/2011 14:25

6-Apr Gei wai #16/17
Curlew Sandpiper C2

Author: lkatherine    Time: 14/04/2011 14:26

10-Apr from the mudflat:

Marsh Sandpiper: B0, D1 (plus 2 plain HK-flagged bird)
Grey Plover: C1

Author: ajohn    Time: 14/04/2011 17:53

Thanks for the sightings Katherine.
Marsh Sandpiper B0 is interesting - it was flagged at the end of August 2010 and was not reported between August and April. Perhaps it has spent the winter elsewhere and is now returning north.
Author: Sze    Time: 15/04/2011 23:44

I have tried to summarize the resightings in a excel file. Share with all of you.

Attachment: 香港號碼腳旗.xls (15/04/2011 23:45, 59 KB) / Download count 1225
Author: Sze    Time: 17/04/2011 02:28

puppymic took a photo (#33) for
Curlew Sandpiper (white and yellow flag - A9) ... amp;page=1#pid40016
Author: Stonechat    Time: 18/04/2011 21:58

C1 sighting
18/4/2011 Mai Po boardwalk

Image Attachment: P1060821A.jpg (18/04/2011 21:58, 129.66 KB) / Download count 900

Author: kennethchan    Time: 24/04/2011 00:22

1/  21-4-2011 at 米埔 NO.8 觀鳥屋

2/  23-4-2011 at 香港濕地公園 泥灘觀鳥屋

[ 本帖最後由 kennethchan 於 24/04/2011 00:23 編輯 ]

Image Attachment: DSC08224-1.jpg (24/04/2011 00:22, 170.26 KB) / Download count 914

Image Attachment: DSC08761-1.jpg (24/04/2011 00:23, 184.19 KB) / Download count 839

Author: Late    Time: 24/04/2011 19:51

Mai Po outing today.

Image Attachment: DSC_0886.JPG (24/04/2011 19:51, 67.75 KB) / Download count 793

Author: Paux    Time: 28/04/2011 22:16

Mai Po boardwalk
Greater Sand Plover C9

Image Attachment: IMG_4086maa.jpg (28/04/2011 22:16, 183.07 KB) / Download count 1008

Author: ajohn    Time: 29/04/2011 09:25

Thank you for the sighting Paux. This is a bird flagged in September 2010, and is now returning on northward migration through Hong Kong.
Author: lkatherine    Time: 3/05/2011 09:47

1-May @ Mai Po Boardwalk:

Grey Plover : C2, C3
Pacific Golden Plover : J1
Red-necked Stint : A1

Also a Greater Sand Plover with plain HK flag.

Author: lkatherine    Time: 5/05/2011 14:10

5-May Gei wai #16/17

Greater Sand Plover: E6, M1

Author: ajohn    Time: 6/05/2011 13:09

Today I have received news that three Curlew Sandpipers with engraved leg flags from Hong Kong have been resighted in Bohai Bay, China. Bohai Bay is almost 1900km from Hong Kong, on the shores of the Yellow Sea.  All three individuals were flagged in Hong Kong on 21st March and were resighted between 1st and 6th May (one was also resighted in Hong Kong on 2nd April).

These are the first sightings of our engraved flags reported from outside Hong Kong. We already knew that the Yellow Sea was an important stop-over site for waders migrating through Hong Kong, and there have been previous resightings from the area.

We have also now passed the landmark of 100 individuals resighted in Hong Kong (thanks to Katherine's last update). To date, over 400 birds have been fitted with engraved leg flags of 20 different species. Please continue to post records of any flags you see to help us build up a picture of the movement of these birds.
Author: lkatherine    Time: 6/05/2011 16:53

Brief translation:

觀鳥者於5月1日及6日在中國黃海渤海灣(距香港約1900公里)發現3隻繫有香港號碼腳旗的彎咀濱鷸, 為香港首個號碼腳旗的海外"重見"記錄. 過往黃海亦有繫有香港腳旗的濱鳥記錄.

3隻彎咀濱鷸皆是3月21日在米埔環誌, 其中一隻曾在4月2日在米埔出現.

現時繫有香港號碼腳旗濱鳥的本地重見記錄已逾100筆, 超過400隻共20種濱鳥已繫有香港號碼腳旗.

