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Subject: [Eagles] 赤腹鷹 Chinese Goshawk [Print This Page]

Author: james4j    Time: 7/05/2008 10:43     Subject: 赤腹鷹 Chinese Goshawk

Po Toi 蒲苔
1st year male 雄性

Author: cute    Time: 25/05/2012 20:53

Wow 好cute 啊。


Nature provides us life and living through an organic delicate system. All species are 'useful' and indispensable. We’re all depended on one another. We can live very well without columbarium. We cannot live without birds. We cannot live joyfully when birds become less and less. If birds cannot survive, we cannot survive and we will extinct sooner than they. Save Po Toi Island for ourselves and our children. Give us a natural park to heal our over stressed souls in Hong Kong. Let there be a small humble island to sooth the heavy laden city people all over the concrete jungles.

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