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Subject: [Oversea] 20:00 31/1/08 明珠台:海鳥告急 TVB Pearl Saving Our Seabirds [Print This Page]

Author: Webcreeper    Time: 30/01/2008 20:36     Subject: 20:00 31/1/08 明珠台:海鳥告急 TVB Pearl Saving Our Seabirds

31/1/08 星期四 明珠台
8:00 變變變生命力: 海鳥告急 (英/粵)(C)  
8:00 Man's Heritage: Saving Our Seabirds (ENG/CAN) (C)

1967年3月,超級郵輪Torrey Canyon在英吉利海峽的英格蘭西南部海岸附近海上觸礁沉沒,洩出汽油達11.7萬噸。那次意外,是當地最大的一次環境損害,令超過七萬五千頭海鳥死亡。由於汽油洩漏在海上,海洋氣溫上升,時至今日,氣候劇變仍然威脅著英倫海峽海鳥的生命安全。

In March 1967, the super tanker Torrey Canyon struck rocks, spilling 117,000 tonnes of oil into the Cornish Sea. It was the biggest environmental disaster of its kind; up to 75,000 seabirds died. Now a new disaster jeopardizes the birds: climate change. The burning of fossil fuels, rather than their spilling into the sea, has caused an increase in the ocean's temperature, threatening to have the greatest ever impact on the seabirds of the British Isles.

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