Subject: [Falcons] Black Winged Kite 黑翅鳶 (record only ) [Print This Page] Author: fneil Time: 30/08/2007 07:06 Subject: Black Winged Kite 黑翅鳶 (record only )
This was stretching the technology of digiscoping a bit through the heat haze yesterday at about 300 metres. This kite was seen around the edge of Pond 16/17 yesterday. I hadn't seen one for some time. Neil
Mai Po Nature Reserve, 米埔
Hong Kong,
Nikon 8400 plus Swarovski STS80HD scope and Sw 30x eyepiece and DCA adapter
Author: 深藍-Owen Time: 30/08/2007 08:09
Nice photo record Neil, its been almost 3 years didn't see this bird photographed in HK. (at least in HKBWS forum)
Thank you. I miss this bird very much~!
Author: cwchan Time: 30/08/2007 09:12
I saw it as well at about one hour after meeting you. Unfortunatly, I was unable to capture it as it only stood idle a short while. :cry:
Wing Author: kmatthew Time: 30/08/2007 11:14
We also saw this bird on 25th of Aug, and it was also very far away!!but we managed to get a few record shots of it, but the quality is poor. Also, we led a group of tour to see this magnificent bird!!it stood there for 30minute then flew away somewhere.
digiscoped with Contex U4R + Lieca 60x telescope
25th Aug MaiPo
Author: fneil Time: 30/08/2007 12:23
Now we have a challenge to someone to get a good photo of this handsome bird. Neil Author: ajohn Time: 30/08/2007 17:33
This appears to be a different bird to the one I saw at Mai Po during mid-July, which was clearly a juvenile (scaly back and overall brown tones to the plumage).
Hopefully the species will start turning up more regularly in the area again after a couple of quiet years Author: 深藍-Owen Time: 30/08/2007 19:16
forgive me to put back some old photos on this threads. I still remember many photographer take this bird in Tsim Bei Tsui together, but most of them are now disappeared from this forum. :cry:
20041022 Tsim Bei Tsui
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