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Subject: [Gulls] Slaty-backed Gulls [Print This Page]

Author: John Holmes    Time: 22/02/2009 08:30     Subject: Slaty-backed Gulls

Nam Sang Wai
ID MKIIN + 800mm

(I realize I should have posted this under "Bird Identification" - too late now !)

I'm grateful to Mike Chalmers for his comments below the photos.   Any other discussion will be welcome !

"Features in favour of Slaty-backed first winter are all dark bill and dark brown underwing coverts. Its looks like its still in early first winter plumage as by now head would often be whitish and some dark grey mantle feathers could be coming through, but no sign in this case. 

This bird clearly has a very broad dark tail band, but its pale at inner half at sides. However, this may just be within variation seen in Slaty-backed.  Outer primaries look darker than expected, and head doesnt show darker hood or ear patch, which are often features of Slaty-backed. 

Longish neck and sloping forehead are ok for Slaty-backed. On balance I think it is probably Slaty-backed, but it does show some vegae features..."

- Mike Chalmers

And here are two 2009-02-10 shots of Slaty-backed Gull ( a different one ) originally posted on a thread started by Neil Fifer and commented on already by Geoff Carey and Paul Leader

"The following features identify this bird: largely dark tail, lack of pale inner primary window, brownish belly contrasting with rather pale head (valid late in winter), relatively short, rather liver-pink coloured legs and rather compact structure.

It's a rather small, lightly-built individual, so I would guess it's a female.



[ Last edited by John Holmes at 22/02/2009 08:44 ]

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