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Subject: [Oversea] Namibia:Rescuing birds in danger [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 12/03/2014 09:47     Subject: Namibia:Rescuing birds in danger

Namibia:Rescuing birds in danger
Source: Ming Pao Daily News

Namibia (納米比亞) is famous for the many thousands of birds that migrate across its deserts, forests and seashores every year. But not all these migrating birds make their journey safely. What happens to birds that are injured on the way? In the Namibia Animal Rehabilitation, Research and Education Centre (NARREC), about 25 kilometres from the capital, Windhoek, we met researcher and student Rosie. With the sounds of birds singing and calling all around us, Rosie told us about the work carried out at the centre.

Q ︰Hi Rosie. Can you describe where we are?

A ︰ Of course. We are at a research and nature centre which looks after injured and orphaned birds. Around us we can hear the sounds of many different birds in these big bird houses. In this big cage next to us there are two rock kestrels (隼鳥). The rock kestrel has a grey head and dots on its body, while the greater kestrel over there has a brown head and stripes.

Q ︰Where do these birds comefrom?

A ︰ Birds come here from all over Namibia. They get injured because they hit power lines or are hit by cars. Also there are birds that have moved away from their parents and nests, and they are too young to know what to do. When they come here, injured birds go first to the rehabilitation centre and they are given treatment.

Q ︰What is the condition of the birds in these cages?

A ︰ These birds here? All of them are injured. Some of them have broken feathers, some have broken legs and some can't fly. Birds that are well, if we know where they come from, can be released back to nature.

Q ︰So what do you do every morning?

A ︰ The first thing I do, around 7.30 in the morning, is feed the rodents (齧齒動物,如兔) in the rodent room. Then I go up to the bird houses. First I feed the parrots and then the birds of prey. I enter each cage very quietly and do not disturb them. I let them move away from me and then I leave the food on the rocks at the bottom of the cage.

I feed "day birds" in the morning and the evening, but the owls and eagles are only fed once a day. We give the seed-eaters seed and the meat-eaters meat. We must keep meat-eaters away from seedeaters - because they might feed on each other - [smiling] I mean, the meat-eaters might feed on the seed-eaters!

Q ︰Do you enjoy your work?

A ︰ Yes I do. I think it is a very good thing because wild birds are important in nature, especially the vultures ( 禿鷲) which clean up the environment. Some species are endangered. If we let birds die and we don't rescue them, the numbers will decline. It is also important to teach the public about birds, and how to protect them, and that is part of our work too.



1. This centre is in the capital of Namibia, Windhoek.

2. The rock kestrel has a grey head and stripes on its body.

3. Injured birds are taken to the rehabilitation centre.

4. Rosie moves very quickly when she leaves food for the birds.

5. Some birds eat seeds and some birds eat meat, so they must stay in different bird houses.



Population: 2,147,600

Capital city: Windhoek

Area: 824,292 km2

Answers:1. F; 2. F; 3. T; 4. F; 5. T.

To find out more visit ? British Council 2014.

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