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   Sustainable Management Scheme in Long Valley 塱原可持續生態管理計劃
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   生態導賞員訓練 Eco-tour Guide Training
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   Author  Topic: 生態導賞員訓練 Eco-tour Guide Training  (Read 2729 times)
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生態導賞員訓練 Eco-tour Guide Training
« on: Aug 2nd, 2006, 12:14pm »
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人鳥和諧 自然共存 – 塱原可持續生態管理計劃

生態導賞員訓練已於7月23日及30日舉行,共有38名參加者參與是次訓練。 在兩次的訓練中,他們學習有關塱原的歷史、生態、保育、是次管理計劃及觀鳥等 ,我們 更邀請農友即場分享種植農作物及管理農田的經驗。參加者經過下星期的評核後,  將於九、十月帶領塱原公眾生態導賞團。
特別鳴謝 (農友及講員) [排名不分先後]:
Birds and Humans in Harmony – A Sustainable Management Scheme in Long Valley
Eco-tour Guide Training

38 participants joined the eco-tour guide trainings which were held on 23rd and 30th July. They learnt about the history, ecology and conservation of Long Valley, the management agreement project and bird watching. We’ve also invited a local farmer to share his experience in planting crops and managing farmlands. After next week’s assessment, they will be leading the Long Valley public eco-tour in September and October.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the speakers, participants and those who offered help to this training for their effort and support towards the project.
Acknowledgement (local farmer and speakers):
Mr. S Chan
Dr. HF Cheung
Mr. PK Fung
Dr. CH Hau
Mr. KL Hau
Mr. KB Lui
Mr. TH Lui
Mr. CC Wong
Mr. WY Yam
Hau Ku Shek Ancestral Hall, Ho Sheung Heung
Hing Kee Store, Yin Kong






« Last Edit: Aug 4th, 2006, 2:38pm by LVMA Project Officer » Logged
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