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Subject: [Falcons] Eastern Marsh Harrier at Mai Po [Print This Page]

Author: John Holmes    Time: 17/01/2009 09:39     Subject: Eastern Marsh Harrier at Mai Po

ID MKIIN + 800mm

The egret got away !
Author: bkenneth    Time: 17/01/2009 15:25

Very nice shot!
Do Harriers usually go after birds as large as Egrets? They, along with Curlews and Godwits usually seem to stand still when harriers pass over while all the little shorebirds wheel around!

Author: John Holmes    Time: 18/01/2009 08:41     Subject: Harriers

Hi Ken,

I think the Harriers will certainly attack egrets if they think they are sick or injured.  I also think that the bigger birds like egrets and curlews are still vulnerable to attack if they are in flight, so they watch carefully but don't move, hoping the raptors will pass them by.

Author: bkenneth    Time: 21/01/2009 10:12

Thanks for the reply, John!


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