請繼續幫忙報告記錄, 以了解濱鳥的移動情況.
Author: lkatherine    Time: 6/05/2011 16:54

6-May Gei wai #16/17

Grey Plover: C2

Author: wserene    Time: 10/05/2011 22:35

2011-05-10 #16/17

Grey Plover: C1
Author: sbena    Time: 11/05/2011 15:04

11 May 2011, 13:45, Gei wai #16/17, Mai Po.

Curlew Sandpiper S7
Author: ajohn    Time: 13/05/2011 09:07

Another significant observation reported to me is a Black-tailed Godwit (B6) photographed at Cheongli County, near Beidaihe (Hebei province) in early April. This bird was flagged at Mai Po on 22 January. This is only the second time a Black-tailed Godwit with Hong Kong flags has been resighted outside Hong Kong. At about 1980km, it is also the furthest resighting for any of the HK Engraved Leg Flags.

I have also received a report of Whimbrel A2, which was flagged last September and is now passing back through Hong Kong on northward migration.
Author: sbena    Time: 16/05/2011 14:15

16 May 2011, 13:50, Gei wai #16/17, Mai Po

Marsh Sandpiper B6
Author: Stonechat    Time: 19/05/2011 22:01

K1 sighting at Mai Po on May 19 2011  13:29  #16 & 17

[ Last edited by Stonechat at 19/05/2011 22:03 ]

Image Attachment: P1070526A.jpg (19/05/2011 22:01, 130.73 KB) / Download count 819

Author: iherman    Time: 3/06/2011 23:11

2June2011 at Gei Wai 16/17
Marsh Sandpiper B6

Author: John Holmes    Time: 4/06/2011 08:52     Subject: Grey-rumped Tattler

Grey-rumped Tattler at the boardwalk June 2nd 2011 - HK leg flags, no engraving
Author: John Holmes    Time: 13/06/2011 20:52     Subject: Grey Plover

Grey Plover at the boardwalk, 11th June 2011  HK flags "C 1"
Author: hilldog    Time: 8/07/2011 16:26

C1 Grey Plover

Pond 16/17, 6 July 2011 afternoon

Image Attachment: DSC08710_ps_bws.jpg (8/07/2011 16:26, 181.8 KB) / Download count 676

Author: ajohn    Time: 18/07/2011 15:29

Southward wader passage is already apparent at Mai Po and surrounding areas, with moderate numbers of Redshank, Greenshank and Wood Sandpipers already present. The birds ringed with engraved flags last year may start to move through at any time now. At Mai Po yesterday, I noted one Redshank and one Greater Sand Plover with plain HK flags, both presumably on southward migration. I would like to remind any visitors to Mai Po to keep a look out for the engraved leg flags and report their sightings, either by posting here or by reporting to me directly (by PM or by email to jallcock AT Thank you.

Of interest, at least two leg-flagged birds have spent the summer at Mai Po: Grey Plover C1 (which has been reported and photographed here) and Whimbrel A2 (which seems to have avoided most photographers!). Both are in their first summer (i.e. hatched in 2010) and it is not unusual for birds at that age not to return to the breeding grounds. Interestingly, the Whimbrel was flagged in September and obviously spent last winter further south before returning as far as Mai Po to spend the summer.
Author: sbena    Time: 20/07/2011 13:11

20 July 2011, 13:00, Gei wai #16/17, Mai Po.

Common Greenshank A6
Also a Curlew Sandpiper with HK flags

[ Last edited by sbena at 20/07/2011 13:19 ]
Author: ajohn    Time: 20/07/2011 13:56

Thanks Bena. This is the first resighting of a bird with engraved flags which appears to be returning south.
A6 was flagged last September and resighted twice in April. It is a first-summer bird so perhaps didn't breed this year, which may explain the early return date.

