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Subject: Bird with colored-rings, ID please? [Print This Page]

Author: danielge    Time: 16/06/2009 11:19     Subject: Bird with colored-rings, ID please?

Mai Po Access Road
June 13 5:30 pm, 2009
Left leg: red-blue-white
Right leg: red-metal ring
ID please? Thanks!

[ Last edited by danielge at 17/06/2009 23:46 ]
Author: ajohn    Time: 16/06/2009 13:42

This bird is a male White-shouldered Starling.

The colour rings are part of a project being carried out by the hong Kong Ringing Group into the local movements of this species.
The combintaion on this individual show that it was ringed as a chick in the MTRC mitigation wetlands at Lok Ma Chau in 2007. It was also photographed at Mai Po a couple of weeks ago: ... &extra=page%3D1
Author: danielge    Time: 16/06/2009 14:38

Thanks for the ID!


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