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Subject: [Oversea] Cheddar Reservior, Somerset UK. [Print This Page]

Author: kmatthew    Time: 25/02/2008 00:07     Subject: Cheddar Reservior, Somerset UK.

A surprisingly good place for water birds in the south-west, I never noticed before when I went there running with the school. The star of the day got to be a wintering Great-Northern Diver. A surprising find was a Red-Necked Grebe swimming among the flock of Great-Crested Grebe. Also an injured Common Gull was found on the bank, it didn't look like external injuries, so perhaps it swallowed a fishing hook??

Great-Crested Grebe x200+
Red-Necked Grebe x1
Great-Northern Diver x1
Common Pochard
Common Scaup
Goldeneye x1
Common Merganser x2
Tree Pipit x6
Meadow Pipit x10
Common Gull x1
Black-Headed Gull
Herring Gull
Lesser-Black Backed Gull
Green Woodpecker x1
Great-Spotted Woodpecker x1

Red-necked Grebe

Common Gull

Great-Northern Diver

Great-Crested Grebe


Common Scaup

Author: Hendrix    Time: 25/02/2008 10:45

like the flying Common Scaup   
Author: hkwongkit    Time: 25/02/2008 16:26

Re: last shot - Common Scaup

Looks very much like our Tufted Duck to me. :?
What make you think this is a Scaup, Matthew?
Author: wgeoff    Time: 25/02/2008 18:11

It's a Scaup KK.

Front of the wing mid-grey colour (black in Tufted Duck)
Back light grey (black in Tufted Duck)
Only a small amount of black on the tip of the bill (more black tip in Tufted Duck)

Good photos of medium rare birds in UK (Red-necked Grebe, Great Northern Diver and Scaup).
Author: hkwongkit    Time: 25/02/2008 20:24

Thanks, Geoff!

So, can I assume this is a male Lesser Scaup [A. affinis] then as denoted by its tiny black nail at bill tip?
Author: hkwongkit    Time: 25/02/2008 20:24

Thanks, Geoff!

So, can I assume this is a male Lesser Scaup [A. affinis] then as denoted by its tiny black nail at bill tip?
Author: wgeoff    Time: 25/02/2008 21:22

I presume it's a Greater Scaup (Arytha marila) KK, this is by far the commoner of the two in UK.

Lesser Scaup is a North American species, a vagrant in UK.

I'm not sure what the difference is but it isn't much.
Author: kmatthew    Time: 26/02/2008 00:16

Thanks for all your replies. Indeed Lesser Scaups are very rare in the UK, infact I have never heard any one who have seen one in the UK, yet. There were a few Common Scaups around in the reservior yesterday, but somehow no Tufted Ducks were seen. It seems that Common Scaups are really more Common in the UK than in HK.

Though about the Red-Necked Grebe, I have yet heard any one talk about it in the South West. I never knew they come as far south to the South West, always thought they were residents in Scotland.
Author: kmatthew    Time: 6/03/2008 02:46

I did some research after KK's suggestion of the Lesser Scaup, and infact there was a very recent records of Lesser Scaup in Cheddar Reservoir!! There was one in Cheddar March last year. So, it is definately not an impossible task.
Author: kmatthew    Time: 28/03/2008 00:54

Cheddar Reservoir late trip report for 24/3/2008

A sunny day with strong wind across the reservoir. Arrived with out my bins or telescopes as I left them at school and forgot to take them with me for Easter holiday. There were about 20 birders lined up along the bank with their telescope when I arrived, turned out there was a 1st winter Bonaparte's Gull about the last few days. Didn't get to see it very well, it was very far away.

Great-Northern Diver is still present, a long with the Red-necked Grebe which is now near full breeding plumage. 4 Scaups are still present, a long with the 2 Goldeneye. Sand Martins and House Martins arrived in big numbers.

