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Subject: Unknown bird [Print This Page]

Author: isaac_chan    Time: 9/02/2009 20:37     Subject: Unknown bird

Shek Kong 石崗
D2x + AF-S VR 300mm + 2x

At first I thought it was Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike. But when I see this image, it seems its wings got bluish color and no white patches on its tail. So, what is this bird?

Sorry, this is the only image I got.

Author: handrew    Time: 9/02/2009 21:12

What size? Could it be Verditer flycatcher?  Andrew
Author: isaac_chan    Time: 9/02/2009 22:44

Don't remember, as I was attracted by few Grosbeaks....

I also think it may be Verditer flycatcher but not sure about it.
Author: HFCheung    Time: 9/02/2009 23:25

Looks like a Verditar Flycatcher to me, but information on the undertail covert will be very useful.

One should always remember that id with a photo is often difficult because one lose some information that is easily available when you see that bird in the field. In the field, you get a much better feeling of the size and colour, and behaviour is often important to determine what species group a bird belongs to.

HF Cheung
Author: nlinyau    Time: 10/02/2009 12:40

agree ,female Verditer flycatcher

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