[ Last edited by ajohn at 20/07/2011 13:59 ]
Author: lchunfai    Time: 24/07/2011 19:09

2011-07-23  Shanhaiguan, Qinhuangdao , Hebei (河北秦皇岛山海关)
Author: Sze    Time: 25/07/2011 02:07

Original posted by lchunfai at 24/07/2011 19:09
2011-07-23  Shanhaiguan, Qinhuangdao , Hebei (河北秦皇岛山海关)
Just a remarks: U6 is a Curlew Sandpiper!
Author: ajohn    Time: 25/07/2011 08:53

Thanks for posting this sighting - I would have missed this on the Chinese website. U6 was flagged at Mai Po in April and resighted at Mai Po in early May. The bird has presumably been to the breeding grounds and is now on southward migration.
This is now the greatest distance for one of the engraved leg flags (over 2000km).
If anyone is able to post to the website, I wonder if you could ask the photographer too submit the sighting to the Australian Wader Studies Group, who keep a list of leg flag reisghtings on the East Asia - Australia flyway. The contact e-mail is mintons @
Author: lkatherine    Time: 28/07/2011 11:04

26 & 27-Jul-11

Black-winged Stilt A8 @ Gei wai #7

Author: kennethchan    Time: 15/08/2011 23:09

16,17 塘

Author: hilldog    Time: 17/08/2011 17:01

15 August 2011 around Noon

Mai Po

A1: Common Greenshank (ponds 16, 17)
B1: Common Redshank (ponds 16, 17)
A4, D3, D7: Common Redshank (forgot the number of that pond)


[ Last edited by hilldog at 17/08/2011 17:04 ]
Author: ajohn    Time: 18/08/2011 12:49

Thanks for posting the photos hilldog and kenneth. It is interesting to see all these birds now migrating southwards, and the observations will hopefully help us to biuld a picture of the movements of birds in Hong Kong and beyond.

So far I am aware of 15 birds which have been seen on southward migration (9 Common Redshank, 4 Common Greenshank and 2 Black-tailed Godwits). There are also two flagged birds which spent the summer in Hong Kong (1 Whimbrel and 1 Grey Plover) and, of course, the Black-winged Stilt chick which Katherine resighted which was hatched at Mai Po.

I hope to write a more comprehensive summary of the initial findings from the engraved leg flags soon, but in the meantime please keep reporting any sightings.
Author: kennethchan    Time: 18/08/2011 20:32

D7 Common Redshank 紅腳鷸
17-08-2011 morning at
newest floating hide 新觀鳥浮屋

Author: fkkc    Time: 21/08/2011 20:53


Common Greenshank A8 @ Gei wai #16/17

Author: Late    Time: 14/09/2011 21:39

May Be Black-tailed Godwit "B7"2011-09-13_MP

[ 本帖最後由 Late 於 14/09/2011 21:43 編輯 ]

Image Attachment: DSC_6269_192.JPG (14/09/2011 21:43, 150.77 KB) / Download count 756

Image Attachment: DSC_6270_193.JPG (14/09/2011 21:43, 156.98 KB) / Download count 734

Author: ajohn    Time: 16/09/2011 12:16

Late, were you able to confirm that this bird was B7? It's difficult to see the number on the photos but I agree that B7 looks like the most likely number. B7 was seen at MP in August.

Of interest, I resighted a Wood Sandpiper (A1) at Kam Tin on Monday which had been flagged at Mai Po 10 days earlier. The engraved flags will hopefully allow us to understand more about the local movement of wader species within Hong Kong, as well as the longer-distance movements along the flyway.
Author: Late    Time: 25/09/2011 21:07

Today. Many many Hong Kong friends in MP with me.

[ 本帖最後由 Late 於 25/09/2011 21:15 編輯 ]

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Author: lkatherine    Time: 28/09/2011 10:16

27-Sep on Gei wai #16/17

Black-tailed Godwit: C5 and C9

Reported by Mr. Steve Young (Olango Island Bird Sanctuary)
Author: OlangoSteveUK    Time: 28/09/2011 21:31

I also had one Marsh Sandpiper in the scrape where the Grey Headed Lapwing had been seen on the 23rd September. This one had a single yellow tag on the right tibia. Unfortunately I was unable to read it due to the fact the Sandpiper was constantly running around.

