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Subject: [China] Common Teal [Print This Page]

Author: passerby-b    Time: 2/12/2020 21:29     Subject: Common Teal

Common Teal, Shen Zhen Bay Park, Shen Zhen, 26 November 2020 @ 15:22 hours local time
綠翅鴨,深圳,深圳灣,2020年11月26日,15:22 時
Sony A7R3 + FE 600 F4 GM OSS + 1.4 Extender @ F5.6 and 840 mm, 1/2000 sec. , ISO 1000 (Auto), +1 EV EC, Post processed by PS

Image Attachment: Common Teal Female DSC00221.jpg (2/12/2020 21:29, 253.24 KB) / Download count 442

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