Black-headed Gulls 60+
Lesser-Black Backed Gulls
Greater-Black Backed Gulls
Herring Gulls
Bonaparte's Gull x1 1st winter bird
Great-Northern Diver x1
Great-Crested Grebe 50+
Red-necked Grebe x1
Scaups x4
Tufted Ducks
Pochard x10
Goldeneye x2
Sand Martins 50+
House Martins 50+

Red-necked Grebe

Great-crested Grebe

Tufted Duck


Black-headed Gull

1st winter Bonaparte's Gull

The underwing is much paler, especially the primaries compare with BH. This was the only record shot which was recognisable. The flight pattern of the Bonaparte's Gull is also different to BH, Bonaparte's have a much more buoyant tern like flight.

Compare with the 1st winter Black-headed Gull, which is larger and have darker underwing primaries.

I got news that it is still present today, but the only time I am free is on Sunday, hopefully it will still be here so I can get a closer look and a chance to take some better photos. Also heard something about a Black-necked Grebe was present on 25th, but didn't hear any more news about it.

A bonus for that day were 3 deers grazing on a field. Ran away after spotting us. I am not too sure what species it is, but I presume it is either Roe Deer or a Red deer.
Author: cchristina    Time: 28/03/2008 08:41

Very nice photos!!!!

According to my book "Wild Animals of Britain & Europe", I do think it should be Roe Deer. I also got one!

Author: kmatthew    Time: 28/03/2008 16:26

Thanks Christina!!    I see a lot of deers around where I am, but never know what species they are.
Author: kmatthew    Time: 30/03/2008 21:49


The time in UK moved forward an hour now, so this morning when I arrived at 10:30, it was really 9:30. A chance for me to see some sleeping birds at close range. The Bonaparte's Gull was missing from 29th so I was unlucky and didn't get to see it again. Though The Great-Northern Diver and Red-necked Grebe were still around feeding as usual. There was a report of the Great-Northern Diver took off and flew around the Reservoir a few days ago, so perhaps it is getting ready to go.

Not a lot of special species today, except for a single adult Common Gull swimming in the lake.

Comerants x20+
Great-crested Grebes
Red-necked Grebe x1
Great-Northern Diver x1
Tufted Ducks
Buzzard x2
Black-headed Gulls
Lesser Black-backed Gulls
Herring Gulls
Common Gull x1
Author: kmatthew    Time: 31/03/2008 18:23

Tealham Moors

Not from Cheddar Reservoir, but saw a Whooper Swan on the way to school while on the school bus. Only a quick glance, but the yellow beak and less bulky body shape compare with the Mute Swans was very obvious. It was recorded since yesterday afternoon at Tealham, where I go pass in school bus three times a week!! A good new tick before going to school!!

All recorded on the bus:
Mute Swans
Whooper Swan x1
Cormorant x3
Little Egrets x6+
Grey Heron
Teal x2
Common Buzzard x3
Kestrel x2

I am pretty sure there are more birds around, but as I was in a school bus going 40mph down the moors, it was hard to get the small birds.
Author: kmatthew    Time: 11/06/2008 22:54


I didn't have any lessons this afternoon, so I had a quiet afternoon walk at the Reservoir. All wintering birds are now gone, only the resident and summer visitors are here. The amount of birds are now very low. Signs of breeding for a lot of birds, both species of woodpecker are now breeding. I saw both parent birds traveling back and forth from wooded areas to find food.

Great-Crested Grebe

Lesser Black-backed Gull

Other birds:
Comorant x5
Mallard x15
Common Buzzard x2
Kestrel x1
Herring Gull x18
Great Black-backed Gull x3
Common Swift x20
Great Spotted Woodpecker x2
Green Woodpecker x2
House Martin
Pied Wagtail
White Wagtail
Whitethroat (h)
Chiffchaff (h)
Spotted Flycatcher (h)
Long-tailed Tit x5
Coal Tit x2
+ Other Common Birds

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