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Subject: [Egrets] Little egrets in Sai Kung [Print This Page]

Author: handrew    Time: 22/04/2010 14:49     Subject: Little egrets in Sai Kung

Normally I see 1 or 2 Little egrets around the shore here in SK. Today this flock suddenly appeared  (still here as I write) - probably 100 birds all told and undoubtedly a couple of Cattle egrets mixed in as I could see some tobacco colouring on a couple as they settled briefly.(We have what I think are non-domesticated cattle roaming freely here and they regularly give lifts to the Cattle egrets). I am not sure why they should all suddenly converge (very close to Yeung Chau).


Image Attachment: Little egret flock.jpg (22/04/2010 14:49, 98.39 KB) / Download count 455

Author: ajohn    Time: 22/04/2010 15:37

Bad weather at this time of year often results in flocks of egrets suddenly appearing in various locations. These are presumably migrants on their way north.
This is a behaviour I associate more often with Cattle Egrets (although is no doubt possible with Little Egret). You mention that there are apparently some Cattle Egrets in this flock - I don't know how close your views have been but is it possible that more are (non-breeding plumage) Cattle Egrets than you initially thought?
Author: handrew    Time: 22/04/2010 15:50


I can still see them through the scope at 60x - most are definitely Little.

There are also large numbers of Pacific swifts on the move.

Second image added - currently 58 "on the rocks".


[ Last edited by handrew at 22/04/2010 16:01 ]

Image Attachment: Little egrets 2.jpg (22/04/2010 16:01, 100.04 KB) / Download count 446

Author: ajohn    Time: 22/04/2010 22:44

Interesting record - these are presumably migrants (Hong Kong Little Egrets are breeding already!)

My previous post was really in case you didn't have clear views, which you clearly have. I hope you didn't interpret it as a suggestion you couldn't ID these species!
Author: handrew    Time: 23/04/2010 06:28

John, no offense taken! They were a long way away. I was in my study and the birds probably 1km away below me - the second shot was taken leaning the 800mm lens on the study window sill.

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