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Subject: Po Toi & Lamma Channel Outing Report 蒲台及南丫海峽觀鳥活動報告 April [Print This Page]

Author: jemi    Time: 1/04/2007 19:35     Subject: Po Toi & Lamma Channel Outing Report 蒲台及南丫海峽觀鳥活動報告 April

Society Boat trip to Po Toi Island, Southern Waters and West Lamma Channel on April 1, 2007

28 Participants (25 members, 1 non-member and 2 overseas visitors)

09:20 to 12:00 Po Toi Island,
back to Aberdeen Public pier at around 15:50.

Weather was good and sea was quite calm most of the time, there were some big waves when got to the bend of the west Lamma Channel.

Very quiet in the sea, basically no sea birds.

We had a distant view of 4+ finless porpoises
a flock of 40+ flying Garganey
10+ Red-necked Phalaropes
a flock 20+ unindentified flying waders,

On Po Toi Island,
many birds were seen briefly,  not by all the participants
such as the flycatchers, thrushes.

Grey Heron        蒼鷺        1
Great Egret        大白鷺
Little Egret        小白鷺
Pacific Reef Egret        岩鷺        8+
Garganey        白眉鴨        40-50
Black Kite        黑鳶 (麻鷹)        15+
White-bellied Sea Eagle        白腹海鵰        1
Peregrine Falcon        遊隼        1
Common Sandpiper        磯鷸        1
Red-necked Phalarope        紅頸瓣蹼鷸        11+
Spotted Dove        珠頸斑鳩        2
Plaintive Cuckoo        八聲杜鵑        1
Greater Coucal        褐翅鴉鵑        1
Common Kingfisher        普通翠鳥        1
Barn Swallow        家燕        6
White Wagtail        白鶺鴒        1
Red-whiskered Bulbul        紅耳鵯        5+
Chinese Bulbul        白頭鵯        10+
Chestnut Bulbul        栗背短腳鵯        H
Rufous-tailed Robin        紅尾歌鴝        1
Siberian Rubythroat        紅喉歌鴝(紅點頦)  2H
Oriental Magpie Robin        鵲鴝        2
Blue Rock Thrush        藍磯鶇        1
Blue Whistling Thrush        紫嘯鶇        4
Pale Thrush        白腹鶇        1
Masked Laughingthrush        黑臉噪(眉鳥)        H
Yellow-bellied Prinia        灰頭鷦鶯        1
Common Tailorbird        長尾縫葉鶯        1H
Dusky Warbler        褐柳鶯        1
Pallas's Leaf Warbler        黃腰柳鶯        1
Yellow-browed Warbler        黃眉柳鶯        6+
Mugimaki Flycatcher        鴝姬鶲        1
Red-throated Flycatcher        紅喉姬鶲        ?
Blue-and-white Flycatcher        白腹鶲        2M, 1F
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher        紫壽帶鳥        1
Buff-bellied Flowerpecker        紅胸啄花鳥        1
Little Bunting        小(巫鳥)        2
Black-faced Bunting        灰頭(巫鳥)        1
White-rumped Munia        白腰文鳥        2
Scaly-breasted Munia        斑文鳥        5
Black-collared Starling        黑領椋鳥        2
Crested Myna        八哥        30+
Common Magpie        喜鵲        2
Large-billed Crow        大嘴烏鴉        5
Egrets sp                60+
Waders sp                20+
[glow=red]Thank you for supporting this society boat trip.

Jemi & John
Author: fforrest    Time: 1/04/2007 20:23

Thank you Jemi and John so much for being as the outing leaders and preparing the birds list.

Author: sammysam    Time: 1/04/2007 23:41

Red-necked Phalarope 紅頸瓣蹼鷸
Pacific Reef Egret 岩鷺

Image Attachment: 2007-04-01-08-31-26_00003.jpg (1/04/2007 23:41, 0 Bytes) / Download count 3741

Image Attachment: 2007-04-01-08-45-20_00004.jpg (1/04/2007 23:41, 0 Bytes) / Download count 3722

Author: hpippen    Time: 2/04/2007 08:26

Thank you Jemi and John so much for being as our outing leaders  
Here is the one and only photo I captured in the trip... :wink:

a flock of flying Garganey


Author: jemi    Time: 2/04/2007 08:52     Subject: Please check your flying Garganey photos taken on the Aprii 1, 2007.

Please check your flying Garganey photos taken on the Aprii 1, 2007.

John has found a duck with long pointed bill amongs the Garganeys.  It looks like a Merganser.

I must make it clear that the birds list was the efforts all participants on this slow day.

A Tern sp  was spotted by Christina  Chan
Author: John Holmes    Time: 2/04/2007 09:10     Subject: Mystery Duck Photo

Yes, thanks again to everyone for what was really rather a slow day's birding. Going through my "flock of duck" shots I think I've found a merganser of some sort.

Image Attachment: seaduckspanorama-02.jpg (2/04/2007 09:10, 0 Bytes) / Download count 3629

Image Attachment: seaduckscrop-01.jpg (2/04/2007 09:10, 0 Bytes) / Download count 3641

Author: cchristina    Time: 2/04/2007 09:37

Thanks Jemi & John and all professionals to lead the trip and find the birds for us.

Here are the photos of the "flock of duck". Hope can help to identify the birds!

Author: hpippen    Time: 2/04/2007 14:43

1:1 pixel cropped, no sign of merganser to me

Author: wleepoin    Time: 2/04/2007 22:14     Subject: Po Toi & Lamma Channel Outing 1 Apr 07

Little Bunting

Blue and White Flycatcher (female)

Thanks Jemi & John for their leadership!

PWMK  :wink:
Author: John Holmes    Time: 3/04/2007 08:26     Subject: Po Toi & Lamma Channel Outing 1 Apr 07

Hi Winnie, Sammy, Christina, Pippen, Peter and Michelle.

Thanks for your clear and promptly posted photos, and sharing the experience.  
The photos we captured on the trip make it seem more interesting than I remember!

In Scotland we have the "Loch Ness Monster". Every few years someone claims to have photographed it,
and long debates are held about what blurry photos show or don't show !

As my pictures are not very clear, I think we'll just have to leave this as a "Mystery bird".

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