I wonder when will the next Black Vulture come to HK again!! One of my dream bird to see in HK!! Author: wcaptain Time: 31/12/2008 13:57
It is so sad to see photos of captive birds of no conservation value on the HKBWS website, of which I believe the objective of this society is to promote the enjoyment of wild birds, rather than birds without freedom. Captain Author: 深藍-Owen Time: 31/12/2008 14:04
previous discussion about this issue. Author: bball Time: 3/01/2009 02:02
請不要 post 滿 random photo Author: DanielCKChan Time: 5/01/2009 11:14
Original posted by bball at 3/01/2009 02:02
請不要 post 滿 random photo
Note the discussion from Owen's post. I will stop posting any photo related to Captive bird here.Thanks.
If possible, please help deleting the 3 photos of captive birds here and stop generating onto random photos (it is not generated by me intentionally). Thanks and sorry for inconvenience caused.
[ Last edited by DanielCKChan at 5/01/2009 11:18 ] Author: Web Osprey Time: 5/01/2009 11:36
noted and deleted as per requested.
for all members information, Random photo as what it said it will random select and generate a thumnail to the module from the attachments which uploaded by members automatically. Its fully automate and no human factors affected.
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