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Subject: 【觀光船殺入后海灣濕地】Boat tour intrude into Inner Deep Bay [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 27/03/2020 21:07     Subject: 【觀光船殺入后海灣濕地】Boat tour intrude into Inner Deep Bay





>深圳湾航道疏浚工程(一期)环境影响报告书 ... 200319_19064921.htm
>>环境影响报告书送审稿公示时间延长的公告 ... 200327_19079509.htm

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Dear English speakers, sorry that all the notices and consultation documents are in Chinese. We were just informed by our friends in Shenzhen about an environmental impact assessment (EIA) of a dredging project (phase 1) for a sightseeing boat tour in the inner Deep Bay area.

Back in 2017, the Shenzhen Culture and Sports Tourism Bureau together with China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co. Ltd opened up a boat tour called “Shenzhen from the sea”. In September 2019, the Shenzhen government decided to extend the route further to the east, passing under the Shenzhen Bridge to reach areas including Shenzhen Talent Park and Mangrove Ecological Park. The current EIA is related to this extended boat tour.

In fact, the new boat tour route intrudes into the “Shenzhen important coastal wetland restricted red line area”, and is close to the internationally recognized “Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site” within the Hong Kong border. We are highly concerned such development and activities would increase the human disturbance in the Deep Bay wetland ecosystem, threatening the foraging and roosting ground for migratory birds. Unfortunately, the current EIA lacks the assessment for migratory birds. Also, it seems that a piecemeal approach is adopted for the works related to the extended boat tour, creating an impression that the footprint of the development is not extensive and thus the EIA cannot comprehensively assess all potential ecological impacts of the new boat tour route.

Deadline for public consultation: 8 April 2020
EIA report (in simplified Chinese only): ... 200319_19064921.htm
**Latest update on 27 March 2020: Due to plagiarism, the public consultation for the EIA was terminated by the Government.**

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Author: derekhon2    Time: 27/03/2020 21:24

今天去了一趟米埔泥灘, 發現雀鳥數目比預期中少很多, 也看見一些大型船在遠方的右邊經過, 日後如果再有觀光船出沒, 一定會影響候鳥遷徙.

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