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Subject: White-winged Tern - Chlidonias leucopterus [Print This Page]

Author: John Holmes    Time: 11/05/2022 11:41     Subject: White-winged Tern - Chlidonias leucopterus

White-winged Terns on migration, south of Po Toi, 9th May 2022

In the bottom two shots, a flock is feeding over an area where small fish have been driven to the surface by bigger fish...

Seems to have been a good spring for this species.

Image Attachment: [ship] 220509_boat_J_A5691-01.jpg (11/05/2022 11:41, 66.39 KB) / Download count 239

Image Attachment: [adult] 220509_boat_J_A6150-01.jpg (11/05/2022 11:41, 83.37 KB) / Download count 249

Image Attachment: [flock] 220509_boat_J_A6254-01.jpg (11/05/2022 11:41, 89.09 KB) / Download count 234

Image Attachment: [fish jumping] w220509_boat_J_A6209-01.jpg (11/05/2022 11:41, 113.49 KB) / Download count 240

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