This coming Friday I will be conducting a wader count at Olango Island, Cebu. I hope to find some waders that have previously been tagged at Mai Po.
Author: Paux    Time: 28/09/2011 23:31

28-9-2011@ boardwalk
Common Redshank - B6

Terek Sandpiper - K2

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Image Attachment: IMG_0887rb.jpg (28/09/2011 23:31, 98.32 KB) / Download count 1000

Author: hilldog    Time: 30/09/2011 01:46

Mai Po. 28 September 2011.

Marsh Sandpiper: N6.
Common Greenshank: R2, R5.
Black-tailed Godwit: C7, C9.
Bar-tailed Godwit: D1.



[ Last edited by hilldog at 1/10/2011 01:18 ]
Author: ajohn    Time: 30/09/2011 08:45

Thank you all for continuing to post your sightings. These should be useful in understanding the movements of waders in the bay, and beyond.
Most of the recent sightings are (not surprisingly) of recently-flagged birds, the exception being Common Redshank B6 (photo'd by Paux) which was flagged back in August 2010, and has not been reported since last November.

hilldog, the birds you have reported as Greenshank are in fact Marsh Sandpipers. Note the very thin, straight bill and the long, slender legs.

Steve, it would be great if you did manage to find any of our birds at Olango. We have never had a bird from HK reported in the Philippines, but I always wonder whether some of our birds end up over there.

Author: John Holmes    Time: 30/09/2011 09:32

29th Sept 2011

MPNR Pond 6 - Wood Sandpiper "M9"
Author: OlangoSteveUK    Time: 30/09/2011 21:59

Just a report of what I counted today at Olango Island. Unfortunately I didn't see any tagged waders but it was a great day nonetheless.
I counted them in the morning then at 2.30pm I found a huge collection of various species all running around.
The first figure is my morning tally, the figure in red is the afternoon tally. Please be aware that I was counting alone today so the counts are quite rough. Here goes

Whimbrel 250+ (Many Hundreds)
Eurasian Curlew 200+ (Many Hundreds)
Far Eastern Curlew 14+ (Looks like many more have just flown in)
Redshank 250+ (Many Hundreds, maybe over a thousand)
Grey Tailed Tattler (Many Hundreds almost certainly over a thousand)
Turnstone 50+ (Many Hundreds)
Sand Plover spp 250+ (Many Hundreds almost certainly over a thousand)
Grey Plover 150 (Many Hundreds)
Greenshank 100+ (Many Hundreds)
Terek Sandpiper 120+ (Many Hundreds)
Great Knot 150+ (Many Hundreds)
Red Necked Stint 50+ (Many Hundreds) + many Stints too far to I.D probably this species and Long Toed Stint.
Curlew Sandpiper (scores)
Asiatic Dowitcher 12+ ((At least 50 at very close range))
Bar Tailed Godwit 200+ (Many Hundreds)
Chinese Egret 14+ (20+)
Gull Billed Tern 68 (Many Hundreds)
Little Tern 10+ (25+)
Whiskered Tern 6+ (35+)
Unidentified Tern that looked very much like an adult winter Aleutian Tern.
White Bellied Sea Eagle 2
Chinese Goshawk 6+ (in flock early morning heading South)
Collared Kingfisher 80+
Common Kingfisher 1
Author: hilldog    Time: 1/10/2011 01:19

John: Thank for pointing out my mistake!
Author: lyatming    Time: 2/10/2011 00:01

1-10-2011@ boardwalk

Image Attachment: IMG_3649_3.jpg (2/10/2011 00:01, 153.83 KB) / Download count 683

Author: cwchan    Time: 2/10/2011 19:00

Common Redshank, No.D3
Mai Po, Tower hide.
2 October 2011

Digiscopic shot, 30X eyepiece, nikon 8400

Author: cwho    Time: 2/10/2011 22:23     Subject: Common Redshank-E3

Common Redshank E3 at MP 2011/10/01

Also Common Greenshank-A5 at MP 2011/9/25

[ Last edited by cwho at 2/10/2011 22:30 ]
Author: hkinni    Time: 3/10/2011 23:07

Mai Po Pond #16/17

Author: ajohn    Time: 4/10/2011 10:00

It's great to see the returning Black-tailed Godwits from last winter - all of the 'B' flags in Kinni's post were flagged in January last year.

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