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Subject: Ringed Rock Dove..? 有腳環的原鴿..? [Print This Page]

Author: Beetle    Time: 18/12/2008 08:43     Subject: Ringed Rock Dove..? 有腳環的原鴿..?

Racing Dove?
Pui O, 17 Dec 2008
Nikon D90 + AF-S 384 + kenko1.4x

Author: ajohn    Time: 18/12/2008 12:06

This type of ring is typical of those used on racing pigeons rather than on wild birds.

This is a captive (or ex-captive) individual - individuals of the feral Hong Kong population are not ringed.
Author: wgeoff    Time: 18/12/2008 16:36

Your bird is a Taiwan Racing Pigeon. See this photo of typical rings

TFPF is one of the bigger racing pigeon associations in Taiwan. The year number on your bird is probably 2008 and the bird number is 36??11.

Taiwan is mad on pigeon racing, the betting exceeds US$1 million per race. Many birds are lost, some arrive in Hong Kong (eg Po Toi) and often become lunch for the Peregrines.
Author: Beetle    Time: 18/12/2008 17:54

Thanks for reply!
I think it would become another big lunch of a predator... It was so lazy to move, even when a truck comes by.

[ Last edited by Beetle at 18/12/2008 18:02 ]
Author: Linda    Time: 18/05/2009 15:31

Wow, I never see that before.

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