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Subject: [Oversea] 2015世界候鳥日 World Migratory Bird Day [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 9/05/2015 13:14     Subject: 2015世界候鳥日 World Migratory Bird Day


為了慶祝世界候鳥日, 香港觀鳥會和其他地方的朋友以極危的勺嘴鷸作為這次活動的主角。勺嘴鷸遷徙路上不同地區的孩子們正在製作勺嘴鷸明信片,從勺嘴鷸的越冬地開始, 沿著牠的遷徙路線一站一站地通過明信片把保護勺嘴鷸和牠們的棲息地的信息宣傳開去。

想知道勺嘴鷸明信片是否可以安全到達勺嘴鷸的繁殖地俄羅斯, 便要留意我們建立的Facebook 網頁: ... 0551716?sk=timeline

This weekend is the World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD).

To celebrate WMBD, HKBWS and friends from other places are making Spoon-billed Sandpiper (Critically Endangered) the star of this event. Postcards of Spoon-billed Sandpiper made by kids are now following the real Spoony’s migratory journey, to spread the message about the importance of conservation to Spoon-billed Sandpiper and their habitats along the bird’s migratory route.

We have created a facebook page for this activity! Let’s keep an eye on how many Spoony postcards can reach to the breeding site is Russia! ... 0551716?sk=timeline

Image Attachment: Facebook cover page.jpg (9/05/2015 13:15, 152.62 KB) / Download count 627

Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 21/05/2015 12:02

“與勺嘴鷸一起遷徙——明信片傳遞”活動終於來到了香港站!! 元朗朗屏村東莞學校的小朋友為勺嘴鷸設計了漂亮的明信片, 並呼籲下一站的小朋友一起保護勺嘴鷸。希望這些明信片順利傳遞到江蘇如東和日本的小朋友的手中!
"Following Spoony to Migrate -- postcard exchange" activity finally came to Hong Kong. Kids from Tung Koon School helped to create pretty postcards of Spoon-billed Sandpiper, and call for protection of this bird to kids at the next station. We wish these postcards will safely reach the kids in Rudong, Jiangsu Province and Japan!!

Image Attachment: DSC_2486.JPG (21/05/2015 12:02, 1.67 MB) / Download count 607

Image Attachment: HK postcard_頁面_1.jpg (21/05/2015 12:03, 525.54 KB) / Download count